Vol. Ill Hovember 27, 1963 Larry Wayne Saunders, 17-year-lad senior of West will represent Montgomery County in the district conpe- tition for one of the annual Morehead Awards at the University of North Carolina. Larry was selected Thursday night by the Mont gone ry County Moirehead Awards Committee. The other five applicants were: Johnny Conner and Nolan Saunders of East Montgomery, Gene Pridgen, Charles Bruton, Jr., and Edgar Haywood III, Science is Larry’s ;:^ain interest, but there are others. He is chief dr^jmmajor for the West Montgomery High School Band, plays an instrument in the band Lsd plays the piano for his church. He also has an inter est for almost any sport. Recently, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam P, Saunders of Route 1, Troy was selected to present a pape* of his science project at one of ten Science Youth Congresses held in the United States, He entitled his paper ’’The Separation of the Rar^ Earth Elements and a Com- - - - - plete Study of Their Nature, Senior Class Choose (continued to p. 4) Mascots - _ - _ COLLDJS £ AIKMAN ESTABLISHES SCHOLARxIC AWARD PROGRAM Collins £ Aikman, a di versified textile firm which operates majoi manu facturing plants through out North Carolins, has established a "scholastic • award" program which will provide .15 of the state’s outstanding senior high school students with fi- naiicial awards on ■t'’eir graduation mext year. The program,established through high schoo o in areas in which C S A oper ates its plants, was inau gurated, the company said, "as a means of focusing attention on the n'ed to futhe r en courage today’s youth to capitalize on ed ucational opportunities that are available to them, ” C S A President,Donald F. McCullough, said that the ever-ir. "^reaiiing need for good, scholastic back ground, on the part of our young people, in competing in today’s world, calls our lending any encourage ment we can,however'we can, "North Carolins’s schools are among the finest in the comtry," he said. "It is merely our hope, as a corporate citizen, that the students in those schools will get as much out of thejn as they can." The senior class has finally come out of hiber nation since term papers have been completed. Mas cots were choses on Nov. 7, They are Betsy Jordan and Mark Keams, Senior Calling cards have arrived along with senior pictures. The class anticipates the arrival of rings in early December. Work on the annual is go ing well reports editor, Patricia McLoud, PARENTS ATTEND SCHOOL The West Montgomery PTA met Wednesday night, Nov ember 21, at 7:i^S at the school. After a brief Business iroeting in the cafeteris, a mock school day was held with ten m.inutes for each period. The parents fol lowed their qI Idron’s regular school day sche-: dule, visiting each class and meeting the teachers.