Our Circulation List Exceeds iOOO Names i__ THE TWIG I Alumnae Since j 1902 Receive T/?c i Weekly Vol. Ill Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., October 26, 1923 No. 4 FAIR HOLIDAY WINS POPULAR ACCORD PHI INSTALLATION SERVICE HELD ASTRO INITIATION o/ALL NEW MEMBERS PHI SERVICE IMPRESSIVE IN SIMPLICITY and SOLEMNITY MANY NEW MEM. BERS INSTALLED PHI llAlJi BEAUTIFULLY DECOE- ATED SEUYED AS SCKNE OF RECErriON ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF Y. W. C. A. GIVES IN TERESTING PROGRAM l>Sl»JRINO INFORMAL TALKS «Y JUt. lIAliltlS AND ^tlSS lYlHTE As the motto or oiir society is “Plain Living ami High Thinking”—this Idea is embodied in the installation service oI our socicty. Simple yet beautiful and impressive was the Hall for this auspicious occasion. The colors, lav- enclar and white, were used very tastefully in decorating; vlbbona of paper were suspended from light to light, they themselves being shaded with lavcndar. The stage was very beautiful with its candles and lavon- dar asters. Each new girl, after having heard the constitution of the socicty was brought in separately and roi'fuieu Um pledge, thus becoming a full-fledged daughter of Philaretla, She was then seated between two old Phi’s, that she might be made to feel more at home and welcome. When every girl had heen taken In, the president, Mabel Oldham, lighted the 25th candle, symbolizing the 25th birthday of Philaretla by the glow of a former year thus linking our pres ent existence to the past. She then made a brief talk, calling to mind the achievements of the past and asking for the cooperation of each individual during the year that still greater things might be done, saying, “It is Not My Society.” nor “Your Society,” but “Our Philaretla.” The whole so ciety stood and sang together in song and heart our beautiful song, “Phi laretla.” We were glad to know that others were interested In us and heard with the greatest pleasure a telegram from our former president, Barre Pritchett, saying: “My love travels the wires and my thoughts bridge the distance. I am witli you tonight and always. Love, BAHRli;. There were also those present who wore Interested in our society, Its woi’k and aspirations: Dr. Brewer and Miss Zabrislfie. Dr. Brower made a short talk, commending the work of the society and expressing his hope that there might be more Interest shown along one special line of work, that Is debating. It Is his opinion that women, now more than ever be fore will be called upon to express their Ideas and convictions and stand up for their rights. If “Reading makes a full man, writing an accurate man, and speaking a ready man,” then there Is no better place than the society for the ready man or woman aa she is in this case to bo prepared. MEREDITH GIRLS PAR. TICIPATE IN FAIR AND ENJOY VISIT OF FRIENDS CATERPILLAR, FERRIS WHEEL, AND OVER-THE- FALLS SOURCE OF JOY U>LIJIITE1) FUy OK HOLIDAY On Sunday evening, October 21, the Y. W. C. A. servico was conducted by Miss White and Dr. Harris of the ad visory commlttec. After a vocal solo “Aloiio,” by Thelma Fleetwood, Miss White road for tho Scripture lesson II Petor I, basing her remarks on verses 5-S. Souls new-born Into God's kingdom arc weak just as is a new born baby. Lack of a child’s physi cal development ia often a cause of dis tress to a parent, how great then must bo the Heavenly Father's grief because of the lack of spiritual development among His children. Mlsa White spoKe of Christian womanhood as something attained only when to knowledge is added tomperauce, to temperance pa tience, to patience Godliness, to God liness brotherly kindness and to broth erly kindness charity. Miss Harris spoke on tho over-ruling power of God and tho transmission of this power to His children for the asking. “Suppose,” •she said, “the earth were under the dominion of one ruler, the sea and then the elements a third and all these rulers were at variance.” Instead of this we have Christ’s words "All power Is given to me in heaven and in earth.” In His daily life Jesus was not concerned with what was petty, little, or mean. These He passed over and dwelt on the good. His teaching was effective because of His ability to place em phasis on the right things. Too. He possessed and put into practice, the power of picking out the essential in a fharacter. Instead of worrying be cause of the shortness of His minis try, the Master went about doing good. God doesn’t expect us to right all the wrongs In the world; if such were in human power there would not be ade quate time. The law laid down is In reality a very simple one, for man’s whole duty is to fear God and keep His comraandniants. ASTRO INITIATION PROVES THE USUAL ROUGH RIDING REALISTIC FIRE DRILL AFFORDS INTEREST AND INTENSE EXCITEMENT (Oontimied 07i page J/) CURIE CHEMISTRY CLUB PLANS INTERESTING WORK FOR THE YEAR -UANY NEW PLANS ANT) IDEAS IN EVIDENCE IN CIIEMISTIIY CLUB The Curie Chemistry Club met Oc tober 16, for tho purpose of planning and organizing special work in tho realms of chemical formula for the year of 1023 and 1!)24. This work is On last Thursday, October 18, oc- currcd our annual State Fair holiday, fhe day on which the Fair reached the height of its success in both exhibits and institutes attciuling. This was the .sixty-second annual North Carolina Slate Fair, made possible by the work of Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt, president; Dr. .Toseph Hyde Pratt, vice-president; Col. Joseph E, Pogue, secretary; E. V. Walborn, business manager. From very early in the morning until late in the al'Lornoon the Mere dith campus was thronged with pa rents. relatives, and friends of stu dents who had come to take them to tho Pair Grounds. Besides these, many oilnji's ijii I'lw coi'iiei'S la&c-r- ly awaiting a car to convey them to tho scene.s of entertainment. The Pair Grounds were thronged with people coming from far and near all over the State, most of them in their flivvers, parking them w’herever space