The Full Moon Vol. 34. No. 3 Albemarle Senior High School November 22, 1967 THANKSGIVING MEANS • • • A Time For Thought Many years ago a little band of courageous pil grims braved their way across the sea to worship freely. With the help of savage Indians, harvest was plentiful. The original feast for “thanks giving” was served. Since cars, TV, records, and radios did not occupy their free hours, the Pilgrims had time to think of what God had offered them. But in this rushed and busy life, do we really think of what we are offered? Let’s not let this Thanksgiving go by as just another holiday. Maybe this will be the time when we learn to think. Yes, just think — what are you thankful for? 1621 A Time For Turk Little do we students know How Thanksgiving came to be so. Mr. Marsh P. (Pot) Ferris, a fine educator. Felt the need to recover from a vile vindicator. He, in order to fight for his stomach, they say, Gave students Thursday and Friday that Thanksgiving Day. Oh, the turkey and dressing and cranberry salad. How they pleased the fine taste of old Ferris’s palate. But how could he know that T. Turk, his foe, Would sock to him, his fatal blow. Old Turk had been stuffed with thick buttery crackers That he be plump enough for after meal snackers. But how could they know That this buttery doug-h „ , , . , ^ ^ Would damage the stomach of Turk’s mighty foe. On Ferris’s ulcer there was plastered a smurk For allergic he was to that devilish turk. The pain was incessant. The grief was unpleasant. For turk was no turkey But a poisonous pheasant. Turk had lived on a diet of buttery crackers To build his potential as stomach attacker. This very subsistance on buttery dough Gave Turk the position to render his blow. To Mr. P. Ferris, the unknowing yictirn. This bird was the undoing of his digestive system. So for a memorial to Ferris, they say. They gave us the Friday for Thanksgiving Day I I E B E V E ' • T H A N K F U L 1967 A Time For Thanks Lord, help us to remember that Thanksgiving is a time to forget ourselves. Help us to remember what others have done for us Where would we be if the Pilgrims had not cross ed the sea? What would we be if in 1776 our fellow Ameri cans had not fought to become free? Where would we be if we had no schools, medi cines, or churches? Where would we be if we had none of nature’s flowers, shrubs, or trees? What would we be if we had no friends? What, where, or why would we be if we had no God to turn to? For you have given us what we have today. Help us. Dear Father, to be grateful for these things and more, and open our eyes to the blessings we so seldom take time to be thankful for. Amen.