March 18-21 Spring Holidays The Twig // 'atch The Tzvig Crozv Vol. II Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, February 24, 1922 No. 14 W. F. C. ANNIVERSARY IS VASTLY ENJOYED BY MEREDITH GIRLS IMMENSITY OF THE UNI VERSE IS THE TOPIC OF LECTURE Wiik(! .K)i'C'sr Aiiiiivcvsiivy, wliicli is iiKvnys ill! cv(‘tir fov ircrcdifli jrivls. was (il)scvvc(l Fridiiy. I-\’lirniiry 3 7, fu' tlu’ ciii'rliy- .scYfiitli time. In tlie aftovimoii rh'c (|iicsfioii t)f iiivi‘rinnc'iif owiicrsliip of iiiiiifs wns dc- liiift'd wirli I>. Ciisfclloe nnd I*'. I., ivoli- crfs .up!iildin^’ tlic iui*l V. iv Howell and W. Ij. IJti'ic tin* iicaalivc. In tlio I'Vf’iiiii”- (’liarlos A. llowanl ddivcrt’d an unirion itn •‘(^)ini Vjidis Atiicrica'’ wliilc*AV. Alien cliiij^c US liis .snbjeef ‘‘'I'lic Vuiei' of the lilaek -Miiii.’’ IMovedirli nul'ovliinatcly dul iiur nvvive until about ^ix-tliirty and j'o missed the debate, bnt if one may jnd;j,'C tbo whole by a pavt. tlu^y wevc exeeil(Mit. Of tbo (-.rations, Mv. Hownrd’s Avas tho bottcv; lu- opened lii-« spocoli Avitli a discnssion of Ibe l>art Anierien bitd taken in tbo past, dlwrnssed hev ]ivf.’sent position find raist'd the (piistlon of wbi\t bov of ber jiveat inllueneo sboniti be. I’ei'liji])s i)nv 8(nithcrii minds were t)o prei’niliml to ai)]n’ceiato the I’Oiil worth of '.Mr. Allen's oration. It was a masterly pieeo of tliiiikinji' wbi‘li >avc expre.'Sion to so trn' ;ind nnliia.sod iiictiu'c of the oonditioiis of the noi-ro raeo and its bo|)es for jnstlec and riii'hts. At eiirbt-tbirty Soeioty llalls wove thrown open to tho rec;0]»tion whieb was attended by faenlty and Alnnnii as well as the ])ro.sent. student body. 'Hu- nmsic whioli was fur nished by tho liay Orebo?tra was dcli.i’htfnl. I’uneh. ieo eream, and oake wero served as refi'oshmonts. All too soon eleven o’olook eain- and Dr. Brewer infovniotl the 'Meredilb dolejiarion that it was tinu' to dei)avt. A special train had been ]U'ovided to brinj,^ them liaek to Kaleigb. This iiowcver, was alnnvst two lioni’S late, so the visit to Wake Forest was prolonged fov a sbovt while, and it was not iintil nearly two o’clock, Saturday movn- ing. a evowd of .ffloriously tired givls came in to wake up theiv pe^ieefully sleepin>; uoigli- liOl'S. On .l’'t'iday iii.ubt 1’'eb. 17, -.Mr. AV. -V. Diclrieli. a niomhev of (he 'Uvirish Astvonomi- cal >Si)ciety and the Doston .\strononiiral So- eioly. presented to tlie i'aonlty and student liody an illustrated IcK-ture on •■'['he Inunen- sity (.f tlio Universe.'’ Tlu’ !eet\ive was intensely interestin_y as well, as insti'tietive. and. as the subject shows, the content ran,^ed from a discussion of ih(‘ hntiei'Hy's tonjine to the lire mist from which worlds are nnide. Ontiininji'bis lectni'e as to tlie three spheres in which wo live—iitlios|)here, hydros])liere anI atnn>spliove. and with a bi'ief explainuion c.f lithosplu'Ve tlie speaker disrnssed the iiy- drosphere, “the spiiere in which all lif’e lia(i its bojiinnin_:>'.” .Me called alreiition here by (Co’iliniicil on piiyc 2) Guv ifissiou Shuly Classes wevc a great suceess. They wore tbo most interesting- we bftvc evev had. and wove tbe best atteiided. Wo feel that a large sbare of evodit i? duo Afiss Margaret Buncaii, pvesident of our Y. W. A. NEW INTEREST IN MIS SION STUDY IS FELT BY STUDENTS FRESHMEN ENTERTAIN THEIR SISTER CLASS The Sneioly llalls jn'esiMited a sci-iie of Cupid's aiiode on Saiunlay ni;.ihl. win'ii fh(> l''r-sbnien entet'tained tb‘ -Inniors at a Val entino party. On (‘utering Astro ilTall, each ]ierson was giv{'ii a heart, on whicli was wril- ten a name, and told to find liev lover. After the cniph‘s were formed, tbev(‘ were unites ranging from .