o' fHE lllOuliTfiin IRfllLl FONTANA REGIONAL LIBRARY 9493 10354063 1 PUDLi:3ii£D BY HIGHLA.I«)S SCHOOL THEATRE AUGUST 1, 1941 This week's advertisers are: BECKER'S BAKERY BURRELL MOTOR COMPAI^Y BUTTER KRUST BREAD COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY PAIRVIEIV iim GREEN FOREST ELECTRIC CCXiPANY HELEN»S BARN HIGHUNDS DRUG STGRE HIGHLANDS HARDIVARE HIGH HILLS JAM POT HIGHLAl^DS imj HIGHLAITOS lilANQR HIGHLAl^DS THEATin*; HUDSON LIBRARY KING*S IIW NAl^TAHALA CREAIvEiii COJIPAlfl'’ PIERSON liW POTTS BROTHERS POTTS HOUSE REEVES HARDWARE COMPAl^Y MRS. J.E* ROOT*S GIFT SHOP SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION SMOKY MOUl^TAIN STAGES THE DUGOUT TRICEI\«01'IT TERRACE VfIT»S El«) ATTBNTICaJ THE HIGHLANDS COIittlUNITY THEATRE . WILL ];>llESSl)T' "CANDIDA” with the first all-star cast that has ever appeared in Highlands on Friday, Aug. 8th, at 3:00 p.m, at the School Theatre. The Theatre Board announces the choice of this earlier date instead of the later date given elsewhere in this issue, in or der to enable Muri-el Brasler, the leading lady in Candida, to return to New York in time to fill a contract there* LIBRARY ASSOCIATION TO SPONSOR MOVIE FOR BENEFIT OF CHILDREN»S ROOM Trustees of the Hudson Library will sponsoir ’’BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST" at High lands School Theatre Wednesday and Thurs day, August 6-7, and the library's per centage of the proceeds will go toward fitting up the children's room. This is one of the outstanding pictures of the year, starring Greer Garson and Vvaloor Pidgeon, and is shown in techni color . REV. BROWN TO PREACH AT Baptist church Rev. J«E« Brown will preach at the Baptist church here Sunday morning at the eleven o’clock service hour. Mr. Brown is a former pastor of the Highlands church. ^ COMING ^ rJJvjrJ- DEVIL DOGS OF THE AIE ^ CriOOL luUSEUM APPOINTS COMTvIITTEES At a trustees' meeting of Highlands mu- seiua last week Dr. W.C.Coker and Dr.TheMa Howell were appointed to look after repair ing^the,parking_space wall; Dr. Ralph Sor- AjND' THfATj.£ Howell to design and have made tables and chairs for the museum, and UrSm Frank H.Potts to raise funds for Twin- dow and door screens. FRI.-Sx'iT., AUGi.IST 1-2 DOUBLE FEATURE ANN SOTHERN iii RIMSSIDi jVIAISIE and TIM HOLT in Tr\l fAKSO KID NOTE. ..FARGO KID WILL BE SHOfm TVYICE - at 8:00 and 11:10 RINGSIDE liAISIE IVILL DB SHOIVIT ONCE ONLY — beginning at 9:20, Also PATHE NEVfS Adffiiaaion MTINEE Fri.& Sat. at 3:00 Admission 10;^&28^* MON.-TUE., AUGUST 4-5 DENNIS MORGaN-JANE MORGAN-WAYNE MORINS d/ \DJ'/l£jNOf jVIISSOUjO Also a Comedy Shows at 8:00 and 9:35 Admission 15/&35;^ Time given above is dayllgit .saving Itotinee Mon.Tue at 3:00 "xnie Admission 10f^&26^ \7ED,-THURS., AUGUST 6-7 GREER GARSON Q^d WALTER PIDGEON SLOSSOjVIS IM'frKDUST Also a Comedy Night Shows at 8:00 and 10:00 ADM. 20^&50'^ IMINEES ra.-THUR. at 3:00 Adiais G i on 15p^&35;^ I ' Ti;-.io given above is daylight saving time ; liosidos departing from the usual Holly- I v/oGd formula for drama. Blossoms in the I Dust photographed in technicolor, shies i away from the ordinary brilliant tones i formerly used and for the first time uses color as a means of furthering the plvt rather than catching the eye. r LITTLE MEN DEVIL DOGS OF THE AIR RONALD COLMkN in - MY LIFE WITH CAROLINE GINGER ROGERS in - TOM - DICK and HARRY