Page 6 THE FULL MOON November Library Adds New Volumes Shelves Hold 80 Books Ready For Circu lation. Eighty new books, recently re ceived by the library, are now on the shelves and ready for circula tion. Some of them are “They Fly for Victory”, “Annapolis Today”, “The Fleet Today”, “The New Treasury of War Poetry”, “Tor pedo Junction”, “Our Marines”, “Victory at Midway”, “Thirty Sec onds over Tokyo”, “Dogs of War”, “Some Follow the Sea”, “Inside the F. B. I.”, “Round Trip to Rus sia”,- “Complete Introduction to Photography”, “Dr. Carver, Sci entist”, “D Day”, “Pilots Man Your Planes”, “Hawaii, Show Ter ritory”, “Curtain Going Up”, “War Correspondent”, “Who’s Who,” “Young Wilkie”, “Invasion Diary”, “Leave Her to Heaven”, “New Guinea”, “The Seventh Cross”, and “Song of Tomorrow”. Something worthy of note is a gift to the library of Beard’s “Ba sic History of the U. S.,” by Con rad Crotts. Nutrition Movies Shown In School Program Given (Continued from page one.) Ellen Bigler representing “Ameri can Girl”, Geraldine Boon as “American Magazine”, Cherry Still for “Good Housekeeping”, L. C. Caudle representing “Flying”, Foy Curlee as “The Ladies’ Home Jour nal”, Jane Priester as “Life”, Son ny Boone as “Model Craftsman”, Jean Boone as “Collier’s”, Shirley Smith representing the “Saturday Evening Post”, Jack Harris for Compliments — of — PECK’S Florist Movies on nutrition were shown to five classes of A. H. S. Wednes day and Thursday by Miss York Kiker, marketing specialist of the N. C. Department of Agriculture. In a short introductory talk pre ceding the showing of the movies. Miss Kiker said, “You have heard the statement, “Tell me what a man eats and I will tell you what he is.’ You should select wisely what you ea.t All of us want to be able to take in sports, and the healthier and happier you are the more fun you will have. “Don’t waste food. Food plays an important part in your person ality. Everyone knows that a ‘drip’ doesn’t have much person ality and we don’t want to be ‘drips’!” The movies that were shown were “More Life In Living,” “America Learns to Fly”, and “Admirals In the Making.” All three movies stressed the importance of balanced meals, with such foods as milk, eggs, butter, cheese, fruits, meat and ice cream. The last two films showed the army air corps training and scenes from Annapolis, showing their meals and the importance to them of the right kind of food. Answers 1. Truett Eudy 2. Ruby Cathey 3. Doris Bowers 4. Rufus Whitley 5. Montague Holt 6. Darrell Cranford 7. Ina Laura Napier 8. Beaul Lefler 9. Herbert Holt “Outdoor Life”, Don Knotts as “Time”, Mr. McFadyen represent ing “Rotarian”, Bernice Austin for “Hygeia”, and Jerry Miller for “Popular Science”. Nov. Nov. Nov. Birthdays Rreparc 4,500 Letters To li IT T^owd^r * 17—Buddy Lewder 24—Charles Huneycutt 26—Ann Gaskin Howard Page Nov. 27—Hiram Saunders Nov. 28—Bobby Blalock Ernest Burleyson Bobby Jo Kiser Nov. 29—Sara Archer Nov. 30—Bill Love Dec. 1—Betty Crisco Betty Holt Dec. 3—Audrey Holt Dec. 4—Charles Boyette Edwin Snuggs Pee. 7—James Hunsucker Doris Tucker Dec. 8—Joe Hatley Richard Vanhoy Pec. 9—Helen Lisk Pec. 10—Hubert Russell Dec. 11—Jean Burris Elizabeth Harrington Fred Litaker Lorna Del Swaringen Jeanette Williford Pec. 12—Verdelle Troutman Dec. 13—Jeanine Boysworth Max Fry Dec. 14—Betty Lou Shephard Members Tapped (Continued from page one.) she worked at the Rationing board. Helen Brown is vice president of her home room and is in Mixed Chorus. She was in Girls Athletic Association, Boosters Club and Dramatics Club, of which she was secretary. Colleen Glover is a Feature Edi tor of the “Full