THE TWIG yiirih Citi'oVuia Colley late /’/'I ,«.s' Assni-Uilioi), 0,pirial Onjan of ilii- si'iKh'iil i'v.dii (if McvciUih Col- h-'f'.' Fiiam ks Chi:ui!V Editor L'-oiidriiv Mci3t!AM;!!. Editor ;\I.\i;i:.\!!i:t Ov!;iiroN. .yijisiiic'ss ^lan(t>jcr Ki>i!i:i!i a CiiAwi'oiiii -'I.?®/. Bus. Mjr. Axmi: Et.Ki.N's AssociQic Editor I'ti.NA Eaki.k WAi.Tci.v./lssiV/ni/i'i Editor Fiia.nun Uow.w.u. . .Circiilullon Editor lIi.ADVs CoK Assl. Cir. Editor Axmk F. IlAiiias... Editor Snlisi-riiii iciii P .$2.50 I Cbitoinal I; ir.'i nl' ;ill. «•(• want tn ii|jiil(iii'iz- I'l X. ('. .Si:i(c i\)f alluwiiig an in- 'liviiiiuil sMiilriii n|iiiiioii cniipci'iiiiifr ilii'ir >1 iiili iits lo iis a stoi'y cii tin- tVniii pas’i- Ilf hist week’s is.>iii(‘. Ill ir> |>!ari' rill' arlirlc' lin.-i it.s iiiei'- i;-. I‘‘!i a' il a||iiai-c!. if is poiil'ii';- Iiiu '.iH-i- Ir |iMM'> an iiupression o)' iiii'li. "II ilic i-i>ntrnry. flit: vci'v np. SiM-ii-iy \v:i' l)V no means •'ill lllli''’lt:( III 'I'lic ci|(] yirls ' "i’kii! tn iiiaki’ rlii'ii' i'('S[n'etive so- ' IV ill,- i|c'li”in Ilf ra'li new nieni- i ■ I ' lit .ii'i. IIii'l jii'l^in^ from llie '■l-iii-'- ami ilir riit luisiasf ie e\- :• --i.pi;- III llii’ IK w ■iil'ls sinee tliat •. ill'll' wni'k 'v;i.' mil ill vain. •'■ ini I'lia-i- i.f mil’ enlloiie life '!'li'ii''!;■ 'I’ll. .] I Ml' I 111'yc'jir. Xnw I" i' I. iiu nin]iiiie Ilf lialf I In- i I'L’o Si ;i !>• I' air lia.-i |iasi'([ ill'" 11 i>i I ii'y, liiii 11 •• pli'asani a>su- I'iaiiiiii' unil 111' iiii'i'ii - linjirr. ()ni' li'ihrlay li]'iiu;;lir luaiiv |iiii'i'iits, Ireaul-. an.i ar, |ii;i i ut a Ui'e.-; in its u'aki . I Ini' i|ii i \i iii' Ilf till' 'lav lie- ‘•an-'- 'it i|ii>i- .-I'Miiiniia! eau.-^«'. nf jny. vvi'i'r i-xi't |iiii>nal!y i'tiji>yalile. If II i- "Illy ‘^ili iviirk and nu [iliiy" >\liii'lt "iiiak'' .lai-k a ilnll Imv.'’ tli'-n iln av'i'a^' I, (j. r,f Mcredifli 'Mi'li iit' -li. iiM 111 Mili-laiiiiallv in- -Miiii a- III,' \ariiin' i-liili- ih'fi- niifly ili'i'i'li ii|i,iii ilii'ir frcijiH'iiry ;mi'I lay.-i nt iin'i'1 iiiji'. it wniil'l ln' aiipi'eeiali'd hy tln' sial}', if tlie |ii'e.*i- ili-ni.' ir •■^ci'i'eiarii'S wnulil reuisiir I 1m'>c (la{('.■ in M i.'S /ali!'i>ki(''.' oflii-i'. .\iit iiiily may llii--^ infoi'nialion lir of iis«' III t he I li'ans Ilf W'linii'n liul sliall |ir')Vr an inexjiiM'Ssililc aid lo tlie niiil’i»nnity and acf;iii'itcy rjf tlie So- I'ial Calendar. .V coiji|di:int;c! wirli iliis re(|iiesl will iie cniidiieive lo Imrll eriiiveideiief' atid a ppreid ill ioii. One (,.f (lie nios( iiUci'CHl'.ing, in- struelive. lunl cnlertiiining oreiifs Ilf till' ccdlege yeiii' was tllC firc drill I'eeeiitly. TIu' ([uiek, ('ffeclive deniinisii'jiiiiiii of llic l’’irc .Dcpiirt- iiieiii I'e.a.-i.-iured US as lo the safolj’ of oiir lives, especi.'illy .sinee \vc live in siieli close jiroxiinity to llio lire •lalions; but to Dr. JJrookwell (In U'e owe the jtresenfiitioii of a ,'serioiis sulijeel in sindi ail enterlaining niau- ner ilial we sliiill jiot shortly for get his worls. We lierehy express onr appreeiaiion to the I''ii'C‘ I>u- p!irini'iit of liak'igli. *!