rvaiKigiit Next Meeting of Pressers at Meredilh The Twig Miss larbell Vol. II Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, April 28, 1922 No. 18 ANNUAL BANQUET IS GIVEN IN HONOR OF THE SENIOR CLASS "WcMliicsdny evening, April twelfth, the class of '23 ciitei'fjiiiK'il the class of ’22 nt the Aii- iniiil Jiuiiov-Scnior bjiiiquct. The Junior cljiss otIi(?ers—Lonic !Miiys, .Klizuheth Kon- (IricU, 'ronniiy lludevwood, and Woodie ITar- ris were ussist(’d in receiving the guests in the ])arli)i's by Dr. iind ilr.s. ('harles E. Brewer and iliss Gertrnde Koystcr. 'rastefnily dccorat{'il tables were arranged ill the shiijje of a U in tlie ('ollogc liiiing room which was lighted by i)archincnt siiajjed lights tnul by a lighfed nuin in the moon which hnng jd)()V(! ii hacligi'oiind of laltiee-work covered wirh dogwood. ‘‘'I’he ifan in the Jloon”— the .Seniors’ mascot—was t'nrfbor carried out in the gvcen menu eartls. 'I'he following eonrses. were served. I Manhattan Soup II ('reamed 'rurley in Patties ('ratdierry .lolly Olives and Celery .l'’rench I'ried Sweet Potatoes Peas in 'I'indiales b'rench Jiolls Butter II [ nerkclcy (Fruit Salad) ('herries Alnxinds ilarsbmallows .I’ineapi'lt! ‘Wliiliped Cream (CoiifiiiiiC'/ on 2>noe 3) WAKE FOREST GLEE CLUB RENDERS AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM One of ttie most deligblt’nl and bighiy en joyed »-ntei'tainnicnts of the season was given at ^Meredith College by (he W'ake l*'or(‘sl ('lee Club and Orchestra, 'I'hursday evening. April 1'). 'I'he jirogram, a scries of linmor- ou^ an«l liappy surprises was as follows: DR. HUBERT ROYSTER MAKES AN ADDRESS In oni‘ S(‘ries of lectures on the various tccnpations atnl ])rofessioiH opi'n to women tolay. Dr. ]lubert lioyster‘s on the profes sion of mctlicine lunl a |)cculiar a]i))cal. Women liave been successful in all the tields of metlieine cxcc])t in surgery inid there have been oidy two fanuius women surgeons. I'he reason for this is not lack of ability, .said Dr. Uoyster, but i>erhaps distaste for the work or lack of nervo and there is no reason why in the next generation there should not be suc- c(‘ssfnl women snvgeous. 'I’o be a doctor there are three ]irinuiry and three liigbev ]irorequisites. rirsfc, general education, socond, two years at a medical school witli one year in a hospital aud a liceu.so to ])ractice. ’’J'lio three higher cbav- nctoristics arc brains, lienlth, clmracter. Con(iii«"rf on piiuo 2 .\lnia ilatcr (I. IF. Fisch>il II. .V. Polcut (Mce Club Old J’ashioned Cardeii Orchestra N’^ocal Solo, 'I'he Handoliero. .Lfsnic .y/cirtuV Dr. I’otciit Swing Along U'/7/ Marion- SliKirl (llee. Cbd. Soiuewh(‘re i»i Xajilcs •/. S. Xuincrciiih' Orclu'sira De Hack.slidin’ Drudder J. J. Parhii Messrs. Mullinax, .Moore, llartc, Dr. I.'otea’ Sti'in Song Fvct/crich' J'. Jhilltinl (ilce Club Wabash IJIues Fird Mriiil.’iii Oivhesini (Coudinictl o‘i pf'OC Q) PRESS ASSCIATION ENJOYS PROFITABLE CONVENION AT W. F. C. TWO CANTATAS ARE GIVEN BY THE CHOIR 'I'wo most entertaining cantatas were )ire- si'ufcil on the evc-ning of .Vjiril 2(Hb by ihc Jferedidi Chorus in the College Auditoriinn. The lirst was Ndlnrc nwd Jjovc by 'Tschaikow- sky; the second, Thv FiKlirr }{a'ih'iis. by Henry Smart. The solo parts were taken by M isses Stitzel, Snider and TJodiger, with il i.ss l*'iltei'g at the organ and !Miss (ioldsniith at th(s piano. Tlio cantata was dirticted by Dr. Hrown. A completo legend as follows was carri(‘d (Uit by The. FiftJier ifaidciis. A group of gay fisher maidens, welcoming t)il as their daily iwork sot sail to ]u-ocure food for those at honu*. Leaving the w'cll-known bay anl the; fishing village behind they sail into the s\uiset. When the wind has left them tossing lazily on the sea one of their nund)er began to sing the story of Lillian, a maiden allured to her death by a group of uierniaids under the Continued on paye 4 'I’lic Fourth Semi-Annual ('onventiui of rh‘ X. C. Collegiate J*r(‘ss Association as sembled at Wake F'orest College April twcnty- tirst and tweiny-sccoud. Practically all the (follegv ]inblications of die State were repri*- sentel. At the iirst met'liug Friday night at eight o'clock after the aldress of welcome by -Mr. .1. I'\ llogc the couvcutinn was aldr(ssel by Mr. O. -I. Collin lilditor of (be Ihileitjli 'riiiK’s on "’I'he Practical I'scs of a College Xews|)aper." h'ollowing this an informal (•cce[ition was t(nnlcred the deh'gates by the stall'of the \\'iil,'c Forcsl SlifdciiJ. The regular business session of the asso ciation too|{ ])hice Saturday umrning. 'J.’he |)rograni was as follnws : Aildrcss—“TIk' Xews a College Magazine should Publish." ....Pres. W. L. Poteat Address—“A RelrospecI of College Publica tions by a Fcirmer College Kditor.” ^I'r. Kdg»r Folk (.Yr-.r Lrhjrr). .\ddress—“DivisionI,s ot' a College Jlaga- ziiu-.". . .M !•. C. S. (ii’eenc (Wnl.'r Fofos! Sliidriil.) 'I'he i'C)iorts of the secretary, treasurer and cxecntive eonnniit('e followed, .\ftcr a brief report from other publications represcnteil, the tinie ami place for ihc ni'xt nuM'ting of the asst)ciiition was decided. 'I'he invitation ex tended by "Miss Hertha iloore lo ^[(‘redith as the plac(‘ of meeting in Octoher was ac- (■•]iic(l. Pefore adjournment the following ollicers were electel. Pres.—Alice T.owe, ("Meredilh). I'irst \'ioe.-Pr(‘s.—T,r)is IJogers ((Jiii'eiis). Se-. \'ice-J’res.—P. S. Perkins (P. X. C.) Secy.— b’annii' Paul (!Merediih). 'I'reas.—Lestoti ICIkius ( D:ividson'). Saturday afternoon the members of the con- veurion were the gnesrs of the Athletic Coun cil at the ii'ame between Wake Forest and X. C. S. A most delightful “livc-pag(> (‘ditiou’’ ban- i]uet was given Saturday night iu honor of th(' delegales by tlu‘ stall' of Oh! tlold mid Jihirl'. After adjnstmeiit of business left over from tlu' morning session the convention stood adjourned to meet in lialeigh the last; week iu October, as the guest of ‘^reredith College. 'I'he representatives of ileredith wore P>ertha ifoore, eilitor and Fannie Paul editor- elect of I'he Acorn, and Jvatheriiie llrown edi tor and Alicc T-owe editor-elect of The Twig.