THE GRYPHON _ Published by the Journalism Qass of Rocky Mount Senior High School VOLUME m, No. 3 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 Morehead nominees from RMSH for 1972 are as follows: left to right, first row -- Steve Snipes, Sam Fuerst, Wayne Hodges, Mac Knight, Donald Carmichael. Second row — Ronald Carmichael, Bob Dozier, Bill Strandberg, Mike Barnhill, Roscoe Batts, Frank Avent, Bruce Flye. Morehead Nominees Announced For Annual Award Competition Divisional Workshop Meets For Discussion Twelve young men from RMSH were recently announced as 1971-72 nominees for thfe John Motley Morehead Scholar ship award, as a result of their high school achievements. These seniors are Roscoe Batts, Mac Knight, Frank Avent, Ronald Carmichael, Donald Carmichael, Mike Barnhill, Wayne Hodges, Steve Snipes, Bruce Flye, Sam FVierst, Bob The Nash County Democra tic Rally, which included a “Youth Rally,” with several RMSH students, and an intro duction of the gubernatorial Democratic candidates, was held at the Northern Nash audi torium Monday, October 18. To encourage the voters of Nash and Edgecombe counties College Directors Address Students For College Night College Night, an annual con ference at RMSH between col lege representatives and stu dents, will be tonight from 7:30 to 9 p.m. for all juniors and seniors. Representatives from seven ty-five colleges will be pres ent, Each student will be giv en an opportunity to visit a representative for a half-hour conference period. Students are expected to go to the conference of their choice at the begin ning and remain for the dura tion of the period. Parents are urged to attend the conferences with the students, since they are In volved as well After the con ferences, parents and students are invited to attend a social hour, where refreshments will be served. College l^ight will give stu dents an opportunity totalkwith the admission directors from several colleges, so that they will choose the correct insti tution for themselves. Dozier, and Bill Strandberg. The Morehead Award is an honorary award, accompanied by a grant of money used to finance the recipients’ under graduate study at the Univer sity of North Carolina at Chapel HilL This grant, which as of September, 1970 is $2,250 year ly, is renewable for four years. REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for the More- to consider the Democratic can didates convened for the first time. These candidates are Hugh Morton, Robert Morgan, Pat Taylor, and Hargrove “Skipper” Bowles. As a part of this Democratic rally, a youth rally was con ducted as a panel discussion, in which Northern Nash High School, Southern Nash High School N. C. Wesleyan Col lege, and RMSH all participat ed, Each of the four schools was represented by two repre sentative students from these schools. Bruce Flye and Con nie Maxwell represented RMSH in the discussion. YOUTH RALLY The Youth Rally was basic ally concerned with the eighteen-year-oW vote. Dis cussed by the panel members were the influence that the eighteen-year-olds will have on the upcoming elections, the at titudes of eighteen-year-oWs toward voting, and the ques tion of whether the eighteen- year-olds are promising politi cally. MEET THE CANDIDATES Following the Youth Rally was a "meet the candidates” hour, through which each of the four candidates expressed his views. Dinner was then served to all of those present, with hostesses from the dif ferent schools. From RMSH ■were Karen Kirkman, Janet Fish, and Miriam Lee. Ending the rally was a pro gram in the auditorium, emceed by Sam Bundy of Farm- ville. head Award, a student must be a graduate of one of the schools eligible in the Morehead Award competition, which are select ed by the Trustees of the More head Foundation. These young men must also meet the re quirements of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and as well must be unmarried. The Morehead scholars, who are chosen from the nominees representing various schools, show an evidence of “moral' force of character and capa cities to lead and taken an interest in school." These scholars must also have scho lastic ability and extra-curri cular assets, as well as physi cal vigor, shown by participa tion in competitive sports or by other ways. SELECTION COMMITTEES The twelve senior nominees from RMSH for this award were recommended from an RMSH Nominating Committee to a County Selection Committee. The County Selection Com mittee will interview these stu dents, and will recommend to its District