JAMESTOWN HI-LIGHTS Published Monthly by Edltor-iii-Chief Associate Kiiitors -Arlene Shackelford lluth Tliorntoii J .1 uriiey, Ourrle Dell Heiinis, Eloise Ilobbins Society Editor Jilary Weatherly Tildeii Asslslaiits - Martha llaye Spencer Helena Upshaw, Hilda Nall I’.iisint'ss Jlaiui^er - Wanda Smitii Assistants Jluby BriKg’ Norniu Willard Advertising; iianajier Elizal)eth Burleson Assistant^; Bol)by Clodfeiter Doris Setzer, Lou Kaye Jlickey, Topsy Delk, .leaiuie Hales, (Jene Kester, Norris Frazier Art lOditor Wray Hutchins Assistants - - Billy Holton (ieorge McKinney Sports Editor - Itilian JIcOh(>e Assistants J. W. Warren Sidney Kay Circulation Manager -.Charles C. Jarrell Assistants Annilea Osborne Miiry Frances Webster, Doris Vestal 'I'ypists - Harriet Murray Evelyn McKinney OUR HISTORY In tlie year of 1937 tliere started upon their high school career one hundred thirty-five freshmen. We were the largest freshman class that Jamestown High School had ever seen. We flocked the halls and filled to overflowing tlie previously adequate class rooms. So Jamestown had to expand her rooms to accommo date us. Little by little we learned to know and love each other and to become more accustomed to the rules and regulations. And though as the years passed and our ninnbers dwindled slowly but constantly, we are still the largest graduating class in Jamestown High School’s history! A record that we may indeiMl be proud of, for on !May 5, 1941, 78 of us will have completed our high school career and many oi us, our educational career. We are now equipped to I)ut our hand to the wheel, as it were, and to find the place in whlcli \ve fit. Just as it takes each piece to complete the pattern of a jig-saw ])uzzle, so does it take each of us tu make no America’s pjittern of ilemocnicy. Miiv we each do well our part, however small, for therein lies tlie honor. Heretofore we have not experienced the thrill of earning our own way, but before this time next year rolls around many of us shall have known the satisfaction of working our way toward the goal of accomplislnnent. Yes, we will be the farmers, art ists, workmen and leaders of tlie world tomorrow. Tliough times may appear dark, still that philosophy of Browning’s: “Look not thou down, but up", is wise advice. We know less and less of what the future holds; therefore there Is a greater need for prepared ness so we may be ready for anything. As time flies, we find ourselv>s where a few years past we had not dreamed of being. But thus is life. Hence, we feel it obligatory to so prepare ourselves that tin* world may find us holding honorable positions in the professional, husine.ss atid religious world of tomorrow. May we go fortli determined to forever jirove ourselves worthy of th(> heritage given us by our dear Alma Mater, Jani(‘stown High School. I wish to expre.ss my apreciation and thanks to the members of the newspaper staff who have fulfilled tlieir duties, and also the spon.sors whose advice kept our jiaper from being a failure. A. S. JAMESTOWN BETAS INVADE CHARLOTTE April 11-11* the Beta Club Stale Oinvenlion was held in Charlotte, N. C. The delegates from James town were Kuth Thornton, Arlene Shackelford, Fran ces Foster, Nancy Willard, Wanda Smith, Betty l..ynn Willard, Carol Kaper, Maxine Hodgin, I..0U Kay Mickey and Topsy Delk. Misses Hanner and Bostick accompanied the girls. Kecently the Beta Club elected the president and secretary for next year, .lulian McGliee and Topsy Delk, respectively. 'I’he Beta Chib held a picnic April 20 at the City Lake, th(>reby bringing down the curtain on tills year's Beta Club activities. Johnson-Cornatzer and Aulbert THE MAN’S SHOP 221 South Kill) Street Dial 1!)8G nKKKNSIlOKO. N. C. SCOUTS IN COLOR CEREMONY Jlemliers of Girl Scout Troops Iti, 41 and 40 par ticipated in a color and investiture ceremony held in coniiection with tiie Parent-Teacher Association meet ing. Three new iiienihers, iliirgaret Fowler, ilary E. Thrift and Barbara Nicholson, were invested. Doris -Marie Wilson received lier second class badge. This ceremony which was conducted by Miss Evelyn Shep- iierd, new County Scout Worker, Included singing of “(Jood Bless America”, repeating salute to the flag. Scout Laws and I’romise. The singing of “The Oolden Sun” concluded the program. In the near future the Scouts plan to take a gypsy trip to Asheville or to go to camp. HI-Y MEMBERS SPREAD EASTER CHEER The Hi-Y members used the money in the treasury for the distribution of lOaster joy. Severjil nwdy fam ilies in the Florence School District were visited and presented with