U r\ PTJEJj:nHED lYEEKLY BY HIGI-UJIIIDS f:CHOOL THEATRE JULY 5, 1940 I i i! i \ I'! 1 L FONTANA REGIONAL LIBRARY 3 9493 16354097 9 TIIIS Vra ^ ’ 3_ ^iDVERT I GSRS ARE AS FOLLO’v’'fS:- AIJSTIN BAKER BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY SARA GILDER TUDOR N. HALL HELEN'S BARN HIGHLANDS DRUG STORE HIGH HILLS JMi POT HIGHLANDS THEATRE A. JOSEPH KING’S INN S. T. im.ETT NANTAHALA CREMTERY PR'^.SBYTERIAN CHURCH HOLDS BIBLE SCHOOL A two weeks' Vacation Bible School began Monday morning at the f*resbyte- . rian church with an opening attendance of thirty. The teachers are the Rev. R. B, DuPree, Miss Anne Black, Miss Polhill, Miss Lavinia Brown, and l^Iiss Sarah Thompson, who is also recreation director. Mrs. DuPree will have charge of the music during the two weeks. COyJNG SOOM - GREEN HELL SATURDAY, JULY 6 - DOUBLE FEATURE LULUBELLE AND SCOTTY in Vi 11 age Bar n Dance and THE V70RLD FAIR In Technic olar Adm. lOdkZbd imiNEE SAT. at 3:00 iidm« 10(^6c25^ MON.-TUE., JULY 8-9:- Irene C ary DUNNE GRANT i n My Favor i t e W ife ADM, IvIATINEE TUE. at 3:00 iidm. 10fiic2b^ HvOC'L T1-J£ATR£ Wednesday Only K NU-ITAY CLEMTERS POTTS BROTHERS POTTS HOUSE MRS. J. E. ROOT TRICEMONT TERRACE Mrs. Florence C, Perry of Charleston, SoC., arrived Sunday to spend a f&vj days at her home on the Walhalla road wich her daughter, I'^rs, George Saussy and fam ily* OTHER ADVERTISERS iiRE; HIGHLiiNDS SILVER FOX Fi^RiM HIGHLANDS IMOR m)NESDAY, JULY 10th 1y Little Chickadee Adm. 15^&35/ THUR3.-FRI., JULY 11-12:- jAl'ffiS STEV\^aRT k MARGARET SULLaVaN In TH£ WOKrAL STOR>/l ‘ Adm. 15^&35j^ M/'.-TI'TEE FRIDAY at 3:00 ..C; . 10/?:25;^ NIGHT SE0^'','S BEGIN AT 8:00 ANimL TOV.’N AUDIT BEING MADE I'Ir. and Mrs. R. M. Dillard and daugh ter, Miss Maryone Dillard, of Gainesvil] Ga«, are spending this week at Tricemon't Terrace, Mr- Dillard is the new auditoi for the Town of Highlands, and is here to make the annual audit, combining bus iness and pleasure. and I.lrs, Robert Thomas and Mr. • and ivlrs. F. T", Alexander of Thomasville, Ga., are at tho Dr. E, K, Wahl cottage on Bearpen Mountain for a stay of sev eral days.