2 THE TWIG Jleiiiber JVortJi Carolina CollcgiaCe rrcss Associalioit. Official Orpan of the Stiulrnt Bodii of .l/crcdifJj Col' Icyc. Fiiaxcks Ciirrrv Editor Coiiot’iiY McnifAYRK, .afanctflitii/ Editor M.suaAHKT OviiUTOM. .ijiisfjicis Manager Roiiicuta CRAWfORD Assl. Bus. Mgv. Ax.vie Elkix.s As30clatc Editor Edna Eaiiijc Walton. Affsl£/w»i7 Editor Frances Howaud, . .CIrcidlaUon Editor Gi.auys Cox, Asst. Cir. Editor Annie P. IIarius. .. .iSic/tanije Editor Subscription Price $2.50 Cbitorial Lcds tlijui a wor.'k now til' llu- Oliristimis liolidiivs! : TTow ar» itiui'li wn'k is a mystory Imt :i .Siul roality ron, Acfordiiig ti> every sfirl, ”J'm jus! ruslied to clL'atli!" * ^ Tliu Liiw of Coiil rufiis sraiuls tci- (luy, ns tlie !llei'i'(lil]i i^irls’ fiit uml jissortfd Cliristiiias liuinile> and her slim luul only [»)eki‘r!»uiil r-oniiniie t(j jirