2 THE TWIG Member Vortli Carolina Collegiate Press Assodatlon. Offlcial Orrjart of the Student liotly of Meredith Col lege. Fkances CnERnv Editor Dokotuy McBhayrr. .afonojting Editor MauotAkbi- OvEiiTON. .Bjtsiness Manaffer Roberta Crawford. .. Bus. Mgr. ANifiB Elkiss Assaciale Editor Edna Earus WAtTON.ilssiffnm’i Editor Frances Howabd. . .Oirculaiion Editor Gi.advs Cos Asst. dr. Editor A.vnie F. IIakris. .. .^xcfeonffc Editor SubscriptioQ Price $2.5(> €&itorial J Cbi'istiiias is oiH' next joy. Tlif Tlifliiksji'iviiig lioxos matte tlic pack;igfi lisr i-i.so to indvfiiiite heights Iciiylhs—oti Avitli the good work 1 $ Thn a]3i)i'0JK'liiii>j pj-epnratioiis for l!ic first bnskfl liiill game nrc iioav- ing C;iii it bt' pos-siblc ibut we’ll [ibiv a giiiiie ncrordiujf tu si.'licilulo? ^ Tlicri' is iiriilii/ig likf mori; and iiitii'c st'i'i'iiiulcH. J'^ai'li ils cbar- jicfci'islir- jurrii lV/iin f[uii coniixisi-d ut iitiiiiiuwii atbiiil'c-i's who u-! I" '\iiliii"'ly li'ii'.;:' al ;li' uitiJow.s aii'l K!i till' afti-r ligl.l-lii,'!! lln-y jilay; in |ln tn(U'(‘ viii- 'il'Dll,-; dill-: wlili'li l.iUiiiV (■(lili'y),' vlc- tui'ii-*. I'.!;11] II-;:: in ain] u lira'II'Hii^ I'll-il iil'i' .-ii'ii-i-.tiily i;i-cT:-:-;n-y at- ii'iiiiaiiM iij: :! "ivii .'Hell 'ivi'li'iiiiu' visir. V * * I';|i!rl'l’1 . Iir'sjclc., Ji'iv- iii;x ■I-' a !ii -ii^lii ii,h) | in- _i>i'i':iiiT Ml--;;.!. . i,i’ |:{V, n|-,i, lii’oiiiiliI i II. 1,'ra',' riiiiiiDiiiiiiy iiiaiiy l'i'i i; . • ; . 1 )■ Mi'j'( -lii!i ■n'irls. (ti' !• ’ I; !• i!li •;(. i\ I’l'- liiMVCil '.'-i;!, .-ii • 1 -jii.r ii;u-iic- iilar 'K'lM .• Ii'! h' I Icvmh fvi-ii iijMi-.' , •, ...i.ii.li-, |M -ihlr, ill olir lllillr! . M,; s 1,1.1 li f, ; ni'ii vcl'V Snllll. All Jfll'Is, ;it1 I l'i--i;'!ii'ii i;i |i;,l'lic- iilin', ai'c III 111' n 'iini 1: 1 ilmi in t||c liisl ilayri b ill.' I'!, !•■ - Mill. ii.ili- lays, w'Di'l; is Nt’il ;ni i-.'-, m1!;iI iimi not to 1)1' I'fascil iV'iiii iii.i-'.- luiiii!, Tlic (.’Iii-i.stmas ni>h filU ii- wiili r'iigcr ai,lici|i;ition uikI a i--ii.l.'in'v toward a j^fiu'i'iil sf!ii>l;i-a ic bixiiy. l)iit tlic) diiys l'i«lluwi II" our ('ciiii'ii ■^vill lic full nf ilii' nii:tl I'raiiuninir ])l’Of:Klini' (Xaiiis iiinl mi tiim' will 1m' found 10 imik'c nji W'ji'k m'ii'|r'ic.| now. Only lliosc tvlin jiisl lumu’ally study ■\^tll jiay i-vcn tlic -ili^fliifsi hecid to rlii.'a widi iiiiciitiinc| a'lniu- nitiori, but anyway, an r-ititni'ial souse of finf.y will liar- lifcn jnsii- fi(‘d nt its jipijcarani'e, It is to be regretted that tiicrc was more or less misuuderstandiiig on our i)urt coni’yrniiig tho time set for tbo rcnoption glvoii by tho First Haptisit CIiur(;L Saturday night. Since the llei'edith roprcsontative on the iSoeial Committee was quite niuiwurc of the pUins, tho whole afl'air wus brought to our attention (luile unoxpoetedly by a casual chapel aniiouncoliient only Saturday morn ing. We want tho Church aa a wliolc to know thaj our absence ivas not duo to any indifforcnec or lack of appreciation, but to the fact that most plans for Saturday night had already been made by tho morning of that same day. llowcvor, we ex press our regrets again, and assure (ho Church f.Iiat her next hospital ity will be welcomed with tho ehar- uctoristic Meredith spirit and en- liiusiasm. m >|; ^ The performance of the Carolina