SENIOR CHAUTAUQUA THE TWIG Vol. Ill SENIOR CHAUTAUQUA SOPHOMORE NIGHT OFF OWE GRAND OCCASION FOR FRESH AND SOPHS KU Jihl’X COSTUMUS, Sl>(3h\C, PAIITY A'r JJLUE MOOiV 1>'.V AXJ) MEltKY-HAKriNa IiV OKNEIIAL Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C.. December 7, 1923 FKKSHJIEN good SrOIlTS SOI*II«,HORE KU KLl'X AM) SKJf. lOKS JUKE flAYEl’Y «Y SONfl IN UllS'IjrO ROOMS Oh how those Newish hearts tllrl iiiakG At six hial FvUhiy nfght To see the Ku Khix niardi iiroiind All rohod in nighties white! They inarclied right lljroiigh both (lining rooms Witli toroiiRs wild nnd flariiiB, At sight of those tH)l, scary I'ornis Those freali forgot tlioir daring. Tlioir licana sank down Into their shoes. Then’ Icnoos witii terror trcnibletl, WJieu singing wild and scavy aongs The Soph Kn Kllix nsisrmbled. Wh' II Soi)hs and Scniorfs hofh htui simg 'iho K(i Khix Kl£m doptirted; A noisy, hiippy crowd iliey weru— For niiii? Moon Inii they startod. When old State Cnllogo loomed in view The Kii Kliix 'gan to holler, And men hcguii to rnn downataira And more preimrecl to follow. The Sophomores went on tlicir way And came to Blue Moon Inn. They sat around nnd told ghost tales Until ’twa.s almost ton, And then they Jiad dclicioita uats, Some sumlwiches and stuff— The Kn Khix ute and iito fionio more Till ail had had onongh; And then tlioy piled into thnlr trncks To liomcward wend llioir way, And all agreed with one iiwnrd 'Twa.'! thi; end of a i)crf!ct Iay—• Yf>t not ihc ond, for when again They canic: to Meredith College They wont to every Fn'sliman's room, And this llic Fresh acknowledge, They yanZvcd those N'ewiah out of l)od, And fed tliein long, wliite worms; Tlicy did not eat litem linngrily-— (Th^y were afraid of gerniK.j Tlicy led (horn into darkened rooma And aoon the awful sound Of l)k)vvs and horrid yells wen( out An;i .scared tliose all around. They made llieni wasli l.hoir fares with Sonm sUilf all Ijhick and smonr.v— Their alllt i)a,iainas wore all ruined— Thu Freah herame riuitc toary. 'ihey niado them get hiick Into bed, riiit riyht next to the springs, On loj) of tJiejn they iiilod their hooks, The rliairs.and other things. Sonietime up in the wcc .sma' lioura Tho Sophs all went to bed. And Frealnnon crawled iietween theii sheets, From terror almost dead. The next clay, iinprepared for clasa. All wont and weary-eyed, Tho Soph.H made dosperato attempts Thoir ignorance to hide. IBnt not a Soph wonld miss the chance To have a lot of fun If aho were laid up for a week. I know—for I am one. CONTAGIOUS LAUGHTER IN ASTROTEKTON HALL OU[(it.\AI/ 0\E-ACT COMKDY At'. FOHDS MUCH MEiniraENT The Astrotekton Literary Society held Its regular meeting in tho Astro Hall, Saturday evening at G:4ij, After the business session of the meeting, the prograjn was taken over by tho dramatic group. “The Sniggles Paniily," a very amusing and Intorostliig comedy, was presented by nine girls, Each member of tlie family had some outstanding cliaractorlstic which in almost every case was (juite ridleulous. The “Wid ow SnigEles" was the md.'ji prominent character, and she introduced, lu turn, ]»er eight divughtors—the giggler, an Italian rtanccr, a heart-brenker. a re nowned singer, a lioart-broken maiden, the iosthetc. the elecutor, and tlio poor daughter anb,1w:t to hiiy I'ever. Each gave some domonstrutioii oi' lior In dividual cliaracteristlcH which i-an.