STUNT MIGHT THE TWIG STUNT NIGHT Vol. Ill AMBITIOUS TENNIS TEAM ARISES IN FACULTY RANKS XKW ANP INTEltES’l’l.NCi PHASES 01’ TE>MS GAarE IlISl'LAYEI) IIY MKMBKKS OF FACULTY Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Spectators WEiirted! Ktglit around this Avay! Championship tounis game of tho sea son. Did yon liear tho anuouucemeiit as it was aent through all tiie lialla o£ our dormitories Monday? But no! Theu, you lost the chanco o£ seeing one of Ihe most—or shall I say most—in teresting and entertaining games over staged on a Meredith tennis court. Due to the speed of tiie players those who did not como early were robbed of a great plonsiire. The game was fast and snappy. It has been rumored that two o[ our highly cstoGmed fac ulty have almost consented to enter tournanienta with the French cham pion of last yoar. However, no game played i;au bo of nioro cxcitement than the one witnessed on Monday after noon, Oc’tcibor 29. It will live in the memory of the spectators for many years. Mereclitli is to l)c coiiBratulntod at having been tlie scene of snch a spootaclo. To tliose who were not acquainted with Law’s tochniquu iier form might have been a bit bowildering. Indeed, i't did iiave iier uppononts puzzled I'ov a while. Invariably, as she called “ready?” her lirst hall rolled aroniid tho net with playful humor. But, then! How she served that scc- Oii'i* Giiu i»v>t ii*VC L»i that so small a person could wield a racquct wifli .such strength. It goes without saying that the par ticipants were well dressed for the tennis match. Mention might he mnde of tho jnost appropriate costumes that the -writer has ever seen did spacc per- mil. But each one would liavo to be described individiinlly and in detail, which cannot ho done here. SuITu'c it to say that the crowd waa well re warded for their interest. Meredith College, Raleigh, N, C., November 2, 1923 No. 5 Resplendent Soph-Senior Masquerade is Delightful Setting for Hallowe’en Party ANNUAL STUNT NIGHT TO BE HELD SATURDAY CliASS SFIRir RUA.MKG AT HIGH KKIJ IVITH AN'l’lCJrATION OF WmOG CUP fContinncd on page J,) MKMORIAL SERVICE HELD TO HONOR DOROTHY GOWER y. c. A. vi;si’i;i{ SDiivrcu Sun day WILL si'iivi: as 3[i:- MoniAL TO i*im:sii>knt Tile vesper service of the Y, W. C. A. of next Sunday evening, November 4, will be a memorial servioo to Dor othy Gower, mcmbei’ of the Senior class, and Y. W. C. A. president, who was drowned June 19, 1323. The aim of tho program, which is as follows, will be to show the different phases of her life as seen by her fellow stu dents: Dorothy, the faithful. Dorothy, tho loader. Dorothy, the lover of nature. Dorothy, of tJio happy heart. Eteriml Life (poem). I’m a Pilgrim (song). Presentation of picture. “And do you Icnow your Blblo, Louise Alderman?” "Oh, yes; I l?now every thing that’s in It. Portia's young man's photo Is In It, an' ma's recipe for face cream, and a lock of my hair cut off when I was a baby, an' tho tlclcet for pa's watch,” Can we wait? Well, hardly! Held under the auspices of the Ath letic Association, pre,gented by tho four classes, and attended by every body who cau get here. Stunt Night has long been considered the greatest event of tho coilcge year. And the day is verily upon us. Already wo liear echoes from society Iiulls, chapel and all other handy places reminding us that indeed the day drawotli nigh. My.sterious whispers, Importiint committee meetings—In fact all that goes with pruparation—are abroad. Past accompliahments coupled witii present happenings promise fu- lui'e success. The Senlrirs start alT the proceedinga with 'tlie initial stunt, of which the prac'iicing, couplcd witii their past roc- ord, presages ii woiulerfnl event. Then coino the Juniors, whose whole-sonled iutercHl: and spirit will undoubtedly show itKolf In a delightful manner. The Sophs, of course, truo to their “rop,” will present iis with somo'thing at once ctmracteribtia and original— hr-w ffvi!'' tllA’/ \ ij,’ til.! FroHhnicn? %Vhy, of course, theirs will lie an entirely refreshing morsel. Tho main issue is—who w'ill got the Clip? Ah—it renuiins to be seen. Since timi! immomorial. ever since lloredith was still in “creepers,'' so to apculi, she hiLs sot ci->jli]c the first Saturday night in November for the annual “Stnnt Night.” Only last year, liow- ovoi', was there any aliouipt made to ilecide on the best stunt, Tho cup, awarded to the class having tho most original stunt, mado its initial ap pearance upon being presented