Page 11 monolsram club The Monogram Club met Tuesday, Oct. 1^ 19^3, for the first time of this school year.. . The meeting vas opened by- Coach Bolton and the floor was then opened for nominations of officers. The following members were elected as officers: 'President, Charles Crouch;Vice-Presi dent, Larry "L. R." Kobin- son; , Secretary-Treasurer, Linda Wallace;and Reporter Allen Cranford. After election of offi cers, the; 'floor* was then opened for business. The business brought to the floor was that of the Home Coming which wi.ll be spon sored by the Monogram Club, After discussion of this, the meeting was closed by Mr. Bolton. Other sponsors of the Monogram Club are the coaches, Mr. Merrit, Mr. Holcomb, Mr. Routh, and Mr. Bolton. STUDENT COUNCIL The first meeting of the Student Council of West Montgomery High School was held October 1, 1963, at 2:10, during fifth per iod. Gene Pridgen, Presi dent, called the meeting to order. With +-h ir spon sor, Mr, Ritchie, they disiussed the organization of the Student Council for the year. They planned the hall patrol and iss^jod th3ir duties. LIBRARY STAFF MEETS The Library Staff of West Montgomery Hir-gh. School met in the library on October 1, 1963. Offi cers for this year are as follows: President, Betty Sue Parks; Vice-Presiden,,*:, June Carol Bunck; Seer - rary, Jo Ann Tho^npso ^ Treasurer, Janelle Ooc . - rane; and Reporter, Larry Saunders, Severcil people were appointed to head committees. Heading the social committee is Katie Belle Poe;head of the pro gram commi-^tee is Rog-^jr Senders; and heads of the art section are Janelle Cochrane and Larry Sann- ders. Short discussions were held concerning the lib rary’s part in school lire, chapel programs, and buJ- letin boards. Miss Wix*- bum, school librarian., gave a report concernirg the formation of a reading center in the library. W. M. CHORUS The West Montgomery Hinh School Chorus elected o;l- ficers for the 1953-19 M school term. They are .. ■’ follows: Pres,-Pauleti j Hardester; Vice-Presidcnt- Rosemary Russell; Secre- tary-Sue Ann Shue; Treas- urer-Donna Roache; Librar- ians-Ileene Brock and Sheryl Corbett; and Report er- Linda Story. The chorus is now be ginning plans for concerts which will be presented at various times, during the year. CHEERLEADERS BEGIN NEW YEAR The cheerleaders this year are as follows:. Linda Beaman, Candy Parks, Caro lyn Wallace, Mary McLoud, Pricilla Houston, Peggy Corbett, and chief;, Ann ^®ihoy. They hope that the coming year will be full •f surprises for the stu dent body at West. The cheerleaders plan to have bonfires, pep rallys, sock hops, and school spirit weeks, during the football season* When the clubs are organized they hope to have a Pep Club. The cheer leaders are iRXd-ting every one to become a member of this club. Thanks to Mr, Doolittle, West Montgomery now, has anxofficial fight song. »HAIL TO T& V;ARRI0RS" Hail to the Warriors; Fight all the way, We*re going to win this contest; Here, right now, today. We are hustling, fight ing Indian braves. Good clean sportsmanship is what West High raves. We will win and show you why; This is our war cry*.. FIGHTl FIGHTI FIGHTI Hail to the Warriors; Fight all the way, VJo*x‘B going to win this contest; Here, right now, todayi