Friday, March 5, 1971 THE GRYPHON Page 3 The RMSH stage crew, top row, Roland Valentine and Ju lian Pegram, bottom row, Larry Sharpe and Phil Newton. Stage Crew Helps Make Student Life Exciting What draws someone to the exciting world of the stage? Perhaps, not>e other than our fa«ciiuiUaK stage cr«w, wUouu always at the rifhl plac« at the right tln>« and always ready to work. Just think what an aasembly would be without Ftill Newton, Stage manager, Roland Valen tin*, Julian iWfram and l-arry Steriw—our stag* crew. What enactly doM the stag* crew do? Well betides gelTing out o( clak*, they ntake sure •II foreign objectt are off the stage »u the |*-r(urnwrs will WM fall and brnaki (heir HMka, Md the) *1*0 k«*p lha (act etoar ih itwir mli»la ihai il« show mu»i (ti on Yw*, taring a memtief Ih* e»*w U hill *11 r«M« •> sio e*e >4 tlw ntemlwrk r«n i«lt ■ HWk Wii(kll|g fuf Ito school they can also lie seen working at nights for various civic group*. The crew gets a chaoce to meet all of the peo ple that perform for the school. The microphones must be :iel up )ukt right, so everyone won’t lie blasted out of the room and all the background must t>e plac ed In the right position. Also, the flathlng llghli for a psy chedelic atmosptiere or the soft IlgtiU for the “luvyduvy'* scene are all ImpOkslbte wiihout the e«p*rlenc«d hftndk of >ur great crew. if you ctuld taka > (vak belUad stage before varh ak. seaibly yoH rtsiid earli ■MMtvr In hit ptMiiiun rwady •nd len»e, lK*i IteA sImmwI Ilk* akironaatk fur Un 9tt We all k|»«k i4 .inlt| Ut tktr »«lmH Well, l»re •• lta»« H la KU&H rrew Hard-Rock Soimd Sees Big Change In Today’s Music The sound — Where is it? Where has It been? The hard rock, mind-blowing world of music of Chicago and the Jef ferson Airplane is gone, to most people. Music is now making Us move back to the slow over tone music; The sounds of James Taylor, Bob Dylan, El ton John, have all made it big In the music world in the past year. Scads of groups that have been together and made It big are now splitting up into individual composers making their awn sounds and moving along to their own moods and feelings. Maybe this Is signifying the individualism in the youths of now, today. Recently RMSH hosted Hank Williams, Jr., a well known Individual In the country music field. A few years or Just last year none of the “hip” people would have been seen at such a place but, on the con trary, there was a good turn out and the country music style was recognized as a true art. Blues and the coimtry beat have come back to the minds of all. The harmonica and tlit* solo guitar are now being used In the place of the wall-to-wall speakers and dim lights In stead of all the psychedelic lights. Country music Is t>e- glnnlng to emerge into middle America. Kach musician Is. being considered a compos er regardless at what lypr Im» prefers and how he chooses to Interpret himself. Time magatlne recently In terviewed the Tiylor family, in the March t’>t lakue, viewing the sliding of the music descrl- |](BC the changtx as "The fading out of earnumbii^, acid rock, some say, is related to ihe softening of Ihe ytuih revolu- lion •• TImi tul«y kuund la a|»lli»- tic ai«d mske* iMage mote real and truihnil. U»e of the eld. er gvtterallun la teglaMug I* re«lly see uir awalc iBr Ih* flrei lime, for wtei N rwalU u Whaihar kar* fork, eckiirtri a* k>lk II u ail lw»*' Ilihhr.H Drens Shop iU AVK CITIZENS SAVINGS I LOAN ASSN. UOWMOWN ffOCIkV fttCM'lVT ^ » tr- t .♦#Tf • VOCUE DRESS SHOP Inv4if jfue f > nt- Six Nominees Announced For Governors School RMSH was fortunate enough to have six nominees announc ed from their student body to attend the annual Governor’s School. , The nominees announced by the school officials are in se veral categories—Art, Music and Academics. Those students chosen for outstanding academic achieve ment are Robert Dozier and Margaret Taylor. To attend under the academics a student must have an I.Q. of 125 or tietter. Students chosen to attend as from the field of art are, Eli- zabeth^Wftst, Ricjiard Byrd and Virginia Etheridge. Mary Jo Odom Is a nominee in music. A student chosen In the performing arts must have an I.Q. of 115 or better. Governor School of North Carolina lasts for eight weeks, it is held on the Campus of Sa lem College In Winston-Salem. Approximately fair-hundred students for North Carolina high schools attend. The students are nominated from the rising junior and se nior classes. There Is no dis crimination In choosing the stu dents for Governor School In either the economic or cultural background. The brilliant t>ralna of governor school nomlnee>, left to right, Margaret Taylor, KIcliard Kyrd, KlUdlwih Wt>st, |lobDo«U>r, and Virginia Ktherldge, CO-E-CO MK. tXVE^'O / U Far /lcwr^2i22Lr AH Iw CRYPIHiNS OFfKf fQtM^lfT CO. AH Ikr Way! IVarsall Oil Company Your ShvH Dititnbulor ALMAND^S DISCOUNT REXALL DRUGS MKUY MiH vm umr.'tT PtiN'm i*n HKAl.rtl A.Ntl ItKAtTY Atm t» a Mata M !*%•*» M3 tin C ft A H A BANK FOR ALL (EAtONS 11 \ s h I »r M u \ ^^ n