to the class of '2a, last year. For tills rea son, competition Is more than ever a fiictor. Class spirit, at all timoa active, runs high at tills time. Eacii orig inal girl in caeh class is taxed to her utmost capacity. Whut will the issue be? Ahl Como and see. DISPLAY OF MANY DAZ ZLING COSTUMES AND HALLOWETN REGALIAS SPIKIl’ or HALLOVE'EX KVI- llENtKI) BY SPOOKS, CIDliJl AND JACK-O.LANTERNS On last Saturday evening the Sen iors in response to a most attractive Hallowe’en invitation from the Sopho- morss, promptly made thoir appear ance in gfiy costumes at the ''Y” Room to attend the Sophomore-Senior raaa- querado party. There they found a sign wliich said, "Follow the Rope,” and so thoy did—Anally arriving at tho Society Halls, It was here that they (still following the rope) passed a large punch bowl, the contents of which wus apple cider, a tahlo heaped with poanuls and thon a talilo of large red apples to each oC which every one wus bountifully helped. Thu halls were lighted by ,Iack-n- Lantorns and IIil’ dim light on the pretty costumes produced a very oC- I'ectlvo scone. The two rhissos .ioincd in !i grand parade around the halls lU wliicii time the judges of tho occasion wore abln to selcct the winners of the prizes. Miss Mabel West, who waa dressed as a pumpkin, w’on tho prize for tlio most orlghtal costume, and Miss Frances Cherry, who repre- a oi/tbiiioi** ©ll Uio i>icLrv j’.n the prize for tlie most beauiiful cos tume. At intervals, in the evening, ghost stories had been told during which time a clammy hi\nd and oilier ghostly accoutrements were in evl- denco to inteuaify tho spooky atmos- plierc. After tlio last sliiry, tokl by Miss Mnbei West, had been completed little contc.'jt-boatlng (iiiestious, tho an swers of which were related to Hal- lowc'cn, wore distributed among thnso present. A prize was also offered for iho winner of this contest, There wore several with the same number of cor- ruct answers, and so moans of finding Llie winner were provldod for by guess ing names and numbers. Miss Frances Cherry again was the lucky one anil was presented an especially appro priate Hallowe'en box of candy by Miss Blam’he Stokes. fContinned on Page Ji) DEFINITE PLANS MADE FOR NEW MEREDITH ALL l>TKRKSl'i;i) ANXIOUSLY AWAIT Tin: IllJALlZATION OF I>R1iAMSS At last, we arc beginning to see some definite effects toward the realiz ation of our dreams for onr new Mere- ditii. On last Tuesday tlio trustees were presented witli the first drawings by tho architect and such plans they were! All the buildings are to be connectod by covered walks or under ground passages. There Is to be a building for tho administration ile- partmeiit, one for the auditorium anti other recreations, one for the gym and one for the dining-room iinil kitchcii. Tho dorniitnrles aro to be modern in every rcspect—ii suite of roomsyfov ovory four girls with the bathroom adjoining—no more signing up for tnl)s! On every iloor thore is i,o be a kitchenette wJiorc the girls can gatlu-r for tlieir fudge parties ajid tea mak ings. And oh, the parlors! Imagine the bliss of having a parlor all to yimrself ami not having to entertain yonr "diUc” abuvt; tin; babble of three luijidrcd other voices. There will be big parlors Jiiid small luirlors at new Moro'.iUb! The svmnashun will have all llio iilipllHnees ihat are neeiiod to develup tho inusrU'K ami above all—a swim ming pool! The cninpus is going to be “a thing of beauly and a joy I'ornvor” with i'ls groves of trees and thn lake and the iimphitheater when the outdoor plays jind pagcanis are to be given. Faculty row will bo along the drive way leading to the college. New Mi'rcilith! Can yon hardly wait? DR. E, G. TOWNSEND GIVES UNUSUAL CHAPEL TALK I»KAX i)V BAVLOlt COLLEGE I(UI>'GS GHEETIiNGS AM> 5IES* SAfiElS FROM TEXAS NOTICE TO ALUMXAE Tho Handbook Committee will great ly appreciate the assistance of all Ahimnae in locating new addresses. This infornmtion Is desired at once I'or the next Issue of tho Handbook. C.MiMKN Roinons, Ghairninn, Meredith College. Senior Class Delightfuij.y Entertains “The education of women Is con stantly developing and Increasing," asserted Dr. iC, G. Townsend. Dean of Baylor College of Texas, who con ducted the devotional exercises In chapel Thursday morning, October 25. He cimtinued to show that the prob lem at lirst to be confronted in the building of women’s colleges was whether or not they would exist. Tho theory advanced was that there were few who would rare for