6d^rqi,i Count Lucrose realized ne had slept too long as le weakly pushed back the lid of his rotting coffin* He would have to satisfy ais hunger with all pos sible haste. The almost forgotten potion ha had drunk had allowed him to pass an ;^ntire century in sleep, ->ut it had nearly caused :iim his death by draining him of energy. He wondered what things had changed during his long sleep. Time would soon tell, Lucrose assumed his all too familiar form. The sonor hearing of his bat- body informed him that a 'building was nearby and he noiselessly flew to it on leathery wings. He was exhausted as he flapped through an open window in the dark mansion. The Vampire re-assumed ais human shape. His pale as shone in the black- nt ss as he discovered a voung female form in bed sir leep. His hundred-year :u iger silently screamed L'o be fed. Feverishly he glided M the girl's side. Fangs j red, he bent to quinch -h 3 unslaked, unholy Ci irst. At that moment a pale bMm from the moon fell on -1 3 sleeping figure’s 'hroat and something me- allic glinted there. Curious, Lucrose leaned Torward, and read a word 'hich was followed by a umber, A horrible dis- dr gripped his brain and 'ody. He sank to the floor ith a moan of dread and a ^emor of exhaustion. x^llLscL With the coming of dawn the diabolic transformat ion, asleep for centuries, expired with an ironic in scription etched on his brain. Too weak to seek blood elsewhere, he real ized too late this feminine form could offer him none of life’s rich red neces sity. For the damning in formation stamped on the metallic tag of the "sleeping" maidservant de clared her to be a flesh- covered automation, -JoJo What do you desire most to find in your locker? Harvey Lee Safrit- Jane Mansfield. Wow! Linda Wallace- A box of candy from Jimmy P. R« Rankin.- Playboy's "Miss March"! Linda Beaman- Can't say, ’cause it wouldn’t fit! Ronnie Russell- Anything with curves (^8-24-35)! Charles Eckerson- A Ford Cobra Shelia Hunsucker- A special boy from Myers Park Larry Kearns- A teeny-weeny flea!!!! Gretchen Galloway- A smooth road to Carolina!! Carol Gray- A box of Valen tine candy (that was late) Fincher Jarrell- No books!! Ann Moore- Earl,of course! Kathy Brown- A notice of "No More School!!" Betty Sue Bruton- A j eep,. Karen Andrews- ’’instant" Ralph!!!! Dickie Lemons- A girl from East!! Page 7 Prissy Houston- A boy from East..,., Loretta Gray- A "Soldier Boy" Michael Hamlett- A girl (certain one) Patsy Greene- A certain junior from East!! Bruce Haywood- A Riviera (black with red interior) Ricky Moll- Mykie Myrick’s biology cheat notes!!! TD The West Montgomery Drama Club is planning to present the play "Rebel Without A Cause". A ten tative date for presenta tion has been set for April 12. Students playing leading parts are Johnny Harris, Jannelle Cochrane, John Hodge,Charles Bruton, and Mike Harvall. Price of admission will be $1.00 for adults and $ .50 for children. The Mt. Gilead school audito rium will provide the setting for the club’s dramatic production of the year. The curtain time is 8:00 “1 1 V J ^ ]nNF At the close of basket ball season, the cheer leader’s job ended for another year. The cheer leaders would likQ to ex press their latitude'' to the student body at West for all the help that has been given to them at the games. They would also like to thank their spon sor, Mrs. Gene Compton,fcr her wpnderful help and guidance. The cheot'lf^adftrs appreciate the interest she has taken in them and their job.