FIRST GRADE Y/e nado Etistcr baskets in our room this v;Gok. \Ic going to hunt eggs on I'onday, Lostcr Carver SECOIID GRADE V/e are ^oing to have a newspa per of our own. It v;ill be print ed every day and will be seen on our bulletin board. Our paper will be called "'The Tattler” be cause it tells everything. Wo went to Harris Lake on an Easter Egg Hunt. Cleo I.IcCall and Richard Crane won prizes for find ing the nost eggs. We dyed the eggs ourselves in the school room. THIRD GRADE We have finished our scrap books and had them checked. The best ones were Tudor Hall»s, Hazel Johnson’s, Martha Howard’s, and Leon Talley’s. Charles Wood We had an egg hunt. We had a good time. L. B. V/ilson won •the prize. The prize was a ball. Hazel Johnson FOURTH GRADE The Fourth’Grade enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday after noon, April the third. The priz.e winners were Effie Jenkins and Maude Talley. We took a hike on April the sixth to study Nature, We savr_ many flowers and birds. We hiked around the Ravanel Lalce section. The Fourth Grade played the Fifth Grade in a game of basketball on April the seventh. They beat us 16 to 2. I Our spring freize is very pretty. In this freize we have tried to catch the spirit of spring. We show how the winds, the rain, the flowers, the birds, and the trees all make up springs Those twho worked on this freize are Effie Jenkins, Hazel McCall, Patsy ITays, Kathleen Potts, Mar garet McDowell, L. C. Howard, David Bridgman, Maude Talley, ITevillc- ’Vilson, Charlie.Ray Horton, Martha Holt, Mary B. Cook, and Ray Ke^sc. At last everybody has finished his geography notebook. The 7th Grade Judged them and the prize winner5 v/ere: Effle Jenkins Patsy Hays First Prizes I!ary B. Cook Second Margaret McDowell Prizes Hazel McCall We are proud of our notebooks and hope to keep them always. We have a corner in our room whore only the best of art work goes. V/e call this our ’’Art Cor ner”. Those who have done work worthy of this corner are: Vivian McCall Effie Jenkins Ray Reese » David Bridgman —------— FIFTH GRADE \7o have nine new books for our library. They are: Karoo The Kan garoo. Story Pictures of Trans- porta ion, ^eter f.laki^ Good, S^ry pictures of Our Neighbors, Sniffy, The Story of a Slnlnk, "iSir Noble