Friday, April 30, 1971 THE GRYPHON Page 3 April’s Kiwanis Boy Is More Than Just A Boy Hal Goff is, according to friends, an extrovert and a flirt; he is a playboy who is person able, Hal Goff is RMSH’s Ki wanis Boy of the month. The reason Hal received the honor, however, is obviously because of his active participa tion in school activities. He is co-chairman of the School Spirit Committee (which also makes him a member of the pre sident’s cabinet)^ he is and Congratulations to Hal Gof^ the Kiwanis Boy for April, He*s a right nice guy. has been a member of the Stu dent Representative Assembly, he has held homeroom offices, and he was involved in promot ing the Pakistan Relief Fund. After graduating from RMSH, Hal Goff plans to attend North Carolina State University. While at State, he anticipates going into the School of Forestry so that he will be able to man age private firms'forests In the future. ~MORE STUFF ABOUT HAL Presently, Hal is very ac tive in Church oriented acti vities. He is president , Qf the Christian Youth Fellowship, and he Is a member of the board at First Christian Church. And, because of his Interest In social affairs, Hal will be traveling to the United Na tions during the first week in May, He and junior Jackie Al len are going to observe Inter national affairs and to contrast foreign ways. In his spare tlme~aside from Church work—Hal likes to hunt, skeet shoot, and water ski. Hal is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Ha rold Goff of 1729 Fletcher Street. 'The Company” which will be playing at the Junior-Senior features from left to right: Bill Overby, bass and rhythm guitars; Tommy Henson, organ and backup vocal; Robin Wilson, lead vocal and drums; Billy Cleaver, lead guitar and backup vocal; Robin Smith, trumpet; David Nichols, drums; Johnny Githens, light show and electrician; Les Hicken, saxophone; Chris Ely, bass guitar and trombone. '^Company’’To Perform OnMay 7 Little Big Man": Movie Review By RICHARD NEWMAN Little Big Man Is a film that many people have been anxiously awaiting, mainly be cause of the presence of one man-Mr, Dustin Hoffman, Hoff man received much accalim for his role in “THE GRADUATE”, Mr. Hcrffman offers another sterling performance in "Lit tle Big Man”, In fact, his portrayal of Jack Crabb Is the highlight of the film. Jack Crabb Is a 120 year old man who happens to be the only living survivor of Custer’s Last Stand, The film begins with Crabb as a child. As a lad of seven, he Is captured by the Cheyenne Indians, Jack Is adored by the Chief of the tribe. Old Lodge Skins (who happens to be played by a real Indian, Chief Dan George), The scenes that take place in the Indian camp are so realistic that one wonders how much time was put Into this movie. The next phase of the movie Is the weakest in the film. The 25-year-old Crabb Is subject ed to all sorts of people, in cluding a “hanky-panky” mini ster’s wife, and young boy who thrills at Crabb’s gun-twirling exhibit. Crabb’s gun-twirling escapades account for many hil arious incidents. This phase of the film, which takes the white man’s side is well play ed but lacks much of the life and warm-heartedness of the Indian sequences. The climax of the film is the Battle of the Little Big Horn, The scene is staged well and features Custer and a cast of thousands. The battle scene comes at a very good time, be cause things had become ra ther boring during the prece ding scene. And of course, the white men are defeated and Jack Crabb survives. “Little Big Man” is a film that everyone should see, not only for the acting, but for its content of pure American history. Some like it soul and some like it rock. The RMSH 1971 Junior-Se nior Is coming May 7. Many students have been wanting to know what kind of band there is going to be, what kind of music they play, et cetera, “Company” Is the name of the nine-member group. Their manager, Mr, Richard H. Wil son, said, “ 'Company’ plays a variety of music, specializing In progressive rock. They also play soul and some psy chedelic, They like the music of 'Chicago’, ‘Blood, Sweat, and Tears’, ‘Santana’, and ‘Sly and the Family Stone,’ but they en joy playing the music of other popular groups.” Also, brass is often used in- the group’s songs and they pro vide their own light show. The types of lights used are color ed, black, and strobe. According to Mr, Wilson, “Company” was first known as “Hard Soul,” This was in the summer of 1969 when the group was first organized with six members. Their first perfor mances were at church socials, small parties, and high school dances, fii the fall of 1961, they added three members and RALPH W. WALLACE ROCKY MOUNT OPTICIANS OFFICE HOURS Telephone 446-5825 9:00 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. 1S1 S. E. Main St. SAT. 8:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. Rocky mount, n. C. WOOTEN'S SMALL ENGINE AND MARINE WE SELL THE BEST, SERVICE THE REST Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, Outboards 1145 Cokey Rd. GI 2-2369 ATLANTIC OFFICE SUPPLY 130 HOWARD STREET filbrifle FABRIC CENTERS Yurjtof I Mall Dotted Swiss, Printed Terry, Kettle Cloth, Whipped Cream MEBANE Shoe Co. A Great Place to Buy Shoes 132 S. MAIN STREET more quality to the group. During the spring of 1970, they began to get better-paying jobs and placed second in two out of three local Battle of the Bands contests. That summer “Hard Soul” was changed to “Company,” All “Company” members at tend Charles E. Jordan Senior High School in Durham and all have a tremendous amount of talent. There are six senior mem bers. Tommy Henson, 17, member of the Jordan High Band, will attend E.C.U, this fall. Robin Wilson, 17, mem ber of the National Honor So ciety and Jordan High Stage Band, vocalist with the Jor dan High Stage Band, will at tend U.N.C. this fall. Billy Cleaver, 18, member of Jor dan High Band and Jordan High Stage Band, will attend U.N.C, this fall. Other seniors; Robin Smith, 18, member of Jordan High Band and Jordan High Stage Band, All State Band, will attend E,C. U. this fall. Johnny Githens, 18, will attend N, C, State this fall, Les Hicken, 17, Na tional Honor Society, N. C, School of Performing Arts, All State Band, Jordan High Band and Jordan High Stage Band, will attend Eastman Sc hool of Music in Rochester, New York, this fall, Chris Ely, 18, National Honor Society, N. C. School of Performing Arts All State Band, Jordan High Band and Jordan High Stage Band, president of senior class, will attend Davidson College this fall. There is one junior and one sophomore in the group. Bill Overbey, 16, junior, is first straing center on the Jordan High varsity football team, and member of the Jordan High Stage Band. David Nichols, 15, is the only sophomore. EPSTEIN’S STORE FOR MEN DOWNTOWN ROCKY MOUNT It’S the real thing. Coke. Trade-mari(0 There’s Room At The TOP For You! NASH TECHNIUI INSmUTE P. 0. BOX 2347 CALL US: 443-4011