Meredith College Library Raleigh^ N. G WELCOME PRESS ASSOCIATION DELEGATES Vol. II The Twig Meredith College, Raleigh. N. C., October 27, I922 STUNT NIGHT NOVEMBER FOURTH ASTROTEKTON SOCIETY INITIATES NEW GIRLS Saturday night, October 21. sixty- eight glris were initiated Into the Ah- trotekton liitcrury Society, After liav- inf' viewed, nil during llui day. tlJC* goat tifd to the flagpole, it must be ad- mittod. with i:eiir and trombiing the candidates approached the entrance ol' the wild and stormy passage that leads to the stars. After the never-to-be-forgotten pari ot the eiUertiiinment the new girls were nshorod (o the "Y” room by a page, Merc they were taught the motto and society song. Following this the new Astro’s were taken baclt to the Aslro Hall where a. nnifiue little pro gram was given. The lirst number was a piano-logue by Uernice Hamrick, Next came a most comical playlet in which "Mrs. Vandy’s” very ambitious washwoman was getting her many children ready Lo go to the i)all given at the Governor'.s Man.sion in honor of "Opn. Pershing," The lust ninnhGr wi'b an impersonation by Lois Kendrick, of Mme. G;tlii-Curci's rendition of “The Queen of Sheha." In this solo beautiful tone qualities as well as rare Interpre tation were shown, Beulah Rowland, the president, then voiced the sentiments of the entire so ciety in her short but sincere address of welconie to the new girls. After refreshments wore served toasts befitting the occasion were given. To the Astro Goat by Bernice Hamrick; Dr. Brewer, who made enlivening re sponse, Ida Lowe; Miss Zabriskie, Nell Deans: Astro Spirit, Nell Benthal. and to the New Astro's. Response to the last was given by Martha Liver- mon. In conclusion the whole society sang “Mother Astro,” and adjourned. An interesting feature of entertain ment was the orchestra which kept things moving. si:mo«s to I’lif niiTA kapfa Durham, October 19—Twelve mem bers of the Senior class of Trinity Col lege have been elected to member ship in Trinity’s chaptej- of Phi Beta Kappa, National scholarship fraternity. They are: Aura Holton, Durham; L. R. Maness, Eagle Springs; John E. Bridgets, Jr., Raleigh; Elodia Yancey. Durham; Sophia Ryman, New Bern; D. H. Conley, Lenoir; B. B. Harrison. Littleton; J. L, Jackson, South Bend, Ind.; H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Greensboro; Luclle Merritt, Wilmington, and R, Bailey Reade, Durham—Nctos and Ob server. Meredith College Welcomes the N C. Press Association l.lio sfiuli.'tif lioilv t).t-Moi'oi.litil ('('llcgo fo('l,s lioiiorc‘1.1 indeed in liiivint! ji,- il.s {It Hiis (inie l]i' reprc.sf'jifiitives nf llio coli‘i>’c [tiilitic;i( inii^ winch coiisfiliitc Hio lueiiibers of tlio A’. C. Colloi-intc PresK AssiKtin- tioiK Jlci'cditli is os[»('cii()ly 'ioi'tunatc in liaviijji' tlu? convciititm ai, (his time ill vi(!w of the liiot tliiil". ('lio hist convention wns h('ld in tliis j);ii'( ()1‘ tho HfiiJo—at ^\'!iko I’oi'osf;. to be exact. I lie atall.-j uf flio puMicatioiis niiprceinte tliis oppovtnnity lo hriti^ (he rres.-i Asf=ociation tn Jviileigh, to entertain flic delcgiitos at Jloreditii iiud to attempt, to repny tho liospitality that liiis hceu oxtoiidcd Iheir re|)i'('se[itii(i\’es at, previous eonvoiitions. I'ecliii}^ that the assoeiatioii Inid reached a onicinl nionient. in its eareer, the executive eoimnitteo meeting to plrui the eominj'’ eoiiventi.n: decided lo extend the lime of meeting one clay to include some nntn -oiis(rnctive work along tho plan of practical instruction in nc\vs])ii])(‘v work. ^\ itli ihiil' idea in mind tlu' lollowing program was pljmin-d ; THURSDAY 8::io fJ.M.—Convention Assembles Invocation Dr. T, NV. O’Kelley '.Volcohio C, is,’, Brcwei I^esponse Lois Rogery Address Mr. R, F, Heasley, Editor (lalilsOiirn \,ir.\ 1’, M.—Reception—Guests of Student Council FRIDAY 8:30 A, M.—Executive Committee Meeting 9:23 A. M,—Convention Assembles 9:30 A. M.