April 3, 1958 THE MOUNTAIN TKAIL Pan;e 9 \ \J First Grade News cards,'too• We had fun. Bob Hiller First Grade boys and girls have been making caibndars and studying birds, Wallace has visited in West Minister s;bud3i.ng about Africa in our S,.C. Doyle's uncle Lawerence is home fromi’eader. Today we are going to read Araliea and visited our room, Jimy has a "Spanish Sunshine," new station wagon. Bill has a new camera. We are sorry to loose Fritzie, She id.ll be moving to Atlanta as soon as school is out. First Grade has a beatiful Easter basket. Thank you, 14rs Bryson, Birthdays: Douglas Potts March 8 Bill Zoellner Jimmy Bryson i'j-arch 10 April 7 Second Grade News We have been making science books. We have been making Easter Bimnies, We have been planting spring flowers, We have had two big snows. We missed school has moved to Fla, Yesterday, We enjoyed a nice Valetine • party which Mrs, Anne Holt gave us. Our mothers have been good to us this year. Gail Calloway is out of school today, Francis Berry Fourth Grade News We have finished^ our Health books and started over agin. In it we studied about good health habits, V/e have also finished our Science book and geography book. In it we studied about the Arabs in the Sahara desert* We had a very nice valentine party, thanks to our ,::rade mothers. We miss ■‘■'arry Reese a lot, Larry Kurt Shuler Brenda Cleaveland We have been making hobby horses in our room. We wi.ll have a horse race when the weather gets prety,. We have nature stuiiescf wild animals and how nature protects them,, Audrey McCall We have had several out of school due to sickness this winter, especislly November and December, First, most of us had the flu, then over half of our class had the measles, But with all our sicki-^ ness are proud of our attendence. It being close to lOO/o for the first six months. The boys per-cent of attendance is 92,5^oc The girls is 90,3 making the total atterdarce 91. k% Bobby Zoellner -■lias ter V/e have a real nice teacher this year. We like her ever so much. We have been printing, now we can write. We have had a lot of absentees but now they are comming back,. We have been having tesi^on ■ _ Remember when raster holidays begin our readingo ]-Je hope spring i^ on the way,t-hat the occasion isn, t just to show oif your new dress and hat but to remember Betty Holt • Christ rose from the torab at this season* Go to 3h’j.r*ch to worship) cel- Third Grade Ne/7S ebrate xilaster prayerfully. We ha-d a Valentine part}’, We had ice-cream and candy, Mrsc Crawford brought us some money to buy ice-creamq Mrs, Miller gave us some candy too* V/e got