riGcember 17» 19^9 THE MOUNTAIR TRAIL Page 12 Third Grade News I^tLss Edwards brought us a Christinas tree. She put a star and some lights and some icicles on it. She painted it silver Jiinmy Bryson Second Grade News We have a Christinas tree. Miky Hedden brought it to us. have a manger scene on our bulletin board. We will be out the l8th for Christmas holidays. We well be out till the 28th. Jiriimy Rogers will soon be in school, we hope. We will go to a free movie Thursday. I went to Lathonia Georgia to see my Aunt Thanksgiving. Susan I'/hitmire Second Grade News Wc have been going to the auditorium every Wednesday to sing songs. Mrs. Summer plays the piano for us and ^"^rs. Vernon leads the songs. We sill sing Christmas songs Wednesday and Santa Clause vjIU^ be there. We appreciate Mrs. Summer and J4rs* Vernon helping us. Cheryl McCall Second Grade News I am going to Pennsylvania to sec grandma.and grandpa through Christmas hol idays. Today is Monday, December lU. We have a Christmas tree. We have Christmas cards up. Jimmy Steele This above all to thine own self he true; and it must follow as the night, the day; thou canst not then be false to any man." Vk, Shakespear Win NOT HAVE CHRISTI4/IS ALL YEAR ROUND? The true meaning of Christmas is the giving of ons’s true self3 not the giving of presents. Happiness comes with giving rather than receiving* The true spirit of Christmas, therefore, should be maintained all year round. It would be easy to carry through the meaning of truth and sincerety if it were not for the petty emotional patterns such as hate, anger, and self ishness that exist in the minds of the parents, teachers, and students. The children and students pattern their lives by the emotional examples given them by adults and fellow students. If a parent or teacher, or other person id-th authority, loses his temper con tinuously, the student will develope the same hateful traits and there can be no true■discipline or feeling of well being. Why not make it our New Year’s Resolution this year to carry the Christmas spirit the year roimd? Why not learn to discipline our own mimds and 3.earn to help each other by creating good activities and eliminating bad influences? If every parent, teacher, and studer will TRULY dedicate himself to serving the CjOOD in others, we can have the happiest and most progressive school and community in the country. Leti*s you and I begin, as students, to discipline ourselves and thereby present our teachers and parents with a permanent gift, Warren V/akeman ” Men give me credit for genius; but all the genius I have lies in this: VJhen I have a subject on hand I study it profoundly. The effect I make, they call the fruit of genius; it is however the fruit of labor and thought.” Alexander Hamilton ” Be sure you are right, then go ahead,” David Crockett