emeni'od '>/n / f Jt J7 JT^ o'n.'^r'rn T'*,■'t')Tti In ono corner of our roon v/e £iVQ bnilding a Dutch Corner. --Clydo Gibson Sue Hopper had the best drav/- in^' of '^Spring", Hiss Howard gave her a box of crayons. -"-LCay Calloway Ivlary Jo Kcv/ton brought a t^'ood book for riss Howard to road, TI3.6 book v/as about an elephant, Dim:bo, -■-Juanita ./ood THIRD GRADE '•■/e have mado s. dutch sandtable . in cur room. It is vary Toretty, I7e. are proud of it. -“Jimmy Earley The Clutch Children go to school in winter. Often they skate ‘to school on frozen canals. Scott Calloway 'Holland is knov/n for its many pretty flov/ers, ' '.'e ^ot many tuli'^ bulbs from there. Cheese is also" shipped over hero to us, --George HcDov/ell FIFTH GRADS The -^‘ifth Grade has two new boys, J;ennoth Crisp and Fred Hall, Hcnncth C'^isp is from the D. A. R. school. Fj‘cd Hall is from Florida, V/c are glad to have these boys with us, '■^e are having a .reading and s.tory writing contest. ',7e v/ill offer two prizes for the reading contest, one for the one who gets the most handclaps, and the other for the ono who im.proves most. So far Henrietta Alloy and Patsy ?en- land have tied. Ivlary Della R. rrs. Edmundson sent us some more games today. V/e surely do appreciate them. V/e are going to use two for prizes in the reading and story writing contests, Hazel Edwards SIXTH GRADE Mrs. Edmundson sent the Sixth Grade some games. \7e have enjoyed them very much. FOURTH GRADE ^ The Fourth Grade pupils finish ed their Health book Ivlonday. Some time noon they v/ill have their final exam.ination in it and begin G.nother of their new readers. They cny.oy their books everyday. In reading they have"been quite interested in a unit on Paul Revere. Bobby Potts SE\r2HTH GRADE V/e are happy to v;elcom.e a new student, Marveta Crisp, She attended the D.A.R. school the first half of the year, b\it expects to stay hero for the remainder of the year. Every Frida^^ afternoon in A-^itl^iotic p'iriod, we draw pictures of different things and later v/e plan to make a drawing book out of the pictu?'’es wo have drawn. Pagry f ivo;