January THE MOUNTAIN TRAIL Page 3 “L‘ _T- Miat you don't know may not hurt you but it certainly does amuse a lot of people, A small boy announced to his parents that his class has been divided into two groups. "I’m in the top one and the other group is for backward readers*, We don't know who is going to be in the other one because there's not a kid in the room who can read backwardsc '•My boy friend has been telling every one that he is going to marry the most beautiful girl in the worlds." "'.'ihat a pity_, "exclaimed her com - pan5or>, after all the years you’ve been going W3.th hitno" Our third game with Webster was a success. We won 49-3S We have another practicc game sched uled for Jan, 6, with Nantahala, then we start with the conferance games again* Swain is our next conferance game follow od by Cherokee, NIGHT SKATING As I skate away from the lights and laughter I become aware of a silent en chantment in the clear air^ The twinkl -* ing stars are intermingled with clouds spread out across the sky like £ingel hair, I see at a backward glance the moon rising above the still pine tops, while across the lake her silver light streamsV I feel as if I could skate on and on and on. By Dec Ormend "So your husband is one of the big Man is thus metamorphosed into a shots of industrye" thing, into meny thingso The planter "Yes, he's been fired several times,* who is Man sent out into the field to gather food, is seldom choered by any Teacher: Wille, can you tell me where idea of the true dignity of his minis — Cleveland is? Wille: Yes'm, Clevelcind is in New York today and Bob Limon is pitching. The small boy handed his parents a bad report card and remarked., "Here it is try. He sees hie bushel and his cart, and nothing beyond, and sinks iisto the farmer, instead of Man on the farmo The tradesman scarcely ever gives an idea v/orth to his work, but is ridden by the ro- v.tijiG of his craft, and the soul is sub way. and I’m tired of watching Television any - j^ct to dollars» The becovLKi-f form^ the attorney a statute-book; the mechanic a machine; the sailor the rope "Miss Wruten, you are the best look- of a ship ing girl we ever had working in this office. In this distribution of functions You dross well, you have a nice voice, you make a good impression on the public, and your deportment is fine," "Oh, thank you, your compliments are ver^^' pleasing.," "Enjoy them to the fullest because we are now going to discuss your spelling, punncuation and typing^'' the scholar is the delegated intellect; in the right state he is Man thinking.* I'n the the degenerate state, v:hen the victim of society, he tends to become a mere thinker, or still worsen the parrot of other men’s thinkingc From Emersons "The ■ American Scholar" Girls Sports News air season offically opened on Dec, 13 when we meet Glenville at Glenville* We^won by the score of 29-22, Next we played Cullowhee on our home court and were defeated 50~55»