Greetings from THE TWIG The Give Us Your SUPPORT Vol. I Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, April 22, 1921 No. I SEVERAL MEREDITH GIRLS TAKE PART IN WAKE SOCIETY CIRCUS One act Farce “Rubber Boots” Presented by Meredith Actors; Annabel Bridger Sings Two Selections Meredith College was well represented in the Wake Forest Society Circus that was staged in the Wake Forest gymnasium last Friday night. The Circus was on the same order as the Raleigh-Wake Society Circus held in the Auditorium several weelcs ago. The opening event was a song by Annabel Bridger of Meredith. Her selection was ‘ ‘ Song ot the Robin.” Following her. several dances were given by Dr. J. Richard Crozier and his daughter Dolores, also of Meredith Col-: lege. The first dance was the dance of the clowns and was admirably presented by the couple. Professor A. F. Bowen entei*tained the audi ence with twenty minutes of modern thauma- +1T-jvr w'hir''.- woo ’•'1 ofi'JiTlp-. ff' t.b*', tippr-tftorS both on account of Professor Bowen’s enter taining manner and his profieney in the art of magic. The next number on the program was an Oriental dance given by Miss Maxine Cox of Wake Forest. Her costume, well adapt ed for the occasion, combined with her ability in the practice of interpretative dancing made the dance most entertaining. The Wake Forest gymnasium class then pre sented several acts of the Roman Ladder gymnastics which was given in the Raleigh- Wake Shrine Society Circus. As final numbers on the program Miss Annabel Bridger sang “Yesterday and To day, ’ ’ and a one act farce was given by a num ber of Meredith girls. The play was “Rubber Boots” and was presented by Misses Lidie Penton, Evelyn Bridger, Evelyn Sentelle, Lila Earl Dowell. The play was among the most enjoyable features of the program and was enjoyed by all present. SENIORS WIN TENNIS MATCH WITH SOPHS Seiiior-Sophomore finals in tennis were held Thursday April 14. Both teams were fairly well matched. The usual three sets were played. The first set, 6-2 in favor of Sophomores. Second and third sets, 6-3, 6-3, in favor of Seniors. The Senior team is to be especially commended for the clever method of placing balls. In fact this faculty quickly won the last set for them. The Senior team was composed of Edna Earl Hinton and Sybil Smith, while Clara Mae Jessup and Ruth Livermon played for Sophomores. MEREDITH JUNIORS GIVE ANNUAL BANQUET TO SENIORS Occasion One of Most Enjoyable Nature; Beautiful Decor i^ons and Deli cious Menu Served The annual banquet which was given by the Meredith College Juniors to the Seniors on Monday evening, April 18, was by far the most brilliant event of its kind which has ever been held at the college. The guests were received in the parlors by Misses Carolyn Mercer, Ann Eliza Brewer, Ruth Couch, and Lilia Earl Dowell. The dining room itself beautifully decorat ed with sweet peas, roses and shaded lights, together with the young men and women in evening attire was a gala scene. ,0n the center table stood a Good Fairy, Senior, class mascot, in a bower of sweet peas, the Senior flower. In the middle of the room towered an p.normorR was furnished throujrhout the evening by an orchestra. The menu was as follows: Grape Fruit Cocktail Roast Turkey Cranberry Jelly Mashed Potatoes Green Peas Combination Salad Saltines Cake Ice Cream Coffee Cheese Crackers After the delicious repast Miss Carolyn Mercer, president of the Junior class and toastmistress, charmin"ly welcomed the guests, calling upon Miss Mary Tillery for a toast from ’22 to ’21. Miss Lucile Kelly, president of the Senior class graciously responded. Miss Riith Couch next toasted the president. Dr. C. E. Brewer, who responded in his usual genial manner. Miss Evelyn Campbell re sponded charmingly to the toast given by Miss Beth Carroll to the Dean of Women. Miss Bertha Moore next c/lfered a toast to our Sponsors—Misses Law, Eiberg and Teague. Following the last toast given by Miss Alethia Felton to the Boys, all arose and sang the Alma Mater. Covei-s were laid for 6ne hundred and fifty. SENIORS GAVE A DINNER THURSDAY On Thursday eveninpr, April 14, the main building seniors were hostesses at a six o’clock dinner to the club Seniors and their dietitian, Mrs. Cooper. The other guests being: Miss Campbell, our Dean of Women, Miss Welch, dietitian, and the class sponsors, Misses Eiberg WAKE FOREST WILL HAVE SUMMER SCHOOL IN JUNE AND JULY Miss Campbell of Meredith, Included on the Faculty and Will be Dean of Women Students By order of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College a Summer School has been ar ranged for Wake Forest, which will be opened this summer. The school is open especially to teachers who are desirous of receiving certificates for teaching in North Carolina schools, to eleventh grade students who have delinquents to re move, and to regular college students of both sexes who need several hours credit on their respective degrees. Also the regular Law School of Wake Forest will be open. June 14, through July 27, is the time set for the Summer School. Courses in Modern Language, Bible, Biology, Chemistry, Educa tion, Philcrr^^'lpr, Physics, History, Mathema- cics;"3iig}^ w, Polit' ' and Latii" courses in Ru ral Educi and Teacher Training will be given by several prominent professors of this work in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Miss Evelyn Campbell of Meredith College will be Dean of Women. Professor H. T. Hunter of Wake Forest College is director of the Summer School and he with his com- inittee is working at the present for a large enrollment at the opening session. President William Louis Poteat, also of Wake Forest is president of the summer school and the fac ulty as a whole, consisting of twenty-two pro fessors is judged to be one of the strongest among summer schools In this section of the country. and Law. This was the first formal meal at the special table which the Seniors each year look forward to. The table was artistically decorated; in the center being a large bowl of sweet peas—the class flower—and in the middle stood our mascot—the good fairy. Seats for all present were designated by dainty little place cards. A four course dinner was served, the menu being: Grape Fruit Cocktail Plank Steak Mashed potatoes Asparagus Tips Combination fruit Salad Chocolate ice cream Cookies Mints