‘f;d n c-oatliuuif sfreani in the hall. Al'tfc'r giving tho Astro call, the so ciety ad.tourned doehiring the coinody a great suw:es.s, full of orifilmility. elTorr. umiI langlitor. We have glrl« who i;au put thought, IntcreiHt. pep and spirit into the pro grams. and eacli nioeling, regardless of Icngtl), has womething interesting in it for .von, Como to tlio next meeling. MUCH ENTHUSIASM AS CHRISTMAS APPROACHES jfou' wijjj WE 3rAJvi; I'jii; «E^^T rSE OF Oi;i{. (JJIJDST.lfAS ifOLIU.lYS No. 10 SI’ATE LITERARY AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION MEETS A.SSOCIA'S’.'OK TO JUjET AT 3n:i!lv. DlTir (>y FHIDAY EVEM\(;. niH'EjriiKK 7 Doi.'H tiic Soutii iiave :i litt^raliiri; of its own? Miivo wo a.s Soutlu’riier.s. and more narrowly, as Morth Car- iilinians. iiuytliing to i»e proud o[ In a literary way? After the rather bit tor controversy which this question has cuused througlioul Ihe 'iuintry in the ])ast few years, the Juei' of llie Stiito LIteniry and llisloriciil As sociation, and the Xortli Carolina Folk-Lore Society, whi(-h are laking place in Uaioigh iX'i-en\lnM' G and 7. will interest us all. Especially if wo hiu-e a healdiy, and .iua/flialiln pride in Dur State, There are to lie fnuj' meetings cd' these KOcieth^s In Haleigh tliis weei!, !it varlonsi iilaces. All of these promise lulerestiag atirt iUHtructive progi'iuns, {Voiiliiiticd on pin/e >,) Elizabotli Hobbs, daughter of a car. tain strict-prlnciplod old doacon, had attended a danca the previous night, much against her father’s wishes. When Elizabeth appeared for breakfast the next morning he greeted her with the words: “Good morning, Daughter of Satan." To which Bliaabeth respDct- fully replied: “Good morning, fathov.” BASKETBALL SEASON OPENS THIS WEEK .ii;ni«iis and fresiimen' play KASKIi'J’lJALL rj{ll)AY Basketball season la liore at last! Ke.xt Friday the llrst game oi: the season will be played by the Juniors and Freshmen. '23 has good material wo all know from the gamea of fojnior years hut we havo not seen '27 In action yet. However, it has been ru- niored that they have a corking good team and—also they have visioua of the Cup before their eyes to nmke tlieni fight. Next Tueaday '24 and '20 play and this game too promises to bo full of l)ei>. Every oue knows ’24 has made a baBkethnll reputation by keeping tho (Oontinned on page 2) Xmas or Christmas? Which? The holiday scnaon is near at hand, and it means that niuc]i plesisure is in store for ail of us in the next three or four weeks. Will that pleasure be transient only? Or shiil] we enter into tlic true Christmas spirit deriving lasting ,joy from the diiys that nre to tome.' Cliriatmas tloea and should moan more to tis thtin « holiday time, for Kootl eats, lovely prcsonta, and hap- iiy association with friends. 'I'lie col lege girl means much to iier loveil ones at home, Frobabiy, many of the liarents are sacriliclng that you may havo the opportunity of a college edu cation. Fei'haps no nuiteriul sacrilice is liolug made Ijy others, but they miss you at home. And CInlslnias is a time 'vli(>n loved ciie.s gather togothtr agjijii; wlirm lovo Is rampant. Let na not for- Ka at tiii« time tljc one who made liie great siicriUce; the one who is lovo Him.self, It is His liirthday which '.v! ui-o celebrating, and our temporal lovn should iiring as in rloscr touch with Him, fet UH lisJi'u 10 Luke as lie ,?ivps tlK! account of Christ’s birth: “And she brought forth her lirst horn Sun mul wrapped Him in swad dling elotlu-K, iDid iald Him In u man ger; because there was no room for Him 111 t)ie Inn. “And there were in the same conn- iry. n)lC])hor«s abiding in tJio lield, keeping wjitcli over their (lock ijy uiglil', “And, lo. (ho Angel of the l.ord cpnn^ upon them and tlie glory of tho Lord hIiouo rminl ubont thein and they wore sure afraid. “And tlio Aiigei said nnfo them, fear not, fjir behold j bring you good li- iings of groiil ,joy, whifli ssliiill he i(, all people. ■'For unto you is iiorn this day in (li(' city of David. ii Bnvinr, wiiicli Is Christ ( lie Lortl, ".