PAGE 2 THE GRYPHON THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 Class Of 1973 Graduation will be here soon, and with the depar ture from RMSH of so many good friends who have experienced the same feelings — begin “Super Sophs, putting on a Junior-Senior and the many relationships which will last for lifetimes. The Class of 1973 has left its mark on RMSH; its progressiveness and leadership in the SRA, its role in athletics, and its various personalities which make dull days a little easier to take. Now with Sheepskin almost in hand, we must lead on — in the school of life, holding on to our old ties and grasping new ones at college or work; wherever, we must strive to become life’s student, always will ing to progress, developing new interests and friends, remembering that our real education and its roots started here at RMSH - as members of the Class of 1973, It’s Your Future This is the last straw. Time and time again a “well meaning” student has come before Ms peers to arouse or enlighten students and adminstration. But one certain young man has decided that he is the savior of youth, a prophet for his disciples. He has gone too far. When one gives a political speech he must take into consideration his political and moral views. The speech given by the student was certainly political but was it moral. He told the students at RMSH exact ly what they wanted to hear, (political) But did he tell them the intire truth, (Moral). The truth is that “I; am your prophet and you are my disciple” attitude is terrible reasoning for a class rffic^r. In our deml^, cracy, the elected officers follow the wishes of the majority not the majority follow the wishes of the of ficers, It would be easy to crucify the individual but we must attempt to understand him and try to per suade him to look towards the true “Prophet” of peace, love, understanding and brotherhood. New Members Inducted (Continued from Page 1) Juniors Inducted aire as fol lows: Dean Barnes, son of Mr, and Mrs, B. D, Barnes; Mary Thane Barnes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph K. Barnes; Jeff Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Collins, Jr.; Walter Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs, B. W, Cooper; Jean Dare, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Har dee; Allison Davenport, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Da venport; Karen Gay, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mack L, Gay, Jr.: Wilton Gay, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlyle Gay; Me lanie Goff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Goff; Debbie Hardey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Harvey; Pa mela James, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. A. James, Jr.; Donna Lynn Joyner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence L. Joyner; Wadye Morton, dau ghter of Mr, and Mrs. FeUx Morton; Paula Murrill, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Murrill; Laura Nobles, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nobles, Chip Pearsall, son of Mr, and Mrs, Harry S. Pear sall; Randy Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry; Renee Pullen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles R. Pullen: Bill Roebuck, son of Mr, and Mrs, Vernon Roebuck; David Sas ser, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Sasser: Georgetta Sharman, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Sharman; Susan SuUIvan, dau ghter of Mr, and Mrs, C. E. Sul livan; Gordon Vestal, son of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Vestal, Jr,: Routh Thorp, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Lewis Thorp; and Jimmy Weeks, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Weeks. The oath of office was ad ministered by the president. After the induction ceremony, a luncheon was held at the Carle- ton House Restaurant, under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Ha rdy and Mrs, Sue Hayowrth, advisors of the NHS Chapter of RMSH, Jerry Parker en tertained the guests and me mbers with his singing and gui tar. Honor Roll G)mpleted ♦These are the names that were left off the honor roll Ust last edition of the GRY PHON. Tenth Grade "A” Honor Roll - Susan Mooring Tenth Grade “B” Honor Roll - Bryant Aldridge, CathyAllen, Michael Alston, Phyllis Eas on, Sonya Gurganus, Wanda He nderson, Frank Inscoe, Doris Joyner, Sue Ellen Jojmer, De nise Renee Odom, Mildred Di ane Nelms, A Ivan Nelson, Kim Nelson, Mary Parrish, Anne Ramsey, Walter Ricks, Lisa Roberson, David Shearin, Ruth Thompson, Susan Whitley. Eleventh Grade “A'’ Honor Roll - Ginny Bass, Randy Per ry. Eleventh Grade “B” Honor Roll - Vicki Barnes, Jean Dare, Karen Gay, Michael Hopkins, Renee Pullen, Donna Williams, Twelfth Grade “A" Honor Roll - Joan Hayes, Kay 0’_ Neal, Mary Alice WWtaker, Twelfth Grade "B” Honor Roll - Vickie Alford, Diane Da ncy, Grace Dortch, Pery Ez- zell, Ken Fisher, Vicki Lynch, Susan Mayo, Deborah Ruffin, Gwen Taylor, LeUa Watson, FIND A JOB THAT SATISFIES ANDCouNnrs; its not how YOU WILL MAKE A LIVING, IT IS ALSO HOV^ YOU WILL Make a life. Around The Campus —by William & Ray ^ • v'f .1- ; Finally! The