Moon” and treas urer of her home room. She was home room representative in ninth grade and has been in Boosters, Dramatics, and Knitting Clubs. Colleen also helped at the Ration ing Board. Freshmen Lead (Continued from page one.) Lamar, Fritz Luther, Calvin Wal lace, Ellen Dennis, Colleen Glover, Joanna Lefler, Betty McAdams. Twelfth grade: Highest honor: Johnny Lowder, Ruth Kendall, Jeanne Palmer, Doris Tucker, Flor ence Williams. Honor: Jimmy Knotts, Bill Morton, Kenneth Ritchie, Jimmy Sifford, Mary Lou Byrd, Foy Curlee, Ruby Mae Hat ley, Laviene Jordan, Claudine Lowder, Cherry Still, Helen Chance, Tom Efird. PALMER FURNITURE CO., Inc. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors — Ambulance Service — ALBEMARLE AND BADIN The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALBEMARLE, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Compliments — of — EFIRD'S DEPT. STORE (t STANLY HARDWARE CO. Hardware : Building Supplies Feeds — Seeds — Farming Equipment Sporting Goods — Fertilizers PHONE 10 ALBEMARLE, N. C. PHONE 93 SAMUEL'S Ready-to-Wear Popular Prices ALBEMARLE, N. C. SHOP For Christmas t — at — STARNES Back the Attack... ... Buy War Bonds Home Builders Association 113 South Second St. Commercial Printing of All Kinds STANLY NEWS & PRESS New Bible Club Has Been Formed For the next seven weeks Miss Warren’s home room is taking Bi ble through the Bible Club. Officers for this group are: Har old Dennis, pres.; Brady Harris, vice-pres.; G. D. Watkins, sec. and treas. The Bibles, bought by the Bible committees, have come. They are one of the best editions of the American Revised Version. They cost only $2.25 and are complete with maps and references. The contest that Miss Peebles has been conducting between the boys and girls with the new work books has proved successful. Officers Chosen By Three Clubs Three clubs have been organized in the high school at present, and officers have been elected and in stalled. The clubs and officers follow. Officers of the Dramatics club are: Pete Clark, president; Johnie Andrews, vice-president; Joyce and Jean Boone, secretaries; Johnie Gaskin, treasurer. The Dramatics club is under the direc tion of Miss Theresa Taylor. Officers of the Bible club are; Harold Dennis, president; Brady Harris, vice-president; G. D. Wat- W. E. POWELL Grocery East Albemarle CkssesXp xi" Seal Sale. In preparation for a. „ Christmas Seal Sale of Ilf* County Tubercute ^'?^ forty-five hundred addressed by Miss Roge?^ year typmg class, and teen hundred letters ed for mmling by Mrs. WiEj Business Training class. Xlies6 SgsIs Will bs lies in Stanly County. The proceeds of the saledk used to carry on the wrkS Association. In order to tjii tuberculosis germ in j stages, chest X-rays are These X-rays have been riZ every school teacher, neL ' 'yhite in Stanly County, ind* the teachers at Pfeiffer College. The goal of the ksn tion IS to give this X-tay to » citizen of the county. During the X-raying of tkeiat, ers, clerical assistance wjs » the doctors by several raenite - the Business Training Class of i high school. kins, secretary-treasurer; mi* Miss Peebles. Officers of Mixed Chons ip Henry Turner, president; Oe Lackey and Jack Fuir, viet-pm- dents; Mildred Hathcock, ciii dine Boope, Edwin Boone, t Donald Whiteley, secretaries;!® ne Palmer, treasurer; director, It Fry. MORGAN Motor Co. PHONE 533 Albemarle, N. C. SURE - - - INSURE” Albemarle Insurance Agency Phone 90 West Main St. Thursday and Friday ^^San Diego 1 Love You^ with Jon Hall — Louise Albritton “Half Way to Heaven,” Musical Short Paramount News STANLY THEATti Albemarle’s Popular Playhouse