17. |tiifl|iiiiiiii.l;ifi!:iil;!:!t}ii!iiia;iil,iBi!ill|lpi^^^ Mr, McDaniel* ”Max, if you sold me something belonging to •'V/oody" , v;liat would each of us be called?” MaxJ "Well, I^d be the broker, "Woody" the consignerj and you would be the - - Henry Broadv/ell: "YouM be the sucker I” In sociology class: lir, Hatley; "CT. cut off that noise ”I can’t find the sv/itch,'^ J. W. Miss Watson: "li^ho was the hero of the first English prose romances?'* Orge Cooper; "Sitting Bull;” Miss Hipp; "Vftiat is done v/ith the seat of a con gressman after his death?" Henry Efird: "It’s buried vdth the rest of his bodyi" Miss Hipp; "Use tariff in a sentenco." John Snuggs: "My pants will tear if I stoop, Miss Hipp: ”How long has King George V ruled?" Bill Lov/der; "Ever since his father died." "One of our little pigs v/as sick, so I gave him some sugar." "Sugar-v/hat for?" ’’For medicine, of course. Haven’t you heard of sugar- cured hams?" Patient; "Will the anaesthetic make me sick?" Doctor; "NOjI think not." mortality statistics?” Patient; "Hov/ long will it be Joe Allen; "That’s a person who’s before I knov; anything?^’ proud-who thinks he Doctor! "Aren’t you expecting ' knov/s something but too much of an doesn’t.” anaesthetic?” Miss Moore? "James, what is a vacuole?" James Long; "Something v/ith nothing in it.” Freshman; (after walking out in the country and seeing a field of cat-tails) "Guess what, I sav/ a field of hot dogs to-day." Mr.- Hatley: "1/hat is a monogamic family?” Homer:- "It means my big brother can run things more as he pleases at home." Mr. Hatley; ”l/hat is meant by BOmRS The physical basis of life is biology. Throe insects are timber beetles, termites, and tornadoes. Hydra*ili o (h^rdrochl^'ic) acid. This v/i.l.j. give ten feot-pounds (foot-pounds). Cer-cified milk is milk that has been tested every SIX XixOil.tliSs Who started oui* post office system? i'.'Ir. Post. ^ if- ^