April 3, 19,^0 THE ?;'GIiNTAIN TRATL Page 10 Third and -^outrh Grade News Sixth Grade News Chir room enjoyed a party given by Mrs, 'Jarren Wilson and i-'Irs. Henson, ¥e want to thantr Mrs. Wilson for being so thour^htful of vis^ always corrdn.? up with nice refreshjiients and entertaj.nment. We have been enio’'’'in'- oi^r work very miich this year, ^onie of the sixth parade students made a booklet of l^oman hi^toiy, also Sandra Duress and Martha Carpenter and I'ar^aret Wood m?^de a booklet bn We also enjoyed a bubble gun contest, gealth. Those Wowing the largest bubbles were; Conrad Vlebbp Carolyn Keenerj Ruth Ann I^rtha Wood Kems, Pats3^ Webb^ and -Uonna [ilson. Our raeraor^r uork this inonth is learn ing the 23rd and 100th Psalms. Ruth Ann Kern’s grandmother, Mrs, Beale is leaving for Taupa, Fla. ’(e were Yer:^ much ^nirprised yesterday when ole’ men winte r was our midst as we were looking forw rd to seeing the Easter Bunny soon. frozen. Tho_se having birthd3;,-s_ this ironth interesting. The boys and f?irls have fixed the bulletin board with pictures on good Seven'’-h ^-rade News The seventh grade has been working herd th:' s ’^^onth in Science anr’ his-- j In Science we made a booklet ;e hope he didn’t get colors o’l^' 3J.rht and his tory a bool'let on the Civil War. It has V*' r'^ tor^; David Dalc.'Win and Haley Talle Filth Grade health, 'ilie girl's topic was "Good Health for Fetter Li'^’^ing" and the bo3^’s was "Cleanliness and ^ood Grooming.’^ It is almost report card tire so we elected neT'T dess officers, The'^'' are President Vice President Secretary' Trea surer cTohn Kahler Rosa Lee ^Jebb Larrj^ ' Foods Richard '^oelD.ner ews It looked ghostly white, as it came whirling through the night. Some were happ^r about the snow. Some were sad and others didn't know. Little birds were look.inn' for food and the w:’nd roared as it went through the wood. The night w-'S ver;:^ cold and the North Wind was bold. To roar and be so cold. The children made a snowian and ate snowcream in a pan. Beside the fireplace at Grandma*s ho''ise ;'ou popj^ed pop-cor.i and listen to a sto]:^^ of Grandpa’s, -y- Lois Hedden The fifth grade is m.alrlng a booklet on the westward movement. We h.ave gath ered a 3ct of pictures, poems^ and stories abou_t it. 'h will be making our second booklet this year in social studies after school. VJe are also sti-dying now about some We finished our Science, text books of the world's largest manvfacturinp, turned them in, svre did enio^?- Science regions I'.n the East, this year. Nnw xre have started studying Health, T’r srrc it tHU •-•e interesting. .')ett“" Lou Crane T'i^htl' Grade News T]:.e eighth grade has been enjoy ing basketball latel;/. '-^e q-ot to T-'la^r the se'^'enth grade during ou-r period, -^'he bo3'‘s and the girls of the eighth grade won both rraiiies,, Fr. ''Fptnon told us we might get to play Glenv'lie’s eighth grade before school is oi't., We sure hope so. '•^bie eighth grar’e Is also enjoyin''' basketbal.l practice Fondavs and ^rida’^'^s Loretta Filler Trent hom.e from school today because of the measles, Wanda Hopper Richard Crane got his brace off yes terday, We are very g’Jad, We are ver^;- sorrj^ Lois broke her arm.