• .\s liie firsi iiiDiith’.s wol'k is l)assed and ihc' grades are disfci- hul('l, various shades of emotion are to he feit. ,s'en. and beard. Per haps. the griido is too low—tboti it is u|) to the ainliition you possess, to -aiise it to rise lo the rank you think you deserve. 'J’o the frcsh- inen, pari ieularly, dmi't ho Iiseour- aged if an I'l or an .1:’ is your mis- roi'tune'--ther‘ are various ways of sn[iphiniing that un.sightly figure by next monlli; hut on the other hand, ihm'l he nnduly elated if you have just |ias.-ied ev(>ry—that sort of seholarship will novel' jipproxi- male the IFonor Society. This is only tlie first niontli of the whole year ;ihead of you which is yours to make or lose. I{rc'ntly the ipiesliiiii of volun tary eonrrihutiims tn 'I’lii'; 'I'win iias fre([iii‘iiily arisen and we sln)\dd like til settle liial issue imcc for all. The paper dues not. must emphatiea!ly does noi. hfhing to the inc-nil'ers of the stall', rhcy are elected tu in.ur(‘ the ap[K'arance nf tin- siu'-ee.ssivo eo|iies. ii is true. Init their lask would he mati'rialiy Ic-sseiied if other stii!ents wouhl su])plem'iil the men- tiiiii Ilf their in the jnat- Icr Ilf voluntary eoni rihni ions or oilierwise hy a few actual proofs, Lei it he finally and dearly under- slcHid therefore, that a girl -wishing to eov'cr a sinry liiis only to luen- tinii that ilesire to any niemhor of the stalT, who will, it is assiu'ed, not only give her permission to jiro- cec‘r|. hilt most jirohiiiily, shall idso rise up with ihe remainder of the Iniig sufl'ering slalT and call lu'v hh'ssi'd indeed. .\s tin- cdariiiii call goe.s forth lo vai'iniis classes vespeeiively, it mighl, perhaps, lie well to iiisi.^if up- iiii a general interest in eliisse.s in dividually and in lh' student body as a whole, in baskefbtill, tho first -^[iiirt III engage our altenfion. Our hn'k Ilf interest in athleties is duo to various hiiiM'ntable cireunistanees, We reali/c, lack of I'Ofiin iuid oquip- m'iit. fur example, but we do have the maierial and facililies for .strong basket hall leaiiis, jind il’s up to each gii'l III sii|i|ioi't, her team. Tf you can play, vnluntcf!!', Ihen re])Oi't to the ehi'S eajitnin, IjuI if you aren’t ei|Uai tn that .sort of strenuous ox- ei'i'ise, then gain nn outlet for your energy by boosting your team, 'J'he cup is ihe goal! giocial Caleittiar j Saturday, Octolior 27, 8 P, 3V!.; Soiili- oiaoi'ca entertain SoniorK at niasriucr- ado I-Iallowo’on party. * * » SiuKhiy, Octolior 28, G P, M,: The r‘Katnr Y, \V, C. A. inoetlag in cliapel. « Ik 1 Wc’duosday, Octoljcr .'51, S P. M.; [lecopticui of Pitlloii Cluircli I'or JlcrO' dith meiiibprs. * * 4 Tiuirsduy, Xovuml)or 1, (i:4u P. RI.; iU'ffiilar luccting of tlio individual J$. Y, P. U.’s at tlioir resiioctivc iilaces. THAT WHITE’S STUDIO MAN rS MAKING A HUGE HIT BE SURE and See NEW STORE 2d mid ;5rd Floors rr.i FA^'j'ri"rKviiJJO st, *‘The Show Place of the Carolinas and The Cheapest Place to get what you want in Raleigh (ilULS JtOEM-; THAT Till'; I’lCTUIMlS \\l\.