The Twig Member of 2C. C. Collcohitv Press AasocUilion Published Weekly by the Student Body of A'Icrcdith College Ka’iiieuim-; 13kowx . ELlZAUIi'l'H KliXlHUCK Claua Mae Jessi'p RL TIt FUlCliJtAX . . . Gkh.m.di.m-: Gowiiu .. Anmic Hoi’i-: Waih) FA.NMli PaIT. .\IlSS Ma1!V Vi.vck.nt Axx Emza Bue\vi:u . EVKI.YX BaILKY . . . , ST.VrF Editor-in-Chief Assistant Edllor-in-Chicf Associate Editor .Assoc/«c Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor y. W. C. A. Editor Long I'ucultu Editor Business Mana(/er .Assistant Business Munafier SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 r EDITORIALS r COLLEGIATE PRESS J'-loii College, X. C., I’cb. 20.—1. 0. Hiui- s(‘v, cdirov of the Plii])sicli, aiiuouncos tbiit all of tlie luiitcvial for flic College Aiimial is ready for the press itiid promises to givo to the eaiupus the tiuishcd product early in April. 'Che st!i1f for the lf)23 PhijDsieli was clected hy the tiuiiior Chiss on last Saturday nfter- iiooii. J*’. C. White, a ineinher of the Ufaroon and f.lohl staiV this year, was elected. Editov- iii-Cliief aiid'Koy Helms was elected business niaiuiffer. I'llon Colleii'c. X. C., l^eb. 20.—Extensive pveparatious are being nnule here for a cele- l)rntiou on George AVashington's birthdiiy. All of the college dining hulls will be dceo- I'ated for the occasion and at five o'clf-ek the Clio ainnuil ilinucr will be sei'ved by the Clio Literary Society. Ar eiglit ,M. the Soci- -ty will givo its nnnual cntcrtninnient in the ciillege jtuditoriuni. 1'lie entevtiiinniciit. this year will, he one of TTiirry ITaniiltoir.s ]ilnys entitled. “For tlie Love of Tf-hnny.” It seenis that spring has come, the weather man isn'i foolinm us. We hope ■liislifirtiiiun of Bobbed Ifiiir .Much lias hecH said ag.iiiisr Imblieil hair, very lirrle for ii. Bni since no "nr is so narrow-minded as to say that there is oidy one .‘ide to the (|iiestioii, we now pro|)nsc to slate briefly wby we llinik bobbed liaii' is lii-rl'i'Clly juslilialite. In llie Mrs! iilaee il is nnich more sanilary. Already somi* liospitals iirc- rc(|uiring liieir nurses n. sacrilice llieir loeks before entering training. 'I'lien. it lias lieen said ipiile 1'rei|ncnlly “boblied liair liol> nn‘ssy." I’nt whaf can look more nnridy nr re\'olting tliiin a greai nniss »r biiir. lanub-d lo tlie ntli degl-er. padded underneath willi ‘normoiis pntl'sof false bair. and then [>nllel nut lo the four winds ()f the eiirlii^ Ijcsides giving OIK' a frightful and uncanny appear- aiice. it is nnhejillby aiul most unsanitary. .\gain bobbed liair is a lime ^aver. Some girU are siiu])ly roo lazy to take time m ar range their hair iu any degi*ee of neatness, if they are not going to use the comb and bru.'sh. liow uuioh better it would be if thev wr.nld use the scissors. Some say bobbed hair is ju«t a fad. Perhaps it is, but wij.; is tlie girl who takes advantage of the fad to kee|» from tangling her hair, and to allow it to grow as Xature intended it should. The yc'ars to eonu' will show who were the wise find who were the foolish virgiiis of tliis ironcration. CiRKATEli DAVrUSO.Y CLCF, A'X- XOrXCES COAL FOn YFAR Havidsoii. i’eb. 18.—'I'lie Creater I>avid- soii Club, an orgnnixation of tlip student which has been stri\'ing for a Hinfier and lU I- li‘V l^iiridseiii, met Monday morn'iip: ii‘ Sliear- er Hal!. After several laik>; by facnitv mem bers and sludents endiirsing the achievements of rhe Club for the [)ast twr. years, plans fot fntnre developnienf and progress were fornni- tated. Ill addition tlu> niorto for this year ■i''i\-e llnmlrrd .\gain But (.^taliry l*'irst. WHS adopted. FMMENSITY OF THE UNIVERSE IS THE TOPIC OF LECTURE (Continued from puge 1) picttires of the siuiil's teeth and fly’s foot, to the infinite paius taken by nature in. the con- sti'uctioii of the tiniest creatures. The fact that these tiny ereatnres arc sometimes the cause of great results was aptly illustrated by pictures of the dyaton—an animal hardly one-fiftieth of an inch in diameter but whose shells during agt's ])ast have formed such shoals as that on which the city of Richmond is bnilt. From this si)here the audience was con ducted to the last and nppeniiost sphere—the atmosphere. “liere,” said the lecturer, “we find the solar system composed of the sun and her eight daughters, who really mind their mother; but—this is not strange iu view of the fact that she is seven hundred and forty-one times as large as anyone of them.” l‘!xplanation and ))ictnres of the way in which stars are born, grow old and die and the determination of the age of a star by its cohif—the story of the moon—tiu' kiss in the miu.n (visible fourteen days after the now moon makes its a]>]iearance') the theory as to the canal system of .\lar.s—the rings of Sat urn—tli- lovely sunrise over tin* mountains— all these made the atmosjibere seem the most interesting and wonderi’ul r.f all the sjilieres. I'ecital of llu‘ figures which comprise ilistances in the heavens coupled with a sum mary of such dynamic force as that which twice every 1wenty-four hours moves all the water ai ibe earlli gave everyone ])res('nt a stronger reiili/.atioii of. if iu>t an eager desire io learn inm-e about. ‘’'I'he Inunensity of the l'^ni\’ers(\” ODDS AXi) Exns |)avid-on. I''('b. !•'.— Plans are alrt'ady be ing made for •Iniiior Speaking by the iliil’er- eiil organizations on the eanijiiis. 'I'he .iuniiir Class lias a[>pointed a committee to attend to llie duties of that -hiss and tin* Pramatic (Ti'.b is practising on (bree phiys il expecl.' lo iiiv(' at that time. Davidson, I'eli. IS.—IT. L, 'jrcKcitheii and 1’. 1), "Miller were chosen to re])rcs(int .David son in the Davidson-Puindolph-Macon debfiTe. At the same time D. Ii. Ogdon was chosen as niternate. ('ir.\KA{’TKRlSTTCS .1. Sfiiior Di'C)) wisdom—swelleil head. Brain fe\’er—sbe's dead. .1 Jiniior l-'alse fairr.iie—liopes lied. I leart busted—sbe's dead. .1 So/>li(iiiiorc Went skating—’tis said, l’'loor humped her—she’s ilea I. .! Frcfiliviaii .Milk famine—unfed. Starvation—she’s dead. to rejiresent Queens. The Convention helped the delegates to derive much valuable know- lodgo concerning woman’s place in present dav aifairs. Charlottej IN’. 0., Teb. H.—licna Bhniton, President of the Student Government a.-iso- ciation and Margaret Anderson, ]u’(minent meinhor of the Senior Class attended tbe Charlotte, X. C., Feb. 17.—The Queens Xational League of Women Voter’s Couvcn- IBInes Stafl’ will give a house warming iu their tion which met at Greensboro Eebruary 15 new office Saturday. Feh. 18th. The staff is and m. iriss Blanton was sent by th^ Stu- looking forward to the occupying of this new dent Bodv and Miss Anderson bv the College office with much interest.

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