i*a(;k 10 TIIK (JKYPIION JANUARY ;«(, 1974 Jeff Collins shifts into fourth near aKaiiist Durham. (Photo by Keii( IVIuiTny) Jayvees Undefeated In Last Four Contests The KMSn Jayvees have compiled a 8-2 record so far this season mainly behind the scoring of Charles Lewis, who is a member of the varsity loam now, Ken Bullock, Heginald Lucas, Willie Williams, Ronald Martin, Sidney Armstrong and Ix'roy Alexander. Other members of the team played important parts. Jimmy Robertson has been a fine defensive player. Perry Mayo, Jeff Joyner, Robert Privolt. Tommy Smith, Sti*warl Joyner, and Daniel McC’allum hiive filled in when the team needed a lift. The RMSH Jayvees outscored the Wilson Jayvees in every quarter on their way to a (>8-4:5 victory. Ken Bullock led the Gryphons with 27 points. Reginald Lucas added 12. The RMSH Jayvees traveled to Durham Hillside where they defeated Hillside 52-47. The Gryphons had to battle back from a six point deficit at the end of the third quarter. Willy Williams was the leading scorer for the Baby Gryphs with 14 points. Leroy Alexander and Reginald Lucas added 9 each. THE REMNANT SHOP Complete Sewing Center — “Sew and Save” 252S Sunset Ave. — Tel. 443-1181 Sunset Pharmacy 1601 WesI Thomas 446-5333 % FOR MEN • TOTAL GROOMING CONCEPT HOURS ^ • FULL SERVICE _ .. Mon. Friday Men's Hnirpieces — Sales & Service rFOR APPOINTMENT 443-3122 Sat. 8-1 (WEST END PLAZA) 145 Winstead Ave. Rocky Mount, N.C. Superlock Mgn. Soulh rhuroh Sf. ExI. Division Fontaine Trucking .ma:\'1'Fai'ti'kers of 5TH WHEELS... RAI KBOXE OF \>IERirA\S TRITKI.'Nf.; The RMSH Grapplers 1x1 It led Northern Nash to a 2(^ 26 tie at N.N. in their eighth mt!et of the 7:!-74 season. This gave the RMSH Grapplers a li-.Vl record for the season. The Gryphons have defeated Knioe, Hillside, and Durham Sr. The outstanding junior and senior members on the team this year are Donald Farmer 8-0, Dwight Jordon 7- M), and (,'ecil Dunbar (i-2. Other junior members have dedicated themselves to improvement and should prove to be a great asset to the team next year. All of the members of the wrestling team have dedicated themselves to wrestling, practicing six days a week, and keeping their weight down. Keeping weight down is probably the hardest piirt of wrestling. These young men go all day without eating or drinking, and then go on the mat and battle their opponent for 6 long minutes. RMSIl vs. Northern Nash 27- 27 (98) Eastman (RM) defeated Mitchel (NN)...8-7 (105) Kingsbery (NN) defeated Dunbar (RM) 11-10 (112) Womble (NN) pinned Chavis (RM) 6-0 (119) Powell (NN) pinned Avent (RM) 6-0 (126) Farmer (RM) defeated Jones (NN) 9-0 (1:52) Jordon (RM) defeated Morgan (NN) 6-2 The Baby Gryphons fell iK'hind Durham Senior 18-13 in the first quarter. Reginald Lucas poured in 15 and Sidney Armstrong added 10 in the (Jryphons crushing defeat. The Baby Gryphons, after ouLscoring Durham Hillside in the first quarter 26-9, defeated Durham Hillside 73-58. Three players were in double figures for the Baby Gryphs. Charles Lewis poured in 13 in the first quarter and finished the game with 22. Reginald Lucas finished the game with 16 points; Ken Hullock added 14. The Baby Gryphons captured an early lead, but suffered defeat at the hands of Goldsboro 71-70. Outstanding scorers for the Gryphs were Willie Williams with 15, Ronald Martin with 13, Leroy Alexander with 12 and Reginald Lucas with 11. The Baby Gryphs took an early lead and never let up as the Gryphs defeated Durham Senior 76-51. Outstanding scorers for the Gryphs were Charles Lewis with 19, Hegimiid Lucas with 13, and Leroy Alexander with 12, After being behind at the end of the first half 25-23. the Baby Gryphs outscored Sanderson 36-15 in the second lialf to give the Baby Gryphs a 39-10 victory. Leading scorers for the Baby Gryphons were Jimmy Roberson with 15 points and Regiraldi Lucas with 14 points. Iley Phil - look now, but somebody’s watching you! (Photo by Kent Murray) (i:58) Dawes (RM) defeated Carroll (NN) 9-6 (145) Clark (RM) defeated Price (NN) 7-4 (1.55) F'reer (NN) defeated Harper (RM) 12-5 (1.55) Freer (NN) defeated Harper (RM) 12-5 (167) Kirkman (RM) defeated White (NN) 4-2 (185) Wilson (RM) pinned White (NN) 6-0 (195) Wiggins (RM) tied Carter (NN) 2-2 (HVY) Hilliard (NN) pinned Harris (RM) 6-0 I 1 I OAK WOOD PHARMACY j ‘THE NEIGHBORHOOD PHARMACY” 329 Fairview Rd. Tel. 442-8159 TRY REFRESHING SUN DROP Raleigh Rd. GI 2-1422 Bel Air Chevrolet Bone International Crest Ford, Inc. Davenport Motors Don^s Datsun Farris Motors, Inc. Falke B. Chipley Howell Buick Friar Volkswagen, Inc. John Vann Motors Ray Bandy Dodge. Rocky Mount Chrylser-Plymouth Rocky Mount Toyota, Inc. ROCKY MOUNT NEW CAR DEALERS