December 17^ 19^9 TliE HQUI'ITAIN TRAIL Page 6 GIRLS SPORTS NEUJS V/e had our first conference game Friday nit.e* VJe played Glenville and got beat, But vje hope to win our return game, Dec. 1^ we go to Cullowhee and then on December 18 we play X^ebster, We are hoping to take both those games* All the girls on the ball team want to thank Mrs, Migaiolo for getting us all new suits. Th^ look real nice out on the court, Agnes Gibson eOYS SPORTS NEWS So far this year we have played 7 non-conderence games. Out of the seven we lost only three games. One to Rabun Gap and two to Nantahla, Our first conference game is with Glenville here on Friday, Dec, 11. Vie are looking forward to a Victory. Our next two games after playing Glenville will be with Cullowhee Dec, l5 and VTebster Dec, 18, Both of these games are avray. We are looking forward to getting our new uniforms so that all the players will be able to dress out at the games. Jack Cabe CHEERLEADER NEWS We finally got an order in for our sweaters. We ordered them from Crutch field Sporting Goods in Sj)artanburg, S,C, Vfe expect them to com.e any day now. They vrill be gold Crewneck with a megaphome through the letter H. We are trjrLng to get more people to help us cheer at the games. At all of our home games we will have the middle section of the bleachers roped off for students only. We want all the students to sit in that section and help us cheer. The boys on the ball tear.i can help uis during the girls game and the girls can help us during the boys game. We had our first pep rally Friday, Dec, 11, and it turned out very good. We want to have more pep rallies for the future games. Let us know if you enjoyed the pep rally and if you want to have more. We have been taking orders for bracelets and key chains, Tuesday, Dec, l5j is the last day to order them. We are going to order a few extra of each so if anyone wants one, tell us. The extra bracelets and key chains won^t have initials on them. The bracelets iri.ll have High lands and three charms on them and the key chains will be plain. Our thanks goes to Mr, Migaiolo for helping us with the pep rally, VJhat he said was important to all of us, Vfe need all the school spirit we can get. All of us hope the students will take an interest in what he said, Melinda Rtieee