\j KK FITTINli TJIi: I’lionMiitAvni'iK with cmniiiig, triDiiing Y'aiikDc talk Ho snares your youtlit'u! hearts. He is liiinsoll’, ho little aoods 'I’o ])iit oa otliDr arts. He looks at you with googly eyes Tliat botii earoHs and mock-— 13nt lio dim't mean n thing lie says— lieware (lie .ialilierwock! His hair Ls like spun suiihoams gold: li'.s draped across one eye. He's not .so hatulsomo. but ye gods! Some folks for him would dio! He has a large, gooil-natnred mouth, ’riu! girls aromid liini Jloek. Hc‘ lia.s a sweetlioart somewliero else, lieware tUo ,ia!)lier\vockl j He poses you witli tender earo The while lio talks to you Alnmt iiver.s and sundry things. You didn't think lie knew. Me has you so entraneod and cliarmod Yiii do not note the clock. .And time unhecdeil flies—Init dear, liewaro tho ,ialihorvvock; IV'rliaps he doesn’t nieiin to look .•\s if lio'd lost liis lieart To every girl who nicK'ts his gazo— ■ I’erhaps it’s ,1ust a part 01' all the miscollaneouK charms He soouis to have in stock, i’erlui|is it's unintentional— lint 'ware tho jahhcrwock! GILMER’S, INCORPORATED IN THE HEART OF RALEIGH Noirrn CAHOLINA’R GREATKST DJiPAllTMENT STORR READY-TO-WEAR, PIECE GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. BEDDING, SHOES, MEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING. INFANTS' DEPARTiMENT. .JEWELRY, TOILET GOODS, BAKERY, GROCERY. TOYS. I When down town luako GILMER’S your hoadquartor.s \ REST ROOM CHECK ROOil MAIL OFFICE COTTKKLL.IMi: Miss Thelma Lee, oil Lexington, and A, T. Cottrell, of-Lenoir, were nuu'ried Tlnu'bday evening, Octoher If), at G o'clock at the lioine ot Dr, T, W, O'Kclly, former pastor o£ tho hride. Only a lew friends attended, Tho hrido wore a handsome brown duve-de-laiao suit trinuned with heav er fur, with long cal)iu )>rown hat and shoos. Sho is tlie daughter of Mr, and Mrs. fj. F. Lee, ot Lexington, and is u young woman of charming personal ity. She is a graduate ot Meredith College, Mr, Cottrell is tho son ot Mr. and I^frH. ,T, L. CotlreU, of Lenoir, and liolds an important position with the fionoir Koller Mills, He attended State College and Davidson. Inimodiatcly after the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Cottrell loft for a ten-day lonr to northern points, after which they will ho at lionio in Lenoir. Miss Mary Farrior, of this city, and (ilon lioe, oC Stato College, brother of the hrkle, attended the ceremony.— llalrii/h Kcc7>li)(j Tlnirs. Distinctively Engraved and Decorated Christmas and New Year GREETING CARDS are ready for your selection An early visit will enable you to choose from onr large and varied assortment AVOID THE CHRISTMAS HUSH Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. | CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE OUR SODA FOUNTAIN HAS BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 High Grade Candies Fancy Selected Frtiiis Pure Ice Cream VISIT OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE

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