[KMBOffOJS Pegjjy has a pretty blue skirt X'fith black designs* Jessie H. has a pretty tweed skirt ■ .1 and svjeater to match • The Girls basketball team sure does look good in tijeir new uniforms. Rosa Lee's black and white slacks sure do look good bn her. The cheerleaders have ordered new sweaters that we are sure will be real jazzy, mrbara Talley's green, plaid dress is sure a delightful sight on the ca.inpuss, Ann Gragg's lila.c blouse and gray and lilac skirt go real good together, Wilxia we sure do like your plaid slacks, Joan's grey dress looks real snazzj? on her, Marion's white blouse with pink stripes.'is verj-' nsat'-and attractive.’ • Agnes looks real great in her black corduaiy suit with the knit shirt to matsh it, Wo really do dig Jessie and Tina's red ribbons T:ith bells on the end of tnera the most, Linda Pott's red slacks and vest to match shc’-js up verj' good on the campuss, I'Jarren's red bulky sweater is very unique and we really do like it, Garolj^ C, Prince has added another to her collection. Congratulations CarolynJ Shirley has a very pretty ring a- round her neck. Congratulations to you too Shirley, / \' ©SUQJOOLES Milinda's blue plaid skirt with the blue vest to match is real snazzy, Katherine we sure do dig your orange and grey pleated skirt, Ann's blue sweater and grey slacks go real good together, Libby, your multi-colored slacks are jazzy, I'lr, Newton, your royal blue svjeater brings out the sparkle in your eyes, llr, 1-ligaiolo has an assortment of suits that are ver^^ fashionaole, Mrs, rUgiaolo's blue coat is very pretty and it looks very good on her. Don't you all agree? Betty Jean sure has an assortment of sweaters that match all her skirts, I4r. Sutton is always neat in his assortment of suits, j£./iice, we all agree that your black skirt and red sweater look real kool on you, Judy has a ver^^ pretty chain that is holding Joe's ring around her neck. Congrats JudyI Jane has a very neat white dress ■vrith a white sweater to go witli j.t, Emma Joan, your red leatards are real stylish on the Campuss. Opal, we think that blue sweater of yours looks real nice on you, Wynn we like your black jumper and the red sweater that you wear with it, Kimbo we like that green skirt of yours.