Phiymakors in Raleigh recently has made us realize even more acutely that when it eoines to our dramatic interest as a eollege, we rate about as high as tho present value of Ger man eurrenej’. No attempts have Ik'cii made in ibis direction recently, liut it not only iiehooves us to stiU't soniefhing, hut to slai't somelhing I'finitcly and quickly. Many girls have c.xprL's-sed a regret at (he alj- .'t'ni't! of any kind of uniform dra- itiaric actii'iiy Imt this enthnsia.sm, il sccnis, lacks u lendi'r. a i'liaiic(‘, tlicrcfor(‘, not only lo d('ri\’e jicrsoniil vnlnc, but 1o i-realf u-hal: '.vuidd itu'\ i( id/ly prove one of lln? Iniure ilercdirh’-s largest assets. : a.- « C’Dtisidcring the fact lhat the vir- ‘■nluliiin (if Tiik Twk; has liccn in;irly iriplrd iliisyt-ar, ii doi'n not WDi'ry ilic siiilT sii mncli wlifii cnni- i'liiiiils ai'i'ivi- a. lo the I'ailurc' nf Mil' pajicr, in isidal-(l insUiiicc-', ciilii'i' [II ri-ai'li ilie >nljsfi'il>ci', or Iiavv a !iiii;ilic in tlif juilre'‘-i, -s|)fc- .',lly as loii”' !is vvi' !)flicve llial llnsr :'il>l;ik‘S lire Mur macli.' Iiy 11'. i’ci'- iiajis, ilii'V lire, iii’trr all, mere iicfc.s^- 'II - wliuli miisi tH'i'ils ai'('ii:ii|)aii\' ••n; Ii 'iiiMcii dc\ i'lii|)mciil. 'J'lii' iiiar- I'li ’l imiiii'soj lil!I'i'cni Alnmimi* arc all known in ilic ('ii'calal inn [iiaiiayi rs. aiid if liici'i- iii'i' mi.'iakcs 11 addn-';.-!'- iln'V arc dllc solcjv (o !ic iaci ilml tlir iirldiT'SSfc lijis mil Ml hr-i' ciirrci'i name and address ^ > :li.' ciliicii'^ Ilf ill,. Alntiimic lland- 'I ik. Atiy i;iitiiI'lvi to cimi|)ly ivilli il •' |iai’i ol' ”AlnniiiaciMir‘ may ::llay llii'ii' ct-nsciciiccs by ^«‘ui|ijj>- II" iii'ic.-..siry itiCiirnnifion lo M's-i f'ai-mi'ii UiisriT;., Mi-i'ciii:|i 'illc^i'; mid, iin-iilciiially, suv‘ iIk> stalF a il d iiiiiijilii;nt and ci'itii-ism. • III”' Ki lie lilanii'il us l-Mig !i-i llif '”"iilili' di)(' nni lic «’iiliin unr jni'l.>- Ini \vu iii'c willing In do' '!i\ 1 liiiiM- wliii'li cjiii i-clii'\c the 'i n. Oil'' iniic |in|ia I'chnkcs onr 'Hi Jin' i-r'C;ill-v iic Ijn.s tljul I'J I'lnl li:s mai'i'inl daiujili'r'-i inldr(-ss :v,-Ii'i'. (ill)' .•.(•use of liiiliior II' 'l;iy I'lil il',-; Mil iiiiccj'lain mi'thod ”.liii')j wiiii I wrjfk rV'ci'v fiitn*, itml ''pi'c-ially after wc pniiM‘ to (?nii- 'idcr llijtr i!ie f'it'cidiifion li.st 1ms been chiingcd aiil I'l.'prinfi-d tlu'ce- I Social Calenbar Friday, November 30—C;45: Meeting of tlie German Club; also meoliiig ot the SLucteut Volunteers, » « « Suuday, December 2—G:00: Meeting of the Y, W. C. A, in Cliapel, * w * Monday, Decembers—5:00; Mooting of tho Math Club. K >i' n> Tuesday, Decembar 4: 13ett€r Speech Stunt Night in Chapel. m « iii Wednesday, December 5; Chemistry Club meets trom 5-6:00. Chapel Serv ice held by Y, W. C, A, Mooting of B. Y. P. U., 8:45. «* * # Friday, December 7: State Literary and Historical Association has Pro gram iu Cliapel al S o’clock. separate times. Wc intensely want tiie Alumnae to like Tjik Twig, and also to get . the copies, because as future Ahnunae, we thiidc wo should enjoy this “connecting link,” as it were, to our school days. Just a little ]uorc cooperation and a few more days of grace, and wc hope tho circuhiiion question will he among rhoso missing. Tirii JIEKEPITII Sl’iniT AS SKFN KY A I’KESHMAN At the bCBinniiig o£ the school term o£ lf)23-'24 when tlie niembors of tlie Freslniian Class landed at Meredith tho whole air seoined to be filled with “Woleonio to Meredith.” It made our reelings of insignificance banish when wo rcullaed that Meredith weis glnd to take us iu her out-strp.tched arms, luul show that she was glad to acccpt tlie Class of '27. This made us more ilofermined to make onr ehisg one that .