North Carolina Press Association Next Week The Twig Society Initiation Saturday Night Vol. 11 Meredith College, Raleigh. N. C., October 20, 1922 No. 1 MISS ZABRISKiE: OUR NEW DEAN OF WOMEN NOTABLE ADDITIONS TO COLLEGE FACU1,TY .Mercdilli College ijs forlmuUe in deed in hiiviiis -Mias Alice ZiibriHicic Jih now dciiii ot women Ihis year. -Miss /.aiiriHkit! is u woniuu ol! cluinniiis personiility, and her geiuleneKs ol tiutuner and her kindness have won I'or lief a host uC I'riends aiiion};: lliv Sii'ls and in our cDllese coniniunky, MiMs Zahriskie is adnilnilily tille;. roi- her work here-l)ecause ol' her ti'iiinlng, her experience, and her doei) iiitorest in jrlrls. She holds hoth 15. S. and .\l. A. degrees from Teach ers Colleg«. Cf)lumi)ia I'niversUy. where she siiecialized in ediicitci. \v'illi llie view of Lakins up siioh work She was an Instructor at Teachers ColluKP. CoUnnhia. and also at Detroit Teachers College, Michigan. She has been a sitn:lent and teacliei- at North- fleld Seminary and was later tlie Sein- inavy Administrator. Tor nine years she has been Supervisor of Girls al Ihe Northlield Summer Conferences. T'.'li'!'' is t' ol’ Xov- wich Town. Connecticut, hut has lived fur some lime in New York. We welcome her to mir Soiithlami. and especially dii we welcome her to Meredith. MORNING WATCH FOR THE UNKNOWN JOURNEY inti:k>ath»nai- juh-ations 'Lru The oli.iect of the !n('rn'ilional Ue- lations C^Inlt Is the .scientific study of current internatioual proltlenis which confront mankind, .\lthough the clul) aims primarily at tiic study of cur rent topk'S, an effort is made to concentrate on one or two particular problems such as; Latln-Amerlcan affairs, the Far Eastern situation, etc, The club held its first meeting of the college year on Monday evening, Octolier il, imnicdlately after dinner. Miss Catherine Allen, head of the Ro- nuince Language Department, gave a lecture on European Affairs. The lecture was one of wide Interest and worth, for Miss Alien was able to bring to the club personal touches and experiences, which she bar! en countered dnrlng ihe past two sum mer,s while traveling in some ol! the foreign countries. For lliis reason, not merely I’acts, ns the newspapers portray, but “inside details," coming Crom the natives themselves, were learned. With this description of European affairs as a background, the club is looking forward with wider interest to a study of internaitionnl condi tions. Meredith is to be congratulated upon her additions to the faculty this year. The new menibers are highly reconiuiendet.1 and represent various Inst tutlons of the country. In the A, H. and I). S. departments there have been .several changes. Dr. .lulia Harris. .\l. A. Cornell and Ph. D. Yale, after a year’s leave of absence, becomes heail of tiie ISnglisli Dei)art- ment. Associated with her, as in structor. is Mary Ijoomis Smith, A. H, 'I'rinity and, M, A. Cornell, .\iiss Lucile McSween. A. R. Tennessee Col lege and M. A. Radclitre. is instructor in i'^nglish and Latin. Miss Mary Louise Porter, Ph, P. Chicago and M. A. Cornell, becoi';fc.s an Associate I’rol'cs.sor of JTcdern Languages. .Miss Lena A. Barber. H, S. nud M. S. Cnivavsity of Michigan, is hoad of I lie Biology Dep;irlnient. mien Hrewer. A. P, MereiUth. p. s. and M. A. at Teachers College, Columbia i'uiversily. lias roiiiruoil this yi.’ar as hear! of the l-foino ICco- nomics Depardneni, Mrs. Annetlo l-lighsmith is assisting in Preslimen mathematics. nr. Brown has ably (ilto-l tin* va- oaiicie.',-! in the Music Department. Mrs. Alice Moncrielf and Miss Goldina de Wolf l^ewis, both of N'ew York City, after extensive concert work and now under concorl uuniageinout, are instructors In voice culture. Miss Mary Crawford anil Miss Marion Phillips aro new piano in- struclors.' Miss Crawford studied in Ainerieu and Pari.s, Miss Phillips In America and England. Miss Pauline Nelson, graduate and post-gradinite of the New England Conservatory of Music, is instructor iu violin. Miss Margaret Huff, of Toxas, and :\liss Florence T. .lelly, of N'ew York City, are with Mrs. Ferrell in the Preparatory Departineut of ftrusic. BARBECUE AT FIRST VJSJT TO NEW SITE In the “Y’’ room, at seven-thirty every morning except Sunday a group of girls meet for ii short ))rayer service. Prayer i.s the es'^ent* d part of tins-meeting, and every girl needs to get