Senior High Band And Chorus Hit The Road The music department at Senior High is really going places this spring. The Band and Chorus have both been honored with invitations to musical festivities. The Senior High Band has received an invitation to par ticipate in the 1979 Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. April 5, 6, and 7. Mr. Tim Hedrick, Band instructor and director, said, “It was a great honor that the Senior High Band was chosen for this very won derful opportunity.” The band will be competing in two areas. On April 5, it will be in concert competition at Con stitution Hall. The following day, the band will compete in a marching band contest in the Robert F. Kennedy Stadium. Saturday the band will attend an awards banquet and dance before returning home. Approximately 85 band members will make the trip, along with ten chaperones. Ac if! c 4 Band students anticipate their trip to Washington, D.C. companying the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitley. During their stay in Washington, the band will have a tour guide with them at all times. Band members and Band Booster members have spon sored fund raising projects which included selling chocolate candy bars, M & M’s and coupon calendars. Mr. Jones prepares the chorus for competition. The Senior Choir is planning to participate in the Six Flags Over Georgia Choral Festival in April. The three-day open competition will be April 19 through 21. Held at the Six Flags Over Georgia Amusement Center near Atlanta, the festival will feature some of the best high school choirs in the Southeast. En sembles from mixed choruses to girls choruses will participate. The Senior Choir, under the direction of Mr. Robert Jones, has engaged in fund raising projects and solicitations of local businesses to raise needed funds for the trip. In February, the Choir sold doughnuts and made over $200.00, all of which will go towards the trip. The group also sold tickets for the Kiwanis Club Pancake Festival from which they received one fourth of the profit. A Gospel Sing, which featured the Chandler Family of Albemarle, was held in the Senior High Auditorium. Mr. Jones commented, “I want this trip to be a musical success and a boost to the choral music program in the Albemarle City Schools.” Volume 44 —No. 5 FULL MOON ALBEMARLE SENIOR HIGH NEWSPAPER Have You Got The Fever? See Page 6 March 30,1979 Nominees Compete For Governor’s School The 1979 Governor’s School Nominees have been announced and eight Albemarle Senior High students have been nominated. The nominees, if accepted, will represent the school in the areas of math, English, French and instrumental music. The students attend classes at Salem or St. Andrews College, July 1-August 11. The Governor’s School enables students to fur ther their educational back ground. The nominees were cho sen by a committee of teachers because of their outstanding achievements. Pam Cox has been nominated to study in the area of English. Pam, an active member of the student body, is Vice President of the Student Council, a member of the softball team and the Y- basketball team. Monogram Club, the Full Moon Staff, Youth Senate Program, Jr. Council and the Media Club. Kim Hughes may represent the school in the area of French. Kim’s activities include Rainbow Girls, History Club, Junior Council, Junior Civitans, Flag girl, participant in Wingate Math Contest, and a Candystripe volunteer. Representing Albemarle Senior High in Math is Linda Neel. Linda is a varsity cheerleader, a Y-basketball player, a Monogram Club member, an Annual Staff To Sponsor Forestry Camp The N.C. Forestry Association will sponsor a Forestry Resource Camp July 22-28, at Camp Betsy- Jeff Penn, Reidsville. All students, age 15-17, may attend this camp. Students may attend courses focusing on different aspects of forestry such as Forest Management, Forest Fire Control, Forest Pest Control, Forest Measurements, Tree Identification, Wildlife Resources, and Forest Products Utilization. The instructors are foresters representing industries in North Carolina and the North Carolina Forest Service. Field trips will be taken to points of forestry in terest in the state. Recreation will be provided including swimming, canoeing, fishing, square dancing, mountain string music, archery, and athletic programs. There will be no cost to cam pers except spending money and transportation. Parents will need to assist with transportation. member, a member of the Committee of 28, a