THE MOUNTAIN TRAIL HIGHLANDS LITTLE THEATRE ELECTS OFFICERS ! On Thursday, June 27th, the Highlands > Little Theatre held its organization nieeti- ing and tryouts for the first play. It ; was felt that there was quite a response | in our immediate conmunity. However, if | there are other people who would like to I take part in the acting this suinmer, or i assist with the production, they v;ould be! very welcome at rehearsals, which are be ing held at 3 o’clock each afternoon at Helena'S Barn. The Little Theatre is not trying for |_ a subscription membership this year, but } is expecting everyone interested in being* active to show up, and the v/hole coFimiJini- ty to come to see the play. The honorary president of the group is Mr. George A, Tovmsend, and the board of ! directors are as follov«rs: director,Arthur^ Little; business manager, Mrs* Jack IVil- ! coxj publicity manager. Miss TVinnie Es- ■ krigge] production manager. Misses Elea nor and Elise Terhune; property managers Misses Peggy Polhill and Leonce Wall; technical managers, John Kaufman and Jack Tlilcox, The Little Theatre feels that it is ex tremely fortunate in having as their di rector for the first play Arthur Little, who comes to Highlands from directing the Macon, Georgia, Little Theatre the past season. This summer’s fifst production will be "The Late Christopher Bean", the highly entertaining play of the late Sidney Howard, and v/ill be given the night of July 24th, and the afternoon of July 25, COMING SOON - SANDY IS A LADY rJ J rJ rJ J L L S J A jVl ?OT Gifts From Evefywhere" and our WILD FRUIT JiiMS - JELLIES ^ 5,,—494^- FOR BETTER DRY CLEANING M U-WAY j') uy J r\ \ L L r\ jN K o r I s. SPRVI r* i: l CALL FOR MD DELI^^ PHONE 12 or 63 SAT ISFACTION GUARANTEED CE n D I TFR ! ' L ! I TOP o'THE TOWN imiL SCHEDULE CHAi^IGED Effective .Tuly 1, Highlands is to have two deliveries a day from Dillard, Ga., and two deliveries a day from Tox- away. The schedule is as follows: Dillard mail due to arrive 10:40 leaves 10:50 a«m. j arrives 2:13 p.m., leaves p.m. Toxaway mrdl arrives 9:30 a,m.,leaves. 11 a.m.; arrives 4:30 p.m., leaves 4:40 p*ru 'Valhalla mail arrives 10:00 a,m,, leaves 12:00 m. HAVE YOU VISITED oriental aRTS-MOUNTaIN CRaFTS fiirr sMo? IN THE HOME OF MRS. J.£. ROOT UNIQUE AND WELL SELECTED THINGS YOU WILL FIND A WARM WELCOIffi MS. CHILDS HONORED WITH MISCELLANEOUS SHOIVER Mrs, Horace Childs of Sarasota, Fla,, was honored on Tuesday afternoon with a miscellanoous shower given by her aunt, Mrs, H, P, P, Thompson at her home on Fourth Str^iot. White roses and maiden hair fern t ore used as decorations in the living room and dining room, Mrs, Childs is the former Miss Kath ryn Paul, only daughter of Mr, and IVIrs, H, T. Paul, She has spent the past sev eral winters in Sarasota, Fla., and her wedding in that city was an event of the late spring. She has been visiting her parents here for the past two weeks. At the shower and tea, Mrs, Childs wore a becoming white sharkskin model, and opened her gifts at the lace- covered diiiitig table which was centered with a bowl of vj-hite roses and ferns. Serving tea were Mrs, George Claveland, Ivlrs, Russell Meyere, and the Misses Sarah and June Thompson, IvJto and Mrs, Childs will reside at OiSprey, Fla,, where their new home is now under construction.