baskets. The boys enjoyed this very mucli. At the last regular clui) meeting Julian McGhee was elected president for tlie next year. Norman Os borne will be the new secretary-treasurer. We believe that under the leadarsliip of these officers and the guidance of *Mr. I’owling our cluli will hav(! another succt'ssful year. STRANGE FACTS ABOUT SENIORS Wouldn’t it be odd If; Aetna Davis were to be an old maid. Charles Wyrick got to school on time. Koniulus Jlodlin got In a hurry. Chubby Jarrell became an opera singer. Arlene Shackelford stayed in her seat for five miii- llte;‘. Lucille I^anier were caught not chewing gum. Louise Landreth were serious. Jean and O. D. weren’t together. Lib Burleson doesn’t get married. If all the Seniors were to graduate. YOU’LL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FAVORITE EXPRESSION Oh! but definitely. . You know. Oh! glory. That's what they all say. r.oy! that's what 1 like, it’s plumb cute. Oh ! ding it. liaw-so-help-me. Oil! hello. That’s straiglit. I’m going to annihilate myself, theoretic.'illy speak ing. What cha know, .Toe. I’ll be jumped. !ot any chewing gum? T>o you wjint to stay In here? I’m utterly disgusted with the attitude of some of the seniors. BURGESS BARBER SHOP ALI. IIAIK (’ITS 2.'5c I2(i West Sycamore (Jreeiishoro, N. (’. BEESON HARDWARE YOUR LOCAL HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS DEALER 214 North Main Street I’hone 45.'>1 IIKJII POINT. N. r. FOR QUALITY REPAIRING, VISIT W. C. BROWN SHOE SHOP 128 North Wrenii Street High I’oiiit, N. 4-H CLUB NEWS The Senior Boys’ and Girls’ 4-H Club entertained at an attractive party \Vednesday night, April 10, at the home of Jean Slate Holton. After the guests, num bering approximately 50, liad arrived a scavenger liunt was begun. The young people really had to scour the town to bring sucli articles as a live frog, corn cob, used garter, broken mirror, evergreen twig, horseslioe, etc. 'J'he couple arriving back at the house first with a complete list was none other than Miss Mildred Jlarlette and Wray Hutchins. Tlie lucky number prize was awarded to Kalph Hill. SUPERLATIVES OF THE CLASS OF 1941 Most Beautiful Girl Dorothy Howell !Most Handsome Boy _.Jirnest Ingolil Cutest Girl Doris Vestal Cutest Boy Bobby Floyd Wittiest (lirl Louise Landreth \\'ittest Boy Bob Clodfeiter l^aziest Girl _Lois Neese Laziest Boy Romulus Modlin Most Intelligent Arlene Shackelford ilost I'opular Girl Jjorothy Howell Most I’opular Boy Bob Clodfeiter Best Dre.ssed (iirl _Dorothy Howell liest Dressed Boy -...Charles Wyrick ilost Musical Charles Jarrell Jlost Dramatic Girl Frances Foster Most Draniiitic Boy George McKinney Biggest L'lirt (girl) Kathleen Davis Biggest l'’lirt (boy) Bobby Floyd Best Personality (girl) Evelyn Caudle Best I’ersonality (boy) Bob Clodfeiter Most Likely to Suceced (girl) Arlene Shackelford Most IJkely to Succeed (boy) George McKinney I?est-AlI-Around (girl) Evelyn McKinney Best-AIl-Aroimd (l)oy) Bob Clotlfelter Best Sport £velyn Caudle Jlost Athletic - _.HebroD Coble JUNIOR-SENIOR IS GALA EVENT On April .") the Seniors of Jamestown High School were entertained by the Juniors at the King Cotton Hotel. Throughout the banquet hall the patriotic t>c red, wiiite and blue predominated. After an Invocation by the principal, delicious four course din ner was enjoyed. Julian McGhee acted as toastmaster. Tlie program was made up of spee-hes on great Amer icans, music and folk dancing. The high light of the evening was an inspiring address by Rev. Kenneth Goodson. Afterwards the piccolo furnished music for dancing. You slnmld have been present to see the gorgeous array of color. MARSHALLS On Tuesday, March 22, the Marshalls were selected. The co-chiefs were; Julian McGhee and Betty Lynn Williard. The rest of tlie marshalls were; David .Inrney, (iene Kester, J. W. Warren. Eloise Robbins, Lucille Lasley iind Nancy Willard. It is a great honor to be chosen marshall becaust* the.-;e must have a very high scholastic record for thi“ first thn^‘ years of high school. GLEE CLUB NEWS On Tuesday and Welnesilay. Ajiril 1.5 and 10. sev eral pupils of Mi.ss Morri.son's pujiils. including Mary I'lances Webster. Phyllis .Mc(;iiee. Fleta Mae Rich- ard.son, Doris Vestal, Lucy La Marr, Betty Lyn Wil liard. Evelyn McKinney, Charlt>s Jarrell, Steven Thornton juid Wayne Johnson attended the choral fes tival at Woman’s College, Greenslwro. COMPLIMENTS OF Underwood Elliot Fisher Company 222 Smith Greene Street Phone 2-0529 (JKKKNSHOKO. N. V. COMPLIMENTS TO THE SENIORS OF JAMESTOWN FROM THOMPSON’S SHOE STORE IIHJII POINT. N. C.