^larwlith would always be proud to own. The college ofTu'ials have shown that they were Interested in onr welfare, lhat they were working for onr ia- toroHt and as a result they have won liic reapoct and highest csleeni of all tho Jiort- girls. Nothing lielps a .'iludont quite so much as knowing Unit her (eaeher is Interesteil in her, la willing to help her on to lilgher (liings and make the burden lighter. Wo Jiave the assurance lhat all the leacliers of Meredith stand ready al any time to helj) IUo,se wlio want to IK' helped. And wllh this loeling, lhat tho loiicherjj have n personal interest in us anil are willing lo do their part, (he Class of ’27 has begun woi'Ic with anich ziist and eulhiisiasm. In no phase of collcgc life is the .Meredith spiril felt more Iteenly than in the sisterly love of the stndenla. This was Jirst noticed when we Avcre Krceted at tho station by girls repre- seniiny the Y, W, C. A. who assisted as in every way possible in getting np to the college. Anti the members of the Jiniior Class i'rcm that lime on have been real sisters, they helped the .Fr(^shiuen get their work arranged. They have given little parlies quite ■ji'teii to put the "pop” into our own school Jlt’o, they have entertained us highly since wo Jir.'at put cur foot ou Meredith soil bci.nuso "what they have is sociability." And the Idndneeses that have been shown by the ofllcials, teachers and stnclGnts will never bo forKotloti Ijy the Freshman Class of '27, If the prevailing spirit of More- 'iilh remains aa it is now, Meredith will eoncimie to grow, win fame and he tlassed as one of tho loading col- IcgoH of the South, and those who go out from Meredith will alng her praisQs far and near. BE SURE and See Eaplor’is NEW STORE 2d and 3rd Floors 123 FAYETTEVILLE ST. '*The Show Place of the Carolinas and The Cheapest Place to get what you want in Raleigh ^laplor’s Distinctively Engraved and Decorated Christinas and New Year GREETING CARDS are ready for your selection An early visit will enable you to choose from our large and varied ussortinent AVOID TIJELCHRISTMAS HUSH Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. i CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE OUR SODA FOUNTAIN I-IAS BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 High Grade Ccnuhes Fancy Selected Fruits Pure Ice Cream VISIT OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORt GILMER’S, INCORPORATED IN THE HEART OF RALEIGH NOlVni CAROLINA’S (!RIi;A't'[].S’l’ DICPAin'.MlCN’T STOIUO GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS BEDDING, SHOES, MEN’S and BOYS' CLOTHING INFANTS' DEPARTMENT. JEWELRY. TOILET GOODS BAKniv GROCERY. TOYS. When down town inaUo GlL.MEll’S your hoadquarters REST ROOM CHECK liOOM MAIL OFFICE Sample Shoe Store Shoes and Hosiery 218 S. WILMINGTON ST. Shoes of Today with a touch of Tomorrow

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