close to Cod at the beginning of each new day. The “Y" room. (Iiiri’ng these lifteen minutes, is a •‘lllling-slation." and no one can af ford to start on the unknown journey of each day, wilhout getting jiowei from the great '‘Filling-Station’’ on high. '■\\’e kneel bow weak, we rise how full of power. Why tliereforo should we do ourselves this wrong. Or others, that we aro not always .strong. Tliiit we are ever overborne with care. Tluit we should ever weak or heart less be. Anxious or troubled, when with ns is prayer. Ami joy and strength and courage are with Thee?" No man can ever rise above at -which he aims,—Hodges. that Ij; ni{('LK FUAXCAIS The French Club has not as yet been organized for the present year, The nietnberahip of the club will con sist of students taking French 4, anti those from French I and II recom mended by Miss Allen, who is head of the Modern Language Department. One main purpose of the organization is to give each member extra drill in conversational French, Meetings will be held two Friday evenings of each mouth from six fovty-flve to seven forty-five o'clock. FATi; OK rHi;si[.>ii:N i>i;( DtHuonstrating the elemeni of rricndly rivalry which characterizes the spirit of the Phi's and Astro’s. th'- si'ieution of new girls for "New Astro's” and "New Phi’s" was {•Hloien'- ly elTecied and ably announced in chai>el Sulurday evening. lOxcitement..curiosity, anxiety, and a conglomeration of the three in one. reiguetl supreme among those ‘‘fate’' previously had been decided and also among those with whom the eternal tiuestlon was domin'int! "Which?" And when it was ascer tained. some of the more serious- minded sages saw in the ncur future, the necessity for a new roof for ••Main.” If yells and applause conld raise a roof, ours would hiive rivaled the fastest scout plane that ever cleaved the air. New Astro’s! New Phi's! iVe'i'ii proud of you! The entire .stuilenl bo;ly and faculty enjoyed a barbecue at the new site of the College on Thursday afternoon. This is the first time that the col lege community as a whole has had an opportunity to view tbe newly ac- tiuireil home, '‘•>cb one made ihe most of the chance. On arriving, they were conducted to tbe rising ground where tbe president pointed out the position of the pros pective buildings; after which every one was free to wander arou.i.l. en!h discovering for herself added charms of the site. There were two decided spirits in the atmosphere of (he occasion, the solemn and the fun-loving. The first was evidenced in a miniature pageant in which the former spirit of Mere dith formally presented the land with its manifold opportunities to her younger sister, tbe new spirit of Meredith. A Grecian ligure repre- «-iiiIai1 iiui/iii of bn'ti anii'il.t i’ttn signifying the greater Meredith of tbe future. .At the close nf this exi'i'rise the entire assembly sann Ihe Miii'i Mtth-v. Tbe fun-li)ving almos))bere was easily made manife.'«t by the competi tion of the classes in baseb-.ill, other similar games, and in the numerous songs anil yells of the girls, Tbe crowning feature of the after noon was the barbecue and its fitting accoiiipauimenis. Tlie feast was de licious enough for the taste of an ei>i'-ure and substantial enough for the appetite of a host of college girls. 'i'he coldest spot in the world is in Washington, D, C,, where 51S de grees below zero was registered in the laboratory of the Bureau of Mines where scientists are trying to liquefy helium gas.—Exchdv.fje. It is true politeness, gentleness, and love for humanity that constitute a lady.—Lancaster. ( in;.>llSTRY CIJ 15 OIJHKKS I’lNS The Curie Cliemistry Club wa,s or- uan:zc;l hist vear with Ihe purpose of furllierlng interest in chemistry anion.g the students taking advanced work in this course All .girls who have taken or are taking' Chemistry 11 are eligible to become members if they are recommendetl by the head >t the Cheinislry Depurlmeiit. Much interest has been evldcnccd by both old and new members in the plans of the club for this year. At the llrst nieeting of the club pins were designed and ordered. Tbe regular date lor meeting has not been set bnt the nexl meeting of the club will be held October 24, at o'clock in the Chemistry lec ture room. The election of the sec retary and treasurer will be held at that meeting. The way to gain one.—Michclc.t. a friend is to be