could be found to wedge them in and leave them. A deluge of Fords could bo seen within and without the grounds, and an endless stream of street cars emitted throngs and took them away again. Tho usual throng did not appear to ho present. However, there were per haps more than ever before. This was duo to additional space which had boon annexed giving the crowds more room to spread out and a better op portunity for seeing the exhibits. The throngs streamed up and down midway as this was entertainment row for the pleasure seeking thousands, finding amusem'ont in rides on tho flier aeroplanes, ferris wheel, the whip, the caterpillar, tho hobby horses, and in the popping motorcycles In the aii- todromo, Considerable amusement was likewise found in the tented attrac tions and freaks. There seemed to be one thing lack ing which usually furnished the center of attraction for some few people, but which saved tho money of many. Mid way was characterized by the total ab- senco of fakirs, no place to get your fortune told, no -pretty dolls to be ob tained by a mere chance at a thrust of a coin or a turn of a wheel. Many found it rather difficult to adjust themselves to the presence o£ swag- ger-stlck stands containing tho latest novelty in all colors and automobile shows Instead of the usual fakirs which existed before the fair managO' ment abandoned tho objectionable fea tures of the amusement row. From tho fair, a largo part of the throngs strayed over to the Riddick Field to witness tho football game be- MR. BROCKWELL CAl‘S THE CLI- MAX mrn an entertaimng SPEECH IN CHAPEL HILARIOUS TIME BY ALL CONCERNED LONG TRAIL WINDING UP STAIRS AND TO RIDE ON PROYERBIAL GOAT PART OF INITIATION The first lire drill of the year was held Tuesday. October 1C. Nor was it a drill in name only, but it was real— an actual test of the girls ability to leave the buildings speedily and in or der. It was the sort of thing that a school such as ours needs. For, while there has been no need heretofore for a quick exit, that in no way does away with the probability of an emer gency which would reauiro quick es cape from the buildings. It is true that every precaution against fire is taken, but where there is so much wood there Is a groat chance of in- fiamation. Therefore, the practice which wo get under tho direction of fire department ofllcials should be of great Importance. The outdoor exhibition given by the members of the fire department was not only interesting, but It quite ef fectively showed the efficiency of those men who spend their days in protect ing tho inhabitants of the city. It was sort of breath-taking to watch the fire men run up the shaking ladders which streached to the top of Meredith towers, and several half-suppressed screams were heard from the girls. Tho thought might, at times, have been In our minds that the upper stories of Meredith would be rather inaccessible in case of fire. Now we have seen that such is not the case, and we should be easier in mind. Mr. Brockwell, how’ever, was the crowning feature of the program. He was just plumb good. Indeed, he “strutted his stuff and looked back at it.” His informal talk was one of tho most deliglitful and helpful that the Meredith girls have had the pleasure of hearing, The little things in the home which mean so much In the pre vention of fire, he brought home to us rather forcibly. When we think that (Continued on page S) HYPATIA MATH CLUB HOLDS MEETING AND PLANS FOR COMING YEAR NEW MEM15ERS WELCOMED AND VACANT OFFICES FILLED (Continued on page (Continued on page S) Tho first mooting of the Hypatia Math Club for the session in23-24 was hold Monday afternoon. October 15, at 5:00 o’clock in tho Y room. Tho meeting was colled to order by tho old I timo together. Saturday morning the faithful Astro billy-goat appeared on the campus about seven o’clock, just as ho has for years past. Plainly, the goat had grown sinco last year. This timo it was very shaggy, and a bit Inclined to bo stubborn as those can vouch for, who had to try, once during the day, to tie the would-be run-away to his stage again. The strange appearance of the Astro goat on the morning of hiitlation, and his mysterious disap pearance some time during the night, is a never failing event. Without the ihoiv- cOiihl IjC iiVitikitiur*! .\mple time was given to the new girls during the day, for making tho ac- quaintanoo of the said goat before 7 o’clock in the evening. Promptly, at after dinner, the new Astroa \verc anxiously appearing in the practice hall, desirous of beginning the long and tedious journey “to the stars.” A small blade card had pre viously warned cach girl what time she would bo expected to put in her appearance. Some ovcr-anxious ones rame early; others more timid, and dreading the uncertainty, came more rolurtantly. However, they all came! One girl wanted to know if she “could tell her mamma” all about it. We were sorry to inform her that Astro secrets were not to be revealed even to one’s mamma. She was a good sport, as all were, and slowly began the journey, Queer sensations? I should say they had ’em, so many and so fast that one was scarcely gone before another came. All got their money’s worth of riding tho goat—a whole dollar’s worth of riding, and much better rid ing than a street car too. Rest as sured that the goat wasn’t all the ex citement, though. It was hard to tell whether one had gotten into Dante’s Inferno, or More’s Utopia, When they emerged from the hall, they agreed to a girl that "We wouldn’t have missed it for anything.” And even though they were somewhat the “worse for wear’' they were a happy, laughing bunch, making their way to the “Y" room to learn tho Astro song and motto. They didn’t learn the song perfectly, no one could expect that of them at such an exciting timo, but what they did do was to catch the Astro spirit, and that’s what counts. They looked quite different when they came back to the hall for a jolly good (Continued on Page //) (Continued on page -i)