Hello Students How does smnmer fly by so fast? It's gone—and here we are again at West to struggle through another hetic year. Have you ever seen so many new Freshmen? They certainly don’t seem to have any trouble getting acouainted especially G«B. and S.H. i Looks like we have some new Carolina fans this year, +oo. Is that right M.A., S.B., and J.B.? Nothin' like twc-timing it while E.Z.'s away Huh^ Ann? Look's like you’ve got D.D. snowedi Gene P. likes to keep things in the fam ily it seeins. What’s this I hear about Jane's first cousin? Celia seems to have found a new interest in school lately. Know anything about this L.R,? And Rodney B. has gained a new title ’’heartbreaker”. By the xsray girls who won out? A.V.j I hear has hidden talents. Wcader how she keeps her teachers grinning f]rom ear to ear.’iii Rumblin’ in the rumble seat? Edgar you explain this? And J.S., shame on your for scaring those poor freshmen. How were the ’’submarine races” the other night, B*S.B, and K.A.? It must be an up-and-com in sport I What’s name of that new novel you’ve written? X it p^ets pub lished before this six-weeks is ovei*i P.T.—those bruises didn’t really come from a tree branch—did they? J.B. seems to think different. P.H. also had several on display a fevj weeks ago- isn’t that right M.M.?? DEFEAT The atmosphere is the dressing room of a defeat3d football team is like that inpide a coffin. The players plod in with heads down as though they have lost life itself. The clatter of their cleats reminds one of a death march. The sound of helmet3 dropping to the floor resem bles the coffin dropping to its final resting place in the cold earth. The players* silence is so great that it can almost be heard. As the players flop in to their chairs to undress, it sounds as if a corpse has fallen to the ground. Yes, the dressing room of a defeated football team is truly like a huge cof fin in wbioh all the players are buried together- But when they f’ress, they must resolve t:) try harder next time in hopes that victory will be theirs. Defeat teaches a person humility and the basis of greatness is this. VICTORY The feelings of a victorious football team arc like a mountain looking over the com, Irysidec The feelings of joy are so tremendous inside them that is tearing away at their insides resulting in an explosion* Each player is dancing the dew of the early morning. The clat ter-of the cleats sounds as of someone dropping to the floor remind one of beat ing drums. The players march in the dressing room a3 Caesar’s army marched into Rome after a conquest» The players do not flop into their scats this time but bounce around like playful puppies. Howeverj the elation of victory cannot take the place of hard preparation for the next battle. By Charles Bruton No wonde ' they have a nc.ck~check in Md cs. Lee’s rcom every Monday morning lit The very endI Many Ha Ha