Greetings to the New Offi-cers The Twig Hurrah for the Phi's Vol. H Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, March 31, 1922 No. 16 EDUCATION OF WOMEN IS TOPIC OF SPEECH BY DR. B. R. ANDREWS MISS JULIETTE MATHER VISITS MEREDITH IN INTEREST OF Y. W. A. PHI PLAY IS WELL ACTED AND ENJOYED BY LARGE AUDIENCE A very in^-trncrive Icetiiro i»n “'I'lic Kdvica- tioii of Wouieii” was on Tlunsdny night in rlic college auilitovinni by l>r. I’oujaniiii ,Ii. Andvews of the Jlonic ICcononiics nicnt of Colninliiii TJnivc'v.sity. As a for his vcmavl's, the spcak- ov gave a few facts showing tlic growth of education for women since 1S20. In 182') a high school for girls was opened in nosfon, while two year;- later was founded tlie first college for women in Anioricn. Tlic speaker cited tliG case of Kllen Ivichards wlio wishcil to take up the study of clletnis^ry. 'Wher ever application was nnid‘ for instruction she was told that women were not ]ihysically al)le to take a college (‘ducation. Xo physical frailty, however, jn'events a Xow .lersey wo- nuni from managing an iron foundry, nor an Indiana wonnni from jiainting smoke stacks ami church steeples. •‘8honhl doors In* ujicn to women “'I'rust the good jndgnieut of wonnni,'’ answered Dr. Andrews. Bureaus known as tlu; ‘‘Wonnin's Alliance” have alreatly accomplished much in bringing together ]n'ofessional women, lacking in ex perience though they nuiy be. According to Dr. Andrews, the women arc al)le to organize ex[)erieuce as they go along. 1’he necessity for changing the modern course of stmly in onler to nnde it more life like was most interestingly iliscussed. In stances of the practical ap])1ication by stu dents of vocational training in journalism, short stovy writing and applieil psychology were enumerated. In conclusion Dv. Andrews pointed out that ti move general democracy is coming into ex istence. ^fan was formerly acknowlclged head of the family, hut wherever a wonnm goes a home is unnle. A home in which chil dren may grow U]) with a better heritage tlnm tliosi- of tlie past generation nudics wonnin’s chief contribution to those around her. At the close of the lecture Dr. Brewer brief ly spoke of instiinces in which women were rC' fused admittance to mens’ colleges aftendel as “visitors” and thereby male good. For snne time the girls of ^leredith have hcen eagerly looking forward to the t^uming of Miss .lulictte ilarher, Sec. of the Y. W. A'a. (if the Southern Uaptist {'onvention. knowing liv her reputation lluit a rare treat awailed them in the jjrivilege of attending a stmly class of which she was teacher, but since hei' coming it is realized tliat no report can jusily tell what it means to attend her h-ctures. 'I’o lie pi'es(*nt in her class is flu; only way to fully .li'.jjreciarc their meaning. During her stay here she has tanglit (he L.ilannal to a large class in such a manner as to impress evcrv niemlicr that there is a work for ln-r. and lo inspire each one to want to do snnu'- thing worth while ff.r hc'r conunnnity when she goes iiome next sunnner. >«^)r is that all. Along with the teaching of W. il. U. iranual iLiss ifather has con stantly held before the nunnbers of her class high and noble ideals, emphasizing always th ,■ fact that those who profess to know and fol low (Hirist are witnesses foi- Him, and that hy such ones the world judges Him. Sunlay ]). ni. in the college andilorinm 'Miss JFathcr addressed the W. ('. A’s. of the city and those of the surrounding towns together witii that of the collcge. In this the inlluence and possihiliti(“s of the ^ . \\ . A. girls were stressed. Tiiose present at this nu'Cting as well as those who have enjoyed lier classes during the past week will always love and ajiprec.iate JFiss !M atln'r ami what she lias done and is doing for the Y. W. A’s. 'i'he I’hihircticon Literary Society ])resent- C)l as its annual play the comedy, Wliul JJap- jiciu'd It) JoiK’n. 'J'he scene opens with the Goodly family expecting ^tr. Goodly's broth er, the liishop of Ihdlarat home from Aus tralia. Jtielnird ][(.-atlierly. a model young an engaged to ilajorie (Joodly, ])leads an im portant business engagement anl dc]iarts duly to return in a few minutes in search of his ticket to his im|)ortant biisiiu'ss meeting, namely a glove contest. J’vhenezcr Goodly, Professor of Aimtomy and fallier of ifajorie has found it, lint Kichard pcrsualcs him to gf. with him to the prize fight, ‘‘in the interest i>f science.” The ]iolice break into the prize |•igh^ and the sjieetators are forced tn flee. .Tones follows Ehenezer and liichartl home. 'J'o escape the police they ]>ass him off as the nishop of liallarat, and then things begin to happen, .loncshas to discuss Australia with ^Irs. Cioodly, his poems with !Majorie, his pror)f on Darwin with 1\1 inerva, the high brow of the family. anl last bul not least make love t('. .Mrs. (.iofidly's sister, Alvina Starlight, to whom he has heen writing for five years. Then to caji the climax the real Bisho]( arrives lid more complication ensues. Hut of course all things turn out as they shouhl—.loues ex- (('oiili'iiKCr; OH pnge .1) P>. Foreman: “Francis, that window is too cold.” F. Haywood (abstractedly) “Warm it then, ilear.” DR. GOHEEN SPEAKS TO STUDENT BODY Dr. llohert (iohecn, who has returned on a furlough from India where he has heen ‘ii- gaged as a medical missionary, leil our di‘vo- tional exercises on Friday morning. ‘Marcli twenty-fourth. He read the familiar story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman and saiil that this marked the beginning of the im provement of the condition of women. 'I'Ik' -ondition of the women in India is wretched, hut there has been sonu- betterment in the last few years in that the Pjritish Government has raised the marriage age from infancy to twelve years and has ]n'ohihited the liurning (Continue!! o>i pnae 3) MEREDITH ELECTIONS COME OFF SMOOTHLY Meredith is to b(' congratulated on the smoothness with which tlie elections are he- iuii made, iliss Louise ^lays was niiani- mojisly elected President iif Student Givern- ineiil for next year, iliss Flizaheth .Kemlrick I’fesiih'iit III" \V. (’. A., 'Mis'^ Winnie ^lae liowland President of Athletic Association. !Miss IJenlah Rowland President of Astro So- cietv. ^ liarre Prichette President of the Phi Society, Jfiss 'i'liomisine X''’nderwood Ivli- tor-in-('hief of the )(d‘ Lriirrs, iliss Fannie Paul of the Acorn, and iFiss Alice Lowe of tlie Tiri;/. Jliss Rnth Livermon was the choice for Presiilent of the incoming Senior class, iliss Pauline Patton of tlie Junior class, and !Miss TSernicc Hamerick of the Sophomore class. The minor ofHcers have heen nominated but not all elected as yet.

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