(6) (Senior Sketches Continued) —Mary Leona Dowdle —November 19^40 RECIDENCE—Hi(i;hla ndG DESCRIPTION—I am 5’ 2*» tall and x^eigh 9o lb3. I have light brown hair with broun eyes and a dark complexion. SCH0(3LS ATTENDED—Highlands RlVcaiTE ACTIVITIES—Eating(mor;t ol all;, readingj vjatciiiDg T,V. listening to any kind of music, and horse back riding. Favorite ACTCjR—Craig Stevens I^AVOHITE ACTRESS—Lola Albright favorite AUrHOR--Lloyd C. Douglas favorite study—None of them favorite SOiNiG—1-j^- Happiness future PLAINS—Attend Blanton’s Business College and then Nurses Training. Ni'JiE—Georgia Llewellyn Cleaveland EOM—January 26, 19^1 RESIDENCE--Hi ghlands description—I am 5'6” tall, weigh about 120 lbs. I have brown hair, blue e^/es, and have a fair complexion. SCHOOLS aTTEL'IDilD—Hi^^lands, Annandale, Fairfax. FAVCRITE aCTIVITir.S—Basketball, singing, roller skating, T.V., movies, eating, and riding in a ’^3 Ford. FAVORITE aUTI:l;R—Grace L. Hill F/iVCRITE AXTOR-- Jef f ery Chandler FiWORITE iiCTilESS—Susan Hayxjard F..VORITE STUDY—Geometry FiiVCRITE SUNG—To Be Alone FirrUiiE PL jiS—Undccided # j/' # § # § § # it # § if N7\l'iE--Chnrles Ne" ton Crawford Born—March 23j 19^1 RESIDENCE—Highlands . ^ Description— i am S” tail, weigh H40 lbs,, have brown hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion, SCHOC'LS A'i'TEi'DED—Highlands and Eustus Elementar;'/. NAI’E—James Henr^/ Nevrlon BliON—Februaiy 2h} 19^41 TiESIDx^ XE—Hi ghla nds DESCRIt'TION— I am 6'1" tall, weigh 153 lbs. I have a fair coiiplexion, blue eyes and brown heir. Favorite iiCTIVITIES—S\>dmming, basketball, baseball, hiking, music and reading, Fm.RITE ST1:DIES—Science, Algebra, History F..VGRITE AUTiiC'R—R. ¥. Eraerson R'.VORITE SONG—A Certain Smile Favorite activities—Movies, T,V,, sports, F.^VORITE aCTOR—Garj'' Cooper I'eading, riding, hunting, fishing. Favorite actor—David Niven FAVi.RITE ACTilESo—Deboroh Kerr FiiVORITE aUTIiOR—Most any of them favorite SOWG--The Stars and the Stripes future PLiVMS—College F..VORITE /XTRESo—Janet Leigh SCHOOLS aTTEwDEL—Highlands FUl’UiUi: PLu^S—Student at U.N.C. # # -7 7T if if § if if if ff —Lina Louise Potts EOIM—July 21, 191^1 N:JjE—Charles Mi.chael EORi\'—June 3> 19^iO RESIDENCE—Highlands DESCRIPTION— I am 5 ’ # E-ity /( ir § if in height and weigh lU8 lbs. I have black hair, brown 0-- DESCRffTION 'l am 5’5" tall and weigh 135 eyes, and a dark complexion, lbs '*I ’’ave dark blolide hair, blue eyes, SCHOOLS ..i'TENDED—Highlands, Sanford and’a fair complexion. FAVORITE .XTIVITiES-Skating, swimming, FAVi'.rite .•XT.:.VITIES—Skating, riciing, going)nsketball and dating. 'to movies, listening to Roclc and Roll mus ic, and juot about anything thats fun. Favorite authc'R—Grace l. Hiii FaViRITE actor—Tony Curtis Favorite actress--Jane Russell Favorite song—if I DidA’t care future PLiJ'JS—To be a success at something (Con*t on page 13)