secretary of Junior Civitans Club, a Math Tutor, a Pfeiffer College Math participant, a Wingate College Math participant, and the President of Central Methodist Church Youth Group. Five nominees may attend Governor’s School in the area of instrumental music. David Alexander is an active band member. He is a member of the jazz and stage band, marching band, concert band, and pep band. He is also a member of the History Club and the Math and Science Clubs. Jeff Creech is a member of the baseball team, Monogram Club and the Math and Science Club. Ann Dennis is active on the varsity cheerleading squad, tennis team. Monogram Club’ History Club, Science Club’ annual staff, and the band. Rod Ingram, the only sophomore nominee, is in the pep band, the Spirit of Faith Young Adult Choir, and a Superin tendent of Sunday School. Aza Mabry is a flag girl, pianist tor the Senior Choir, History Club member, math contest participant, and a participant in the Ensemble and Solo contest at Salisbury. The nominees should receive information about their ac ceptance by April 15. Class officers conduct T-shirt sale before school. Junior Council Prepares For Upcoming Prom Adios Amigos Two Albemarle Senior High juniors. Shannon Bell and Teresa Long plan to leave Friday, April 13 for a trip to Spain. They will arrive in Madrid and return nine days later. They are going with a group of students from Lexington. King of the Road The student lion for March is Nelson Watkins. April’s Lion will be Tracy Lowder. Marc Hunt is the student Rotarian for March. The Student Rotarian for April will be Hal McDonald. The Full Moon, Jr. This issue of The Full Moon is a junior issue. The positions were as follows: Pam Cox, Moonbeams editor-in-chief; Donna Laton, news editor; Mitzi Morris, assistant news editor; Beth Mabry, feature editor; Sonya Mabe, assistant feature editor; Tony Hinson, sports editor; Christie Sasser, assistant sports editor; Lynn Rivers, typing ediior; Shannon Bell and Shannon Bowers, business editors. SitforS.A.T. The S.A.T. will be ad ministered on May 5. Deadline for registration is March 30. All college bound juniors should register. Give a Little — Take a Little February was a month of vacations for students at Albemarle Senior High because of the snow. The days missed will be made up on the following days: March 29 and 30, April 11, 12, and 17, and June 8. FBLA In Action The FBLA entered the District Six Competition at Stanly Technical Institute February 17. Congratulations to Lori Thomas who won first place in the Job Interview category. Kyle Carpenter will represent Albemarle Senior High in the State Competition in the Business Com munication category, Ernie Wilson in the Accounting I category, and Lori Thomas in the Job Interview category. The Junior officers and Council are making plans for the upcoming Junior-Senior Prom planned for May 18. Stanly Tech has tentatively been chosen as the place for the prom. Many ideas have been brought forth to promote prom preparations from council meetings. One idea presented is the theme, “Moonlight Cruise,” which will be similar to the popular television program “Love Boat”. Mr. Stan Butler, a physical education teacher and coach, is the Junior Class Sponsor. The T- Shirt Sale, which took place from February 27-March 6, was a money-raising project for the promotion of the prom. Three types of T-Shirts were sold during the sale. One con sisted of a white background with a bulldog and “Albemarle Senior High” printed on it. Another was especially designed by each individual class, but each had the names of the class members. The third type had “District 5 Champions” printed on them. This sale began March 5, in order for the students to wear the shirts to the State Tournament at Durham. Blue gym shorts with a white bulldog and socks with a bulldog were sold also. The money gained from these sales went for the prom. The Junior Council consists of two representatives, chosen by each Junior homeroom, and the four class officers: Donna Laton, president; Connie Murrell, vice president; Beth Mabry, secretary; and Rosemary Morton, treasurer. The council members for this year are: Dianne Brown, Shannon Bowers, Pam Cox, Ann Dennis, Kim Hughes, Stacey Hunsucker, Lisa Mercer, Sonya Mabe, Carla Perry, Vickie Penfield, Karen Souther, and Kathy Wagoner. Plans are being made now for the selection of a band from the varieties of bands available for May 18. This decision will be reached soon as work continues for the upcoming prom.