^nl this shall be a sign nuto yon; ye Shull lintl the biibe wrapped in s«-ad]ling clnthos, lying in a manger. “And suddenly there wns wiili the Angel a mnltiuide of ilio Heavenly host praising fled and saying: "Ohiry to (.iod in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men.” us eiu'iy hojne with us the con scious memory nf tJio Savior's birth itiid like to tile Angels on high sing with our lives, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace good will to men,” Then, shall our earthly parents know that wo arc developing into tlio right and best sort of women. Aad \ve shall please the Beloved One by oar liomage, Xmas or Christnins? Which Bl)aJl it be? IMPROMPTU PROGRAM BY PIII SOCIETY i:vi;i\'r,s, i.VTKiuiSTi.vG and am[ts. ixn, SHOW XATUU.^I, auility Tho Jmpronijitu program of tlie Phil- arotinn Literary Society S:iiiirday night. December lirst, wns short, but interesting as well as annising. After the usual opening exercises the pro- gi'am. consisting of a reading, “Three Blind Mice," by Susie 1-ierrlng. a piano solo by Katherine Cooke, and aii orig inal stunt by Mabel West and L>hoci)c liny, was rendered, 'I'ho first number was very amusing, being the story of a rcoltation cmitest. such as nearly ail of as have engaged 111 in the distant past whi'n W(- were in tho grades. The differenf tyiKis «f grammar school oratory were por- trayeil In a realistic and hiughable manner by .Susie Herring, The piano solo by Katlierine I'ookt- was well played and reflected credit upon iho performer. TJic stunt by Phoebe Day anil Mabel West was the elimax of the fun. Everyoiie rocognix.od Ihe members of tho faculty imiiersonalnd by llK.'in, and the typical chapel scene provoked much hiughtor, giving the iindience a '‘peculiar sort of pleasure,” NEW MEREDITH PLANS DISCUSSED BY COMMITTEE AJfCJll I'ECi’ HAS rJtESEJfTJilJ i'I.AXS FOII NEW SITE 1VJ1ICH AKE IIAXOINCJ liN MAIX «UIU»LVG HALL EVEKYrJUXO EOlt SEW MEJfEDl’I'H WAYS ANI> j»rKA>'-S (JOJTSnTTKE WITH llOAIti) OF TIILSTEES KOLl) MEEI'IX; (Contihuca onyar/e SERVICE IN CHAPEL THANKSGIVING MORNING nn. ELLIS LEADS IN DELIGHTFUL '!’irA>KSniVrKfi SEKVK’E Drifting through tho early «inietnoHs nf a new Thaiiksglvijic iHiy came tho strains of ‘ Come, yr thankful people, oonie," from serenaders under the nusplnes of the Y. W. 0. A. Thi-« sei’cjjado was tho beginning of a si‘r\- ice which was continued at eight-tliirry in the chapel, with Dr, miis leading, Tlio Scripture lessoa, jiortioils of the one iiundred and eleventh and ono hiin- ir'.'d and Tliirleenih Psalms, was ful owed ])y a vocal Keli^ction by l'''iain-e‘-: ^V'hilc. Afost interesting was tiic’ ac count of those early Tliiniksi'ivin’::; givf'ii by Dr, JSllis as lie Iraccd tin liistin\v of Ihc Pilgrim falb'Ts l'rni:i thf'ir landing to that lirst ■i’liunksgiv- ing iield whea Ihe bounleous crofis luid been fi'arnored. A oiiain of seiitcuce )irayer:-i thank ing (;od for His many blessings einsi'd the service, SKMOlt (llAI.'TAUQI'A Couie all yo roundera if you want to hear Tho story of n Chautaiujua that’s draw ing nonr On Saturday evening, Decemhor the elglith, The Senior