Selection Commit tee those who are judged to be qualified for the award. The nominees who are chosen by the District Committee wiU in turn be recommended to a Central Selection Committee of the John Motley Morehead Foundation. The nominees of this committee will then appear before the Central Oommit- tee at Chapel Hill for per sonal interviews. A student council “Leader ship Workshop” had an esti mated loo student government leaders from schools through out Eastern North Carolina at RMSH, October 16. The leaders of the schools, which are members of Division Five of the Eastern District of the North Carolina Associa tion of Student Councils, direct ed the workshop. Representatives from Have lock High School, Weldon High School, Roanoke Rapids High School, Northern Nash High School, Battleboro Philips, R. M. Wilson Junior High, Ben- venue Middle School, Weldon Junior High, and RMSH met to exchange Ideas and to discuss problems that leaders face in student government work. GENERAL SESSIONS The leaders gathered at 9:30 a.m. In the RMSH auditorium for the first of two General Sessions. The highlights for the session were individual talks on the aspects of the workshop’s theme of “Leader ship” and an address on the challenge of leadership by Helen Deere, the Eastern Dis trict President, of Havelock. Special emphasis was placed on four main aspects of leader ship: Qualities of the Good Leader, the Goals of the Good Leader, the Plan of Student- to-Student Leadership, and the Importance of We 11-Trained Leaders. DISCUSSION GROUPS After theGeneralSesslon,the leaders were separated into discussion groups which were Yvonne Dew and Mary Barr, two seniors at RMSH, were an nounced as semi-finalists in the National Achievement Scholar ship Program for Outstanding Negro Students, Thursday, October 7. The National Achievement Scholarship Program for Out standing Negro Students is af filiated with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, a non profit Illinois educational or ganization, Yvonne and Mary, who are At RMSH divided and grouped according to leadership position. These groups enabled leaders with common positions to discuss their problems, share new ideas and exchange information. A catered lunch was served in the school cafeteria and the workshop reconvened for general rap sessions between all of the representatives. The Second General Session was concerned with business affairs involving the Eastern District. The Workshop served as a warm-up for the statewl-Je meeting of the NCASC which will be October 30-November 2 in Charlotte. The Eastern Dis trict Convention will be in March. RMSH Delegates Attend Convention For State Schools Steve Braswell, Lynn Car ter, Richard Bulluck, Gina Ben nett, Carolyn Bishop, and Gloria Carney, all of RMSH, along with Miss Kate Parks Kitchen, Guidance Counselor, will at tend the North Carolina Student Council Congress Convention Saturday, October 30. The North Carolina Student Council Congress, which will meet in Charlotte this year, discusses each year the various conflicts and problems that the involved schools encounter, through discussion groups. During this fall convention, ^Continued On Page 3) among the 1450 Achievement scholarship semi-finalists, are two of the highest scoring Negro students in their geographic area. These Negro scholar ships are distributed to the highest scoring Negro students in one of six geographic re gions throughout the country. To become a finalist, a semi- finalist must have the endorse ment of his school. The winners of this scholar ship will receive either a one time, non-renewable National Achievement $1000 scholar ship, or a four-year renew able one. In 1972 approximate ly 225 finalists will receive $1000 scholarships, while about 125 scholars will receive four- year, sponsored scholarships, Scholarship winners will be announced March 1, 1972. Scholarsiiip winners are based on their academic and leadership record, their per sonal achievements and abi lities, and the finalists’ state ments about themselves, along with their test scores. The schools’ characterizations of these finalists are also an Im portant factor in the selection committee’s choice of winners. Financial need is not a factor In the selection of winners. Yvonne Dew, left, and Mary Barr, were recently announced as semi-limlists In the National Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding Negro Students. Democratic Rally Includes Youth Discussion On Vote Seniors Rival Among 1,450 In Scholarship Contention