Subscribe to The Twig The Twig Raleigh, N. C. U'elcomc to Miss Royster Vol. II Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C.. Friday, Februaiy 17, 1922 No. IS TWO UPPER CLASSES ARE GUESTS OF N. C. S. AGRICULTURAL BOYS Tlic Shift! Collcj^c A”’ricullunil iiicii jiiivo Hieir aiimuil rcccpfKtn Sutiinhiy l-'cb- i-iuu-y 11, lt)22. 'I’lie oiitire Morodifli stu dent 1k)(1v whs iiivitod. Imt only mcinlicvs of tli(‘ t\v«f u|Vpcr (iliiss(‘s \vor(“ jillowc’tl lo iittciid, iiiid iilxint tliirty-Kv(‘ .Iiniinrs atul Seniors, cjipHl)ly elmporoiK'd Ity Mr. j-inninlioiiv and Miss Koystcr. took nclviiiitaire of llie (i|i[ior- nuiity to go. 'I’lio rceeplioii was liclil in llii' Aiiri-ultnriil IjiiiMiiiii', wliieli WHS lilenilly Jifliinic wifli red li^-lits iiliil lie.ii-ts suspended frniii flie ceil- inji’. Who said hoys,wcr‘ imt i>:oik1 inlerior d(‘e(M'alors' We kindly rel'er rhein to llio vStjite Collofi'P a^'i'icuUunil hoys. A reeeiviuii' line, eonipost'd nf nieinlnTs il the t'acnhy anil llieif wives srinul iif the head of tlie stairwiiys. on seeond lloor. when- the reception proper was held. ’To hel|> the eiiu- |»les uet ae(pniinf-d. ii hoeklel was ^iven eiieh il'irl in wliieli to write Hie names of all tlie hovs she met. 'TIk' prize, a Ix'X ol candy, was ”'iv(‘n a P‘aee jriri wint had ov(‘r Iwo hun dred uauK's. 1‘mieh was served dnrinji' the evening-, and 111 ten o'clock Iceland dninly was served. A Few niinntes later the siirnal was u-iven lli* Meredilh jiii'l.s to leave, and surrowl'uily we depiirted. wishing' that tlie SlaU' ('olle^e A;^ri- eiiltnral Ueeeprion came olienev than jusr nnee a vear. MR. BLAIR GIVES UNIQUE LECTURE FRIDAY EVENING MISS ROYSTER AS DEAN OF WOMEN RECEIVES WELCOME MISS BETH CARROLL’S WORK IS APPRECIATED It. would iiitt he rijiilir to h't time pass hy aiiv loHfi'er without j^ivinji' some expression of a])pr(‘ciafion to Miss l^elh (.^irroll. Presi dent of StudMit (jnvi'runient. for the servi'es she has rendered all of us inrinii' .Miss Camp- hell’s illness, and wliile the olHce of Dean of Woinon was vacant. 'I'he responsihilify for Iho disci]iliu' of a student hody as larji'e as .Meredirli. is ton larfi'O fo fall on any one jier- son’s shoulders, especially any one as younii' as Beth. But from the heiiinnitifi' of "Miss ('anipbeH’s illness, until roeeiitly wlion "Mi.^s lioyster was appointed as her supceasov, tiio lirunt of all this has fallen on Beth, and she has borno it faithfully and \in'oinplainin>i'ly. Dr. Brewer oertaiiily .spoke for the stuflent A >rereopticun exhiliif in our chajH’l n, l-'ri- day evenin''' of stme n1' the masterpiei-es of painrin;i' in the .Melropolitan* Museum of New York hy -\lr. -I. .1. Ijhiir of ihe State D(’|nirtnient of Kilucarion j^ave much pleas ure to our colh'^i’e conmiunity and some in- r‘rested friemis from the city. ’[’here were tifly or nioi'e pictures shown co\-erinn a wide Held of suhjects. ;uid Mr. Ulair's description with personal refi'rences to rile artists scaiu' of wliom he knew personal ly. niaile iIk- lrea>ures of the ^reat (hilh-ry \’ery real. 'The "Woniiin ('leiiuini:- Her .Nails” hy Uendirandt. a pm-frail hy !