claas will your pleasure awiiiti With II show that will tlirlll your every nerve Frnm curtain rise to part the third. Now since you all are uaturnlly wise MISS ST1TZJ:;L sings IN CHAPEL SERVICE SI>’CIS DEAI.TII JTJ, SOLO ESTITLElt QI EKN OF SIIEJJA (Contlfiiied on page Miss StitKol delighlod tho aiidlcneo last Tuesday morning with her lovely sinsiug. On account of liaving had trouble with her throat. Miss Slifael has not linen able to sing ftir us as much as we would like. Tn her Aria from Gonnort's “Queen of Sheba" she did beautiful work, the audience show- ing ils iippi'oclalion by tho storm of applause whicli followed her eeleotioii. Dr. Brown made the nnmbor more interesting by giving a laconic and con- c’iae getting of tho Aria. Ths student body thoroughly appro- date tho willingness oC the members of tho music faculty in helping to make tlio Tuesday morning chapel ex orcises more interesting and enjoy able. On Tuesday, Xovember 27. the Ways and Moans Comniittee ajipointed by Ihe State Convention to suggest ways and means for rebuilding Meredith f'ollege. met with the Board of Trua- lees ami suggested to them tiiat they bm-roiv the money from the people '>!' Ili! State ill order that the building might go on. The urgency for im mediate notion was pointed out by (iiilling Ihc iiltention of iho Board of TntKtees to the run down condition of tile institution, the inadequate rooming contlitions. the poor plumbing and the hick of general equipment that is nec- t.'s.sary for a collDgo of the standing of Meredith. After much discussion and due consitleration the vote was laken III tho afternoon and all those j)reaeiit voted in fivvor of borrowing ibe money, Tliis decision avIII be given to Ihe State Convention to vote on. The architect’s plans and suggestions for the new silo are hanging in the downstairs hall whore all may see. The Inlfillmoiit of those phuis Is thy ilream of eai'h Meredith girl. More lh;;;i nne Senior has said that she "■onhl like to start over—,just to be at ni'W :\lei'edlth. Perhaps Ihe pre,«ent Ki'ci^limiu; will have tlio privilego of gradnaling tliere, Tiic iiiiildiUKs lire to ijo grouped ai nnnil a I’l liter ( oiirt, 'I'lu auditorium anil )iarliij',s ;iiv on the rijilit as you go U|) ilie front wall:, I)elifi;d liiese are d.)iiiiiinry whigs. 'I'hcn ihe dining- n;Min ami k,uhen are iti tho back of i!ii' ciiin-i. tin the left of ijie court iiCf Ihe I'l I'iiaiinn rnoiiis. ihe science iiuilding ami Die I'onscrvatorv—behind tlii'si' ;ij(' more rliirmitory wings. 'i’lii II- is 1(1 he an athletic lield. a lemiis club. 11 Inke and an outdoor ihecir" on Ihe eampas. These will rni.ct a leni: felt noerl nf, tlui student body nioi',. cutluisiasni for ath- Icilcs iiml dramatics will he devclojied. lij.sKvKl of having four giri.s in one room, as is tlie e;ise al preaeiit in many rcKiins. the new dormitories are to have siiiics, I wo girls to each room with the, halh ro(nii between. Tile emhiislasm for the new plant is very high and it Is hoped that the convonlioti will sanction the plan of the Ways and Means Committee and the Board of Trustt'os for we do need a now Meredith, now. Lkah.mso I5r Dkcuijks OJlice manager: “Yes, I will give you a job dusting and keeping the room In order.’' “I3at I am a collego graduate," re plied Phoobo Day, 0, M: “Well then perhaps I can give yon something more simple at first,” Miss Harris (on Criticiani Ohiss): ’•Alfss Herring havo you n queation?'' S. Herring (eagerly): '‘Yes’m. How h)»g is It till timo for the last hnich hell?"