\dam and lu'e t(i .liggs a»id .Maggie, 'I'lieii tliore was a ei.ntest of Fam ous Women aii{! wliat was tlu' snriu-ise when i( was foiuid that the answers to the riddles vere .I nuiin-s’ names! "Rutli Pveeman got the prize, a heart-shapeil box of candy. Brains, we say. Of course evei'youe learned Ihm* t'ate and had lier fortune told, and Sunday morn ing Jriss Tvoystev, like tbe rest, was still try- iiig to locate bev ‘'trj be.” After lii'avts wore matched, everybody went into Phi Hall whore rcfresbnieuts were served—ovorytbing carry ing out tbe sclieme of Valentine and sister classes. Everyone was carried nway with tlu‘ 2:V25 cnkes. Tbe .Tuuiors inilled lieart strings fov souvenirs—some getting trinkets and coins, others whistles, etc. There couldn’t bo a sistov class party without tbe exebanging of songs at tbe end; and the Juniors went aM’ay eutlinsiastically saying that their “little .sisters” •were tho sweetest tbiugs, and had the cutest songs, and knew just bow to iuak(' a party a sure ’nuff success. We have just jiasscd ihr'iugh a most in spiring week of -Mission Study. In ilie seven classes there was an enrollment i,*f about one Innidi-ed and fifty girls. Wr- de]nirred from several old customs regai'ding mission study activity and adi-]»ted new merlM'ds of proee- ilnre which wevi' suciHsstjil. In the lirsi |ilacc, insteal ot' iiaviiig the classes meet for six Simday evenings during the fall semester We liad a wec'k ot‘ intensive sindy—beginning Sunday evening. I‘'eh. and ending l*”'h. 17. The elasses mot each evening just after dinnei' for abmit forty-tive tainnt(‘s. In the set'inid phice. instead of Iniviug l''reshnian. Si*phoniore. .Inniov and Senior I'lasses we gavi* i'ach girl the o]iportiuiity of enlisting in whatever class she desired. In this way she could cboos(' rhe -ubject which api'eah'd to bor most. Th(‘ third ili'pavtm'o ft'i'm tbo usual cn~tinn was that of having ladies from rhe .Baptist chnvelies of the city teacb the i.-bisses. Here- HONOR ROLL GIVEN ‘ FOR FALL SEMESTER. 'rile Honor lloll fu' ihe Fall Semcstev was aniionneeil by Dr. I’rcnvcr ar ebapi'l exercises Saturday morning, Februavy iSih. The l‘’irst Honor Ivoll. including all ibosi- wbo made grades of at least one and nothing below I ), is as follows: Ariii'tt. .Inanita: l!owers. .Mai'y: TSvewer, \nn Kliza ; IJrown, Katherini'; ( 'arroll. Px'th ; Conch, lluth: Hutuley, Peih; T.ivevuiou, Knih ; .Matthews. K'athlcen : Xooo. Sarab : O'Kelly, ^iary: Walton. I-Miia Earle. The following who made and average of 1' on all subjects or. as many .V’s and C’s, con stitute tin' Second Hi.nov Tvoll; Beannui. Joyner; Eoyd. Fsrher; Day, Phoebe: nellinger, Blanche: Dnrliam, Wil ma; Oower, T)orothy: Grubbs. Edna: Her ring. Susie; Honeyentt. Buby; .Tossuji, Clara Mae; Xeudrick, Lois: Lineberry. T^utb; r.owc, .Mice; ^Fays, Louise: "iroore, Erma; Xoali. Elizabeth : Oldbant, ifabel: Paul. Fan nie; I’owell. !^^artba: Spuiubour. Euby; Strickland, Clladys; Sykes. Claudilene; Til- lerv. AFarv: Wvatt. ’>rar!i'aret.