it and those who did might attend co-educational colleges. The siiojikor contrasted the condition with the present view taken of colleges for women in that the in» terest in educaiion of women is in creasing and that out of iU'teen col leges for women the capacity of ail ^except one is now crowded to the limit; taking, for instance, Baylor Col lege, wlioso number have increased from SOU at the heginning tn about nt the present time. Dr, Townsend then poiiitc.l out that not only was there an increase In wumen's colleges in numbers attending but also In every other way. There is a grrof Improvenutnt in tho {juality of ilie students. Not ua many demerits have to be given as formerly. There is IcsK regard I'in' the nin.scaliiio ele- nieiU in thal ir is not needed as much now. Tlio speaker in this coimcetion nuidi! the stitlemejit that he bail never .nenij a llapppr alihougli a.' luid otien beard of tbi'in. Ik said ihnL liint tyiie 'i' girl duos not cxiHt. in foilegrvi. He I'urtlicr pointed out that girls In col leges miw iire also more healthful, more sen^iihle. far lietler louking, and )iioro purposcl'ul. Tile speaker jiointed out two import ant phasr.s ill ili(. lifii of a M-hlch should be lakoji care of while they are securing their college training. The lirst pninc made wus that by far the gi-eatest per cent of those in the audi- At liLABORATE DINNER FOR MaSCOT The guest of honor at the Senior dinner last Monday night was one of thu most important vtaltors tt> tho collcgo this year, namely, 'their mas cot, Master Donald Dunn. Tables wore arrtinged in a large square at tho farther end of tlio dtnlng room to accommodate tha Senior class and iheir gueats. Master Donald Bunn, Mrs. J. W. Bunn, and Miss Zabrlskio. The decorations wero carried out in tho class colors of lavender and pur ple. Crepo paper extending from tho four lights met above tho center of the taldes in a beautiful Bhow'cr bow. Just nndernoath thia was a small table, also decorated in the class colors, upon which was a lovely, picturesque basket of lavender and purple flowers. To guard the colors was a small boy doll Imitative of the mascot. After every ouo In the dining-hall was seated, the president of the Senior class, Mabel Weat, entered escorting the juascot. They were follow’ed by Mrs. Bunn and Miss Zabrlskle, and behind these the Seniors, dressed in white and flying the lavender and purple ribbons, entered in single file humming "Sweetest Little Fellow," Tlio nmacot wiis placed In the seat of honor which was artistically tied with a large lavender and purplo bow’. The entire dinlng-hall stood rospectfully until all the Seniors were seated. The Seniors never assonible without Binging and giving yells. At the sig nal from the cheer leader the class, with much spirit and pep, gave tho yell; "Razzle, tazzle, never frazzle! Not a thread but wool. All together! All together! That’s the way we pull. ■24! ’24! ’24,” Realizing tho milestone they had reached, tho Sonioi's recalled in song impressions formed from their pre vious three years as Freshmen, Sopho mores, and Juniors, reaching the cli max in the Senior year. "Whon wo woro Freshmen, Freshmen, Freshmen, When wo wero Froshmen, theu, ah theu, It was green, green this away. Green, green that away, this away, that away. Until Sophomores! When wo were Sophomores, Sopho mores, Sophomores, (Continued on page (Conlinncd on porjc .1) IDEALS COMMITTEE GIVES INTEKI'STfNC PROGRAM A i'i,i;.\ I'OJi KvnirsiASM IX ?r.UilN« .VTTJ{A(’'l’IYi; R003IS Wc uwi‘ onr Ideals Cominlttee an other vote fd' tluuika for the uplifting ns well us intcre^Ing things gained last Wednesday at the chapel service. After the devotional exorcises ‘'Rooms,” the subject for discussion this time, was Inkcn up. Upon first thought it would senm that almost anybody could keep ;i bedroom well, nut with more study it is seen that many people have mistaken ideas about a well kept bedroom, Virgie Harvlllo, in her own attrac tive way, told us how to keep our rooin.s, especially those hero at Mere dith. As she said, they should bo cozy, comfortable, and attractive. Our rooms should express our personality and individuality both in tho arrange- ment of tho furnitnre and in the dec oration of tho room. One good point brought out waa concerning tho pic* tures we havo on our walls. The right kind should lead onv thoughts to high- or ideals and help our lives to grow stronger. (Continued on page S/

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