L- I J • 1 1 "'I' 1! I*! ! U 1 ■“ i i 1 1 ■ G PUBLISHED VEmy{ BY HIGHLANDS SCHOOL THEATRE AUPtUST 16, 1940 L FONTANA REGIONAL LIBRARY 3 9493 10354062 3 THIS WEEK'S ADVERTISERS ARE: BECKER'S BREAD BURRELL MOTOR OOJilPANY SARA GILDER HELEN'S BARN highlands drug STORE highlands silver fox farm highlands theatre A. j. art linen and gift shop KING'S INN nantahala creai®ry gqwam NU-WAY CLEAITERS POTTS brothers IVIRS. J. E.ROOT fffiS. H. G.STCRY TRICEt/lONT TERRiiCE P.-T. A. TO SPONSOR BENEFIT CONCERT NEXT WEDNESDAY Charlotte Klinger, Austrian refugee now at Brevard, will be the central fig ure in a concert at "iVolf Ridge, the sum mer home of the Misses Marguerite and Clare Ravenel, on Wednesday afternoon, August 21st, at 3:30 oclock. Mrs; Klinger is the grand-niece of Johann Strauss, noted European pianist. She has performed on concert^ stage in Vi enna as well as other European capitals. Coming to New York City as a refugee,she was well received and soon became a fac ulty member of the New York School of Music. Her desire to be with her husband who is also a musician caused her to come to Brevard. This concert is one of several bene fits being sponsored by the Parent-Teaoher Association of Highlands School. Admission price is 55 cents for adults and 20 cents for childron. HIGHLANDS LITTLE THEATRE TO PRESENT PIjAY in CLAYTON, GEORGIA Arthur Little, director of Highlands Little Theatre, is at present in V^ashing- ton, D.C., but will return the latter part of the week to take ”The Late Christopher Bean" to Clayton at the request of Mrs. M. S. Edsan, president of the Clayton Woman's Club. The Woman's Club is spon soring an evening performance of this play at the high school auditorium at 8 o'clock on Tuesday, August 20th, and the proceeds will go toward equipping the lunch room of the Clayton school. Tickets will be on sale in Clayton and Lakemont by reque^^t of Mrs. Edsan, and at the door the night of the play*^ The Board of the Highlands Little The atre is making plans for a more ambitious Slimmer program next year* They hope to give a number of plays in Highlands during the summer and "bo take them on tour to Clayton and other nearby resort towns. Edward Potts is at Angel's hospital convalescing from an appendix operation of last v/eek. r AND .^}IOOL Trl^Anit FRIDAY,AUGUST 16th: GINGER ROGERS & JOEL MCCREA ?R]jVjKOS£ P/VfrJ IVIaTINEE aT 3:00 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, August 21-22 ALLAN JONES-I^MTHA RAYE-ROSEMARY LAME in "rHE SOYS FROM SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th; JEFFRY LW AIID BRENDA I^L'iRSHALL in jVIOMEY AMD Trl£ VVOjVIAM YRACUii- mTIlJEE THURSDAY at 3:00 MATINEE AT 3:00 r MON.-TUE., AUGUST 19-20 WILLIAM POWELL AND MYRNA LOY j LOVe'YoU A^^AJjN ALL THIS AND HEA^OT TOO queen OF DESTIIIY FOREIGN CORRESPONDEIfT MATINS3 TUE. at 3:00 HIGHLA^IDS SCHOOL V/ILL OPEN MONDAY SEP TEMBER 9TH.