tfje (grppjjon (D Attack On America Connected: Stories from Gryphon Survivors On the day the hijacked planes of America crashed into the twin towers of trade and Washington’s Pentagon, the emotions of teachers at RMSH crashed with them. Though many were upset over these tragedies, two were brought to a higher level of distress—Mrs. Hammill and Mrs. Wall. Mrs. Hammill, a provider of our computer education, was devastated to learn of these attacks, knowing her son is involved in the National Guard. Even though her son was located in Germany during the attacks, she worried that his base may have been a target. When contact with her son was finally made, all was well, but new worries of combat entered Mrs. Hammill’s mind. Hammill says her son’s unit has not been deployed, but could be any day depending on government decision. She feels her son may not fight if war calls, because of the large usage of battle-experienced troops. “As a worried mother,” says Mrs. Hammill, “you never know what may happen, and the concern for my son is indescribable.” As the devastation passed through the halls and met room 215 of Mrs. Wall, anxiety began to fill her mind. Mrs. Wall, one of our strongest mathematics teachers, became heartbroken to discover the Pentagon, which neighbored her mother and father-in-law, had been attacked. When she learned of these attacks. Wall says she frantically contacted her husband, and breathed a sigh of relief to find that her relatives were safe. Mrs. Wall says her husband was on the phone with her mother-in-law when the plane rammed into the Pentagon. Her mother-in-law described the area around the Pentagon as a traffic field war zone, with confusion everywhere. These terrible attacks committed seemed to cause a large separation of emotion in student body and staff. World Trade Center Facts -WTC consists of two 110-story office towers. -Arcitect Minoru Yamasaki desingend the outside of the building as a steelwork mesh that suported most of the weight of the towers. -The WTC was the tallest skyscrapers in New York City. -3,500 workers worked on the building on any given day -The WTC had the largest refrigeration plant in the world weighing 60,000 tons. -Febuary 26, 1993, a terrorist bomb exploded in the underground parking level of Tower One leaving a 200 foot wide and five story deep crator -One tower was just 6 feet taller than the other. -It was possible to see out for 45 miles from the observation desks. -A total of 50,000 people worked in the World Trade Center. More than 150,000 business and leisure visitors came to the complex daily. -The WTC had approximately 42,600 windows and more than 200,000 tons of steel. Pentagon Facts -It is one of the largest office buildings in the world -It stands across from the Potomic River dividing Washington, D.C. -It headquarters of the Department of Defense. -Loctated in Arlington, VA, the Pentagon is directly across from Washington, D.C. -The building is 5 stories tall, covers 29 acres, and has about 3,705,000 square feet of office space. -Nearly 23,000 people work in the Pentagon. -Some of the offices located in the Pentagon:Army, Navy, Air Force, Office of the Secritary of Defence, etc. -The building began to take shape in September of 1941, and was completed in January 1943. -The construction rationed the use of steel since it was built during the middle of World War II. -When it was planned, the idea of having all the military offices in one building was rejected by most, but was then approved by President Franklin Roosevelt.