—Address '‘Headwritlng,” J. J. Wade (Tar llfcl) 10:00 A. AI, Addr6ss-!-‘'Good English in College Newspapers and Magazines," Dr, Julia H, Harris, Department of English, Mededlth College 10:30 A, Address—“Strengthening the College Relations,” Daniel L. Granl, Former President of N. C. C, P. A. 11:00 A. M,—Visit to Times Building. 2:00 P, RI.—Address—“Business Managership,” S, L. Brody (Tur live!) 2:30 P. M.—Address—“Tlie Short Story in the College Magazine.” Dr C P Weaver, Department of English, Wake Forest College 8:30 P. M.—Banquet—Guests of Tuio Twio and The Acorn SATURDAY 9:30 A. M.—Meeting called to order Secretary’s report Treasurer’s report Reports of committees Delegates' reports Business Adjournment s'mihea’t yoluatklr SKCRKTAUV Sl'liAK.S At the chapel service on Tuesday morning, October 17, Miss Virginia Pritchard, the travelling secretary of this district of the Student Volunteer Band, spoke before the student body explaining the work of the Student Volunteer Band. Her talk took the nature of an explanation of the student volunteer’s acceptance of tho call to service and his or her action following this acceptance. Outlining her talk she spoke briefly of tbe three things neces sary to an acceptance of a divine call— declare, prepare, share. “We can de clare," she concluded, ‘’by signing the declaration card of the student volun teer movement which reads. 'It is my plan, if God permits to become a foreign missionary,’ Wo can prepare by making the most of every oppor tunity offered at Meredith and then take up extended study in a Bible Training School. We share what wo have with our brothers In the foreign land by our very acceptance of the divine call.” i No. 2 PJIILARETIAN SOCIETY HOLDS INSTALLATIONS On lust Saturday night the prospec tive Phrs were initiated into the so- fiely by ihe solemn and beautiful rite, dear to ;d) Phi’s through prccct!:iit and personal experience. One at a time, the new girls were admitted into the hall, which was made to expiess the socioly in color, by heliotrope and while ilccorations, lavender shaded liglils, lavender and white chrysanthe mums, und ferns and palms. Across tho I'ront of the platform were twenty- threo lighted caiidlois and a twenty- fourth candle, unlighted, was on the podostal Jit which tho president stood. As eacli now girl stood at (he foot of tbo phitfornj, and repeated after the prositlont the oatli of loyalty, a thrill of pleasure swept over tho audicnce—ex- l)ro.ssing it.self in clapping and cheers. When the last one had entered the hall, the ])resident lighted the twenty- fourth candlc, expressing her hope that it. which symbolized the twenty-fourth anniversary of the society, would shine oven brighter than tho other twenty- tln-ee, Tlic Philaretian song and call were then rendered with characterls- lic spirit, effecting an appropriate con clusion for the impressive service of initiation. After the ceremony (in the words of the “perverbial” society news writer), a social hour was enjoyed, at which delicious refreshments were served. A delightfMl event of tiio evening was the vociil polections by Miss Pauline Piillon. i-lI»T,\KKS STFI' t’OItWAHn Altliough still an infant Ihe Glee CJub just needs a little more practice and experience—both of which It is liable to get in the next few weeks, to make it a real club. Wo have never traveled extremely but a three-year old could hardly be expected to touch the four corners. During one year of our lifo wo par took of Ibo minstrelsy. It was In '21 that we donned our sailor togs and sallied forth to make money to furnish the parlors. Mercenary? Yes, hut necessarily so—but now that money is no longer a question—we are put ting our best energy into songs—sweet songs, sad songs, songs full of pep and the kind that mako you laugh. In the very near future we expect to tour Cary and Snow Hill and after that—it may be we will rival Wake Forest.

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