-'ranz Hals, ihe Chasi- portrait of \Miistier. Snriii'ant'- por trait of Mantuaml on' time president of ihe .M useiun. Alihey's ”('ordclia.” (’onier's su [ ('rh ocean picrur‘s. I'.vamples of Cu'ot"s poetii: huidsciipi's, “l’(‘acc and IMcnty” by Innc'ss, unrl out' liv onr o\\’ii N’oi'th ('arolimi M'li-t [•;iioi DiUiii'crliidd. *'Sliunln-rini;- Misls." \\i r'‘ oinsiiindin^,- ill their heiinty. The art departmeni' of the ci'lli'U" puriii'U- lariv appr‘ciated the privili\i:e and benelit of such a lecture aul iliank'd .Mr. lilaii' very heart i 1 v for beiiiu’ wi Hi iiii' n> ^ivi’ so "eni'roiis- iv of his lime and kiinwledju:e u> Inrihi’r de- \'elopnieni of onr appreciation of arl. a tliiny- 'ri ..iin'ly neetled Ity the masses o! [)eople. [|e has kiinlly cniisenied lo >:ive ns at a la(i-r tlate some pictures from ibe (‘orcoran lallery at \VashiniitoH. Mereclillt's newest oliih held its first regu lar iiicetiii'i' on 'I’lH'sday aflerntvon. .Vfti'r all business was tlispciised with. Mr. ('ami- dav beran tii' prci>irain by presenting- sevi'i’iil miscellaneons, puzjcliiiji' nninl>i‘r prolili'Ui.s, with tlu'ir solutions. I’essie [)aven])ort ihen ex|)laiiied the origin and use nl; neternii- iiants, and ^lariiaret Wyntt showed the way to use .Napier's Kods. presentinji' a rorni of multiplication wliieh imnle the present sys tem appi'ar as ciiild's i>lay. Andrea Cov in,liton. in lli‘ concludin^i;' nuinlier. (old of many arraii:emeiifs of unifi'ie sijuarts and enlii's. •\ snci-essoi' has been appointed Ui Miss Campbell, as Dean of Women, it is other than .Miss {iertrnde Royster, who for many years has been onr etticienr Dii'cetor of Physical I'Mncafion. ^\ben Dr. IJrewer announced to us her ap- pointnieni. al the chapel hour on last |-'rilav imn'iiini;-. be was p-ei'ted with an enormous auKinnt of cheeriuti' and handclap])iu!i. show- inii' whai a ,i:eneral favorite Miss Koysler is witli the ^irls. Stran^’e to say. w* were snr- pi-iseil. bill bow many times linriuii’ ibe dav. was the followinii’ remark bearil i ’“I ilon't see why vve were surprised. It is th‘ most natural tbiii^- in the world. She i exactlv the one for the place. ' Inder-d. shi' is the ''oik* for th‘ pla-e.” .No one could suit eillier students or fa-uUy bel ter. iSesidi's l)eiiiji' ji lover tf (iirls ;ind thtiroHii'bly nmlersliiudin^' llieir nature, ,Miss liiiyster has been coniH'cted with Meredith lon^- ruoiiiih Ui know and iiiah-rsland every .Meredilh iradition and cusroin—perhaps miirh bi'iiei' than any one in tin* faculty. Slu' has sei‘11 iiiiil helped ns ^row 1'ri*m a very small be^'inniiijL: lo an ,\ I collci;e. While ser\ in^ in her former capacrity. .\l iss Uoy.'lei' \v:is ;i lown re>ident. Xow sh‘ hii- moved into Miss ('aniptiell's forni(‘r ajiari- nieiits. and bus beeonie a member of our col- h‘"e comnninii''. Wi* ^ive her a hearly wel come :iml bid hi'r ”)ds]ieetl in tier new work, and ]iroini'i- lier onr loyjil su]i[)u't on e\’‘ry side. body, as well as hiinself, when he voiced liis rtppreciat iou nf ]3ptli’s services tlic other moni- iufi'. 'I'lirpe cheers for Beth, and may she ‘ver hold the sairie place in our hearts tlmt she does now. Tbri'c coui])lefe stills Were discovered in a loiiib in a ei'inetery in Somerset, .\fassa- ehnsetls. by nil undertaker. .\ntln‘irities bi'- lieve inoi.n-shini'rs have been making' li>|Uor. as ibere wt're evidences of recent vise ol the stills. The .-luily of newspa]]crs i« in ihe ciirri- ciilnni of West point. Military .\eadeniy. The cadi'ls are i-e(]uir(‘d to read two ilailies as pjirt of fbeir class work, and pass exami- natiins on dedu-tions from iniporlant edito rials and stories. The jiapers are read after breakfast and the i-adets are ipii/.zed orally on tiie day's news. 'I’lieu they snniinarize the impirtant hii))penin^s. doinestii- and forei,iU. and ex))lain their si^nfieance.