April 3, 19f^8 THE MOIBTTIAN TMIh Page 11 Ninth Grade News Tuesday March l^th we elected, our class cnlors and flower. They are as fol lows: Class color - Crimson Red and Sil ver. Flower - Rose* Seven of our students were eligible to join the Beta Club, Tliey are: Betty Jean Crawford^ Tommy Bi3.1ingsly, Tina Har* bson, Viriginia Cleaveland, Georgebta Pen- land,. Jeanette Broi-.oi^ Jack Cabe* Caroljni Carpenter Tenth Grade Nevrs Spring is almost hero after having two wonderful months of ice-skatingo Along with our winter months we had two. pupils en jor our school, Shj.riey Hus ton and Walter Wilson, Vie are very glad to have them. All last week Biology class rehearsed for a program that was to be given on ra-. dio Fridaya We are proud to say it was a success* Jud^r Chastain Eleventh ^rade News The Junior class has been very busy planning the trip to iJashington, which we are all excited about, The class plans to ].eave April 25 th, return May 2nd« After our trip to Washington we will make plans for our banquet * VJe ha.ve sel ected our flower, motto, and colors» Our flower is the Carnation^ our motto is, "There is a little good in the worst of us j A little bad in the best of us, and little it be who^s any of us to talk about the rest of us,*' The colors are^ pink and blue* V\Te had a very successful Junior- Senior play j.n which all of the students did a very good job* Jean Elmore Senior News "Despd.rate Anb..‘cso'' was successful. We made a hu-irh-’e.i aic T'crtj^- dollars and fTfbh oento, l/^io hai a .i‘ull house and er'ch one schemed to enjoy it. wish to thand the ushers and everyone connected T'Tith it© I'/e all had fun at rehearsals and this :jill be one o.f onr brightest memories in our senior 3^ear» We all en joyed working with Mrs*, Gillis, and we thank her for her kindness and patierce durning our senior year* Barbara Wilson Clemesta « A group of science students enjoyed a trip to Clemson Collage Saturday, March 29, to attend, the annual program of the collage,”Clemesta”a The first four letter of ^Cleraesta" stands’ for Clemson and the E, S, T, A, stand for engineering, science textiles and agriculture* We were invited to dinner and then a tour of the collage projects, A very intere^jting trij') was into the Che:.ristry building to see a liq uid air de"ionstration. The machinei'^’’ in the Gheiiiistry building was sxjjensive and very useful such as the photographic mic-- roscope ^.’nd an^'D.yzeri;. The geological exhi.bit x; s vor, ■ intere,:ting with •nan^^ kinds of stones and fossils. The tour of the textile building, was very inte ertin'j. Stc?rting from the very first step to the last we were shox-jn how the cotton is woven into thread and then material. '>e saw the acturl vjeaving of the Clemson Tiger Head. The t.r .'.p w; s very interesting and everyone enjo;7ed it, Tina ^'iarbison The annual ’'Field Day” for hi, h school students will i.^e l.eld at Gullowhee College Sa'Gurc'-..,:yp A,)ril ^th. Students wJ.GQ hhe highest scholastic records h^-.ve been choren to represent th eir cIpss and Hiohl^mds High School in the diffe';’er/b r:uojectSo Representing Highlands SchocJ. .?r3 Ninth Grade: Tina Harlascn; General Science, Betty Jean Crawford. Civic a,. Tenth Grade: Jimmj’’ Calloway, Biology and Mechanical English. Don Hopper^ Current Affairs. Johnny Cleavoland;, Algebra II, W,;^>lter Wilson^ .Algebra I-. Linda ?otts, Essav Gontest- Jeaa IvooCp /vmerican History, Eleventli. Jamies Nex-rbon, Ciiemistry and Georr i : u:.-&7e L-nd^ Spelling. Twelf th Gr ■ i c' e, i L? a C ab e ^ Eng 1 i s h Lit., Linda Callow iy; .T^ral Survey of Science, and Jo Anne Der.d/. Fre.ich Grammer. We hope all ohe students going to Gullowhee will rank high in the tests.