Vol. IV High Lights COMMENCEMENT ISSUE No. 8 Jamestown s Largest Graduating Class •••♦* • ; ^ « MASCOTS—Marcfliret Stewart, Batter Smith. . -,. * . _ . ^ —— SENIORS—First U rirht*—Dorit Vestal. Eliiabeth Burleson, Norma Lee Simmons, Ruby Briars, Lessie Price, Mary Frances Webster, Atlene Shack* elxord, Elaine Phillips, Charles Wyrick, Bob Clodfelter, Maurice Cruthis, Carrie Deli Hennis, Dorothy Howell, Mildred Falls, Joyce Winslow, Jean Donarhy. Second row—Aetna Davis, Joy Smith Stroud, Margaret Burney, Evelyn McKinney, Charles Gardner, Alma MIdkiff, Hope Parrish, Wanda Smith, Rosella Mod* lin, Norma Willard, Wanda Brackett, Phyllis McGhee, Mary Frances Crowell, Hilda Nall. Third Bow—Ernest Wolfe, Newman Lemonds, Bobby Floyd, Lucille Lanier, Lculse Lance, Frances Turner, Georgia Kersey, Frances Foster, Naomi Smith Danna Morgan, James Stewart. Fourth row—Norman Ingold, W. C. Mangum, Calvin Cashatt, Eloral Hennis. Louise La Prade, Fleta Mae Richardson. Billy Holton. Mary Alice Jo^son. Martha Raye Spencer, Kathleen Davis, Ruth Thornton, Louise Landreth, Charles Jarrell, George Ballinger. ^ Fifth row—Ernest Ingold, Lewis Waynick, Hebron Coble, Gilbert Clark. Wray Hutchins, Robert Winslow, Mary Weatherly Tilden. Basil Meredith, Hilda Heth* cox, O. D. Leach, Annllea Osborne, Guy Osborne, Wilma Cashatt, Ray Ward, Junle Hester, Romulus Modlin. Evelyn Caudle, Elizabeth Cashatt. Sixth row>—Joe Morton, George McKinney, James Rcssell, Carl Cox and Raymond Vuncannon. TILDEN AND CLODFELTER TO SPEAK IN FINALS “In Defense of Our Democracy” will be the theuie of the graduiitlon exercises to be held Monday night In the high school auditorium. Mary Weatherly Tilden and Bob Clodfelter will deliver the keynote speeches of the evening. Miss Tilden will speak on the subject “The American ]>ream”. Outstanding members of the Senior Class will participate in a panel discussion led by George McKinney. This discussion will center around the preservation of our democratic Ideals. As a climas to the evening’s exercises, Mr. Clodfelter will speak on “Our Call to Duty”. SENIOR CLASS PLAY The annual senior class day exercise entitled. “Soothsayer”, was given Friday morning. May 2, at 0 o’clock. George McKinney was chairman of the program connnlttee.v capably assisted by Arlene Shackelford and Hilda Nall. The audience received programs upon entering the auditorium. Two seniors, representing newspaper re porters, vlsltwl the tent of Madam La Zolar to learn the future of the Senior Class of li)41 for the “James town Hl-Lights”. The madam forecasted the fates by gazing into the crystal ball. Senior “wills” were also read during the ceremony. When asked for the class superlatives, the madam conjured the Image of the slave in her magic mirror who Imparted the desired Information. Very effective costumes and scenery together with the unusual lighting effects addel to the presenta tioti. SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS President—Bob Clodfelter Vice-President—Charles Wyrlck Secretary—Carrie Dell Hennis Treasurer—Arlene Shackelford Devotional Chairman—Raymond Vtincannon Class Motto: “B2” Class Colors: Blue and Gold MISS MORRISON PRESENTS PUPILS IN RECITALS On Wednesday nlglit. April 30, Miss Geneva Morri son presented her .Innior piano and voice pupils in a recital in the scliof)! auditorium. The renditions were well receivel by an appreciative audience. The Senior re‘ital will be presented tonight. May 2. All lovers of nuislc and Interested parents and friends are Invited to attend. SENIOR GIFT When passing by .Jamestown High School, be sure to stop and look at the new flag-pole with “Old Glory” waving gallantly from the top of It. Vou had better make some nice remark about it, because we’re mighty proud of our gift. The |)ole was a gift of the 1041 graduating class, and the flag was given l>y the liHO class. Every time you pass the flag remember Frances Scott Key's word-s, and In your heart say a prayer that “long may It wave, o’er the land of th(> fre«» and the home of tlie brave.” BOB CLODFELTER WINS HIGH HONOR Friday, April 18, the high scliool met to elect the best citizen of .lame.stown High Schfiol. .\frer a clnst* race between Arlene Shackelford, Bob Clolfelter was elected. Tills honor is based on the qualities if char acter, scholarship, service, leadership, loyalty and sin cerity. Tiie ('ivitan award will be presentetl to Mr. Clodfelter during the graduation exercises, Monday night, May ii. HERE COMES PATRICIA The dramatic club selected for the connnencemenr play “Here Comes Patricia”, a farce comedy, by K>i- gene (). Hefer. The following capable cast carrlinl off the honors for the club: Nonna Willard—Mrs. (’arrol, Frances Foster—Elsie Crowder, Nancy Wil lard—-Mrs. Smidi Porter, Wanda Smith—Angelina Knoop, Uuby Briggs—Minnie Knw)p, Betty Lynn Wil lanl—Patricia Grayson, Ilol)ert (^lodfelter—.limmy Clark, George ^IcKliniey—ICll)ert Hastings, (Charles .larrell—Adam Wade, Norris Frazier—Tim Hopper, iiiid .Inlian McGhee—Bud Flannlgan. On Friday night, April 25, .Jamestown High School witne.ssed a record-breaking attendance to see “Here Comes Patricia”, tiie dramatic club's most successful achievement. BACCALAUREATE SERMON TO BE MAY 4 The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered In the school auditorium ^lay 4 at 11 o’clock by Rev. C. il. McKliuiey of the .Jamestown Methmlist Church. Rev. Mr. MclClnney will use as the theme of his message to the seniors, “How to Make T.ife AVorthwhlle”.