last issue of ‘ THE GRYPHON!! Our ninth is sue- it has been trying at times; I admit, but the experience is well worth it. To our advisor, Mrs. Williams, whose patience has grown thin issue by issue but never once broken, a hearty thank you from William and me; as well as the rest of the staff. Thanks should also be ex pressed to the Administra tion for engineering perhaps the smoothest year in the his tory of RMSH, A "tip of the hat” also goes to Miss Klt- chln, Mrs, Tweedy, and Mr. Hutchission whose advise and guidance have kept our prob lems to a minimum,” The Hi-Noc-Ar has out-done Itself with this year’s book. Also the D,E,, I.C.T, and VICA pro grams for RMSH have all bro ught the school many honors of which we may all be proud. Another highlight of the year was the RMSH Band, who have to be the best sound In Rocky Mount Kay Kyser. The choral department has also had its high notes this year. Their januts of the Mix ed Chorus, Boys’ Chorus, Girls’ Chorus and Modernaires have been greeted by all their lis teners most graciously. RMSH can also take pride In Its drama department. The department made Itself known throughout the city school sy stem as well as throughout the statfe. For RMSH sports, this has been a year to remember. Two division champions In wrest ling and baseball, in addition to high finishes in other sports both conference and state - wide are a tribute to player, coaches and manager, not to mention fans. Spirit at Senior High has been greatly motivated by our high-leaping cheerleaders, who all deserve commendation for their efforts, determination, and dedication. Finally, William and I would like to the THE GRYPHON staff especially the seniors who will be splitting up — their maturity and good humor has made this year a little easier — so to Jan, Theresa, Sue, Pam, Ly nne, Beverly, Mona, Kent, Wil liam, and Cameron, thanks for making journalism a little more enjoyable. To our rising senior staff, we just hope Debbie can keep her staff in line and we wish them all the luck possible. LETTERS to the EDITOR Letter to the Editor Being a new student this past fall, I have compared RMSH to the schools I have attended in the past. RMSH students sho uld be very proud of their pri vileges they have here. Very few schools allow their stu dents to leave the campus for lunch. We have an open dress code, which some schools don’t. The students are supplied with a paved parking lot, while the fa culty has to find a park else where. We are blessed with lots of assemblies, many more than most schools. No group can live in harmony without rules of behavior. Ima gine this, or any other school, with no rules or a school com pletely governed by students. Utter chaos would be the only result, I will always be proud to say I graduated from RMSH, and I find it hard to believe that some students express disgust with this school and its admi nistration, This school has an outstanding faculty and lam as hamed of students who degrade them. Sometimes, actions of stu dents, bring about unpopular re gulations, I feel that we are treated' as we act. We are not treated as cattle, though at times we should be; during some assemblies we sound like a herd of cattle. The majority of the students of RMSH know we are #1, and the actions of this majority show this. Join us! Thank you, Ronnie Asborne GR YPHON Staff Journeys To Telegram, WCEC, WRAL The Gryphon Staff started its travels later in the year, but better late than never. The class of elghtteen stu dents and their advisor Mrs, Margaret Williams took Wed nesday afternoon, April 25, and toured the faciUties of The Rocky Mount E^renIng and Sun day Telegram. Vernon Sechrle- st, editor of the paper, showed the class many interesting acti vities that go on at a newspa per office. Later that day, they went to Radio Stations WCEC and WF- MA. Joe Warner, program di rector, explained the life and times of radio. The staff left at 8:45 on May 3 for a day long trip to Raleigh to observe the journalistic styles of the Raleigh Times and the New & Observer and also TV Station WRAL. The class had an hour long tour at the newspaper offlcewhere they ob served the methods of compil ing a paper and the way the pa per is printed. Also, infor mation about newspaper pho tography was presented to the class. After the newspaper tour, the staff went to Cameron Vil lage where they ate lunch at the K&W Cafteria and after wards shopped for a few min utes. Following this, the staff went to WRAL and observed TV jour nalism methods. THE GRYPHON Member of Columbia Scholastic Press Association Member of Quill and Scroll, I.H.S.H.S.J. $1,25 Yearly Co-Editors William Farmer, Ray Brinn Advertising Manager Janet Barkhouse Business Manager Theresa Stubbs Circulation Manager Ford News Editors: Pam Longwill, Lynne Hobbs, Jeanne Wilson, Beverly White hurst, WilUam Farmer Feature Editors: Mona Macky, Theresa Stubbs, Sue Ford, Maxine Joyner, Myra Fisher, Kent Washburn, Frank Gilllspie Sports Editors: William Bennett, Cameron Privott Editorial Writers; Debbie Harvey, Ray Brinn Advisor Mrs. Margaret Williams Principal , - , , Mr. Elton Newbern Associate Principal Robert Hines Assistant Principal Mr, Robert Miller