MARCH 1993 THE FULL MOON PAGES Sports ... EDITOR: JASON INGRAM Spring Sports Underway for '93 9 By Matthew Allison Ah! so spring is here again. Another sports season has snuck up on us and some sports teams have akeady begun to practice. Sports begin to move outside, talcing advantage of the warmer weather and dryer ground. Starters on the baseball squad for 1993 will include Danny Landis, Jeremy Talbert, Jeff Horton, Kyle Marks, Michael Carrickhoff, and Jody Gathings,just to name a few. The BuUdogs are coached by A1 Andrew. Senior leader Jeremy T albert commented, “We expect to have a successful season and we have the talent to do so.” The softball team this year also expects to have a good year, with many good players returning from past successful seasons. Senior players like Kim Smith, Kim Rich, and Pam Carver should lead the team to one of its best records yet. The softball team is coached by Carla Kimrey, who is in her third year coaching the Lady Bulldogs. Coach Kimrey stated, ‘Though we have a young team, they put out 110% effort in practice and have the necessary dedication to have a successful season. The track team, coached by Bruce Marshall, has a grueling season ahead of them. In the early part of the year, the rainy weather has interfered with the already tough practice regimen. This year they exp>ect a good deal from the seniors, with some good individuals at 800m, which they will hopefully get together for the3200m relay. Some returning lettermen from last year include Mark B ailey, Darnel Brantley, LaShune Little, and Matt Anderson, plus underclassmen like Kevin Lambert and Dale Hopkins, which should make a solid nucleus for the team. Coach Marshall says. If it stops raining long enough for us to practice, I think we will surprise the other schools.” The tennis team was third in the conference last year, and although they lost several starters from last season, they expect to surpass last year's record. The top six for this year is still unsure, but sure locks are Kerry Brooks, Chad Sullivan, Kevin Garrison and Kevin Gay. They made it all the way to the quarterfinals in the state tournament last year, and hopefully will go even farther this year. The golf team this year should have a higher turrwut than in years past, with freshmM interest taking a sharp climb. Freshmen like Dustin Poplin, Chns and Jeremy Smith and fast-improving sophomore Will Lisk will all help the team. Solid anchor player Danny Benoy, with help from Brian Snyder and Jonathan Holt, should propel the team to a conference victory. R Teal Opportunity By Jason Ingram Not too long ago, I was given a remarkable and thrilling opportunity. As one of the sports editors of The Full Moon, I traveled to Charlotte to compete with other journalism students from Mecklenburg County and the surrounding areas in the Charlotte Hornets/Charlotte Observer Writing Contest. The participants attended a light practice and interview session at the Grady Cole Center and Were instructed to write a 1000-word story on any aspcct perUining to their experiaice. Four win ners were chosen from this first round of compe tition; those four attended the February 25 home game between Charlotte and the San Antonio Spurs. The semifinalists then wrote a second article about the game; one winner was selected from among the four, and he or she will accom pany the Hornets to Atlanta on Apnil 17 aboard •he team’s chartered flight to cover the game be tween the Hornets and the Atlanta Hawks. The grand champion's article will be printed in the Charlotte Observer. I did not advance to the Semifinal round; my article was disqualified because of a technicality. As for the practice, it was exhilarating. Al though slated for 10:00 a.m., the practice actually began at 11:00, but the students in attendance Were so jazzed that the starting time didn’t mat ter. As I said, the practice was light; it consisted niainly of fast-break drills and a simple shootaround. After the practice, we attended an interview session with “the voice of the Hor- nets”, color analyst Steve Martin, Observer beat "^iter Rick Bonnell, head coach Allan Bristow, ®nd starting point guard Tyrone “Muggsy Bogues. I got the chance to speak with all four of these men, and I received a great deal of insight; not only into the world of professional basket ball, but also into broadcast and print joumahsm. Quite naturally, several memorable moments from that day have stuck inmy mind. I remember listening as Larry Johnson cheered his tearn- mates on during the lay-up drills; I can still see his golden-toothed grin after he won a thousand dollars from Muggsy Bogues in an impromptu three-point shooting competition Bogues owes L-Ster a grand!”)...and I can re member watching arookiesensationby the name of Alonzo Mourning practicing his hook shot long after his teammates had gone home. His dedication and the leadership of men such as Johnson will bring an NBA championship to Charlotte someday. And I will be able to say that I met those men. I would like to thank the Charlotte Hornets and the Charlotte Observer for giving me *at opjwr- tunity, and Mrs. Hathcock and the joumahsm staff for their support. Th« Chartott* Hornats participate In a light shootaround. Sullivan, the ball smasher! NBA Challenge '■■■ m- a ■ mmmm il ’h aslSi >1 % 4 itJ fc-M » S {sm. ■ Across 3. 12. 13. 16. 18. 19. 21 22. 23, player Uhat for»er UNC player no« plaus for the Knicks? Uhat NBfi rookie started on the East flil-Stor Tea« this year? Uhat Bulls player has the sne last naae as a chicken conpany? Uhat for»er NBH player scored over 100 points in one balI game? Uho Is the tallest in the NBA? Uho is the shortest player in the NBA? Uho s got the nicknaae -Zo-7 Uhat for»er HBfl plauer was known as the "BTq 0"? Uho has been the leading point scorer since his freshion year? Uhat present NBA player Is lcno»n as "Baby Jordan'? Uho's got the nlcknane “Hall«an“? Uhat prosent NBA coach has son three MBA champ IonshIps? is Ooan 1. Uhat foraer NBA player nicknoae Is a type of gun? 2. Qhot forner NBA plauer knoan as “The Legend'? 5. Uho's the shorest aan to euer aln the dunk contest? 7, Uhat adalral In the NBA has his can neighborhood? 8. Uhat NBA center has played 10 years and never scored over 20 pts.? 9. Uhat NBA player had an affair alth present Duke pIayer? 10. iJhicK foraer NBA player has aastered the sky-hook? 11. Uho plays for the Trail Blazers and aas a aenber of 'Phi Sionaa Joaaa'? 15. Uhat NBA foraard received NBA rookie of the year in 1992? 17. Uho's the only NBA player aho has a tatoo of his daughter? 20. Uho did Jordan say aas his hardest aatch-up in the NBA?