0 it, all ol it, akvays at it” SENIOR ISSUE The Twig Raleighf N. C jriUome I'ric'nds .-Ilitmnae Trustee's Vol. II Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, May 26, 1922 No. 1 LARGE NUMBER OF THE ALUMNAE EXPECTED TO RETURN TO MEREDITH (.'linimt'iiUL'iiiciit. tiiiio iiiul tliu Alumiuic! Why, of coufsc, for wliocvov liciu'd of u clcci.'Ut ('oiiinu’iici'iiient witliouf Alunimie? If sucli u tiling over liuppL'iictl, it (;aii not cluiiii tliu liotioi’ of belonging to MtTeditli’.s liistoi'v, for just as sun* iis Coinnii'nwun'nt time I’olls i'OIUkI, tlicso il(l wnlls of oni- Aliiiu Muh'r wipe awny tears of lonolino-is, put on tliat blissful niotlipv sniilo, iincl say to us wlio arc Ikm'O, “Children, your uUliT sisters iiro (joining l)ac?k, niy eliildrcn wlio hav(> gone far from, lionie; rejoice with me iit tlieii' return and give tlieni a loving wolconio.” 'I'lioii r;ouu'onc says, “ileretlirh, why arc you smiling so joyously this year?’’ And it seems Meredith answers hnek, “’I'liis is my biggest re union year yi‘t.” It is true, too; besides the whole host of eliildreii of every class who. are eoming back, the elusses of ’02, ’07, ’12, ’IT, nnd ’20 return for their renui'UK. 1902—how long !igo, for twenty years have la|).«ed sinec our.l?- iiic. Mdlfi' sent forth her first young, ("'ordially we greef rheni and tin’ others also, and hasten to dust the ])iir]oi's for the ri*cp]ition which the faenlty give for (uir Alumnae afte)' their business meeting. Talking about meelings ro- tiiiniis us that ilonday afternoon is a gala time for rhe Alumnae. ’I'he big oecasion will have its aus|iicio«s boginniiig (at two- ihirly) on the college green where the reunion i-lasses pc'rform again the sfnitfs of unshackled girllioo), discarding for a little while the* sober dignity of lieing a business woman, of drilling nine too eager minds in irregular verbs, and of feaehitig new citi zens Iiow to wash dishes inox- ]KMisiv(dy. From the campus, the Alumnae wil] procced to the Pliil- aretiau halls to discuss many weigiity unitters in the Associa tion meeting; yet most of all to rojoiee together that Jferedith is uow nchially going to move into a new house. Think of it! What a fitting reward of her youthful labors! l^ut someono may ask, “What do you mean by .Association?” Simply this, that those older children believe they eau be held in closer bonds (C'ontlnvrd oh paic 'i.) NEW MEREDITH TO BE BUILT ON TUCKER ES TATE NEAR METHOD -Meredith (.'ollege will o]n‘n in rhe fall of li)2.‘) Avith a million dollar plant erected to ac commodate five hundred stuilents a hundred and thirty-five acre tract to be bonght from Dan .\lleii and the Ashby L. Baker estjile wilhiii a ([uarter of a mile of the city Hmils, (rompris- ing a part of the old Tucker estate. 'I'he nt?w site, chosen from three under con sideration, wiis decided upon unaninnnisly at a mcteting of the l^oard of 'i'rnstees of the ('olh'gc hehl May K». Although a site on the Moi'decjii |iroi)erty northwest of Ualeigh and a site near the f'ounti'y {.'Inb had their advocates, the mincu-ity gave way and nnule the vote for the 'I’ucker ])roperty unaninn)us. The c)nsideratioii is ^fi0,000. He^j;inniug at the luird-surface cross roads a few hundred feet this side of ilethod, the line of the new property runs north 4,100 feet aud then on its uortlu'ru boundary, 2u00 feet east toward Ualeigh. 'I’he southern boundary paral lels the ('arv road for 2,600 feet. The property thus com])i‘ises a rectangle of finely wooiled cuttt ^aimu'I (Cnurlt rci]ucst the linmiv of uiniv ). vcscuci' at the nuivviu^c nf tljciv ftanglifi’v Jliutlj 3Sicl|arbsnu tn ^\\ J\ll£u nu (I^ucs^au, the thivtictli at fnur n’rlnch in tljc nftciruiniu at ^^rrE^it^| CoUciji’ OII]api*l ^ialciijli, ^^irtl] Qlarnliua- (At ^ortl| (llnniluia. country, level and according to the consensus of opinion of the board, ideally fitted for collegc purposes. There is a largo siu’ing and a nahiral depression which can be formed into ail artificial lake or swinuning pool. Jill}' Operate fsfi'cct Cars .Not before however, can di.'|m.sitiun bo made of rh- presi'ur iiis/itufion and work com pleted on the new. l>y that time, it is anlici- pah'd, the Carolina I’owi-r and J.iglif Cunipany will have a. line exteniled, certainly to Alethod. I lie city limiis (if Kalcigli lie just a ((uai'lcr of a mile irom the ,M(‘redith (.'ollege bordei'. The new [irii|ici'ly is now traversed bv the Highland Farms roal whicli, it was announced yeslerday, will lie changed so that it will border the proiicrry. In tiiis way, tin* college .ite will In- bi.unded on all sides by a good road, and on one .-ide by a hard .-urface highway, a part of several national systems. XereUitli Sfalion Plans ah'o contcmplaie the removal of tlie .Method station a few hundred feet toward Ivaleigh, and the idninge of the name of the Station from .Method to .Meredith. Competent arehite(!ts have advised the board that an institnti(m of the sort tliat is desired t'or tin* accomnmdation of fiv(* hundred students will cost a]i|U’oximately a million dollars. A connnittee of the trustees composed'of .Foni's, li. X. Sims and ^i. Caviness. will look a Iter the (letails of the transfer of the pro|)- erty and kindred nnitters relating to the c}iang>‘ from one location to another, and will report to the full meeting of tlie lioard of 'rriistees on May 2!1. wlii'n definit»“ action looking to- waril the financing of the ])ro- gram will be taken. The decision of the board of trnsti'es 'May ]:’, was jakeii after the sub-eommittee a[i]>oiiited at the hist ciimniencenienr to inves- ligate and repi)rt on the available sites had made its report. 'I'his emnmittee was t*omposed of 7.. 'M, Cjiviness, W. X. Jones. ('. J. Hunter, .r. V. Joyner, if. S. ICes- ler. Jliss Ijerfha Cai-roll, and Liv ingston dohnson. .Uembers ii' tlio Board I’rosotit 'riie members of the Uoard of Trust(‘es. which met at eleven o’clock, Ifay 18. Avere; W. K, 13radshaw, W. X”. Jones, S. ^CeUn- tyre. W. 0. Kiddick, K. 11. Higgs- bee. H. X. Sinnns, W. A. Thomas, (t. T. Watkins, W. 11. Weathersjioon, J. 'P. J. Battle, E. McK. (loodwin, ('. J, Hunter, L. Johnson, J. D. 13oushall, ilias IBertha Carroll, Z. M. Caviness, B. F. Huntley, fl. Y. Joyner, jr. Kesler, D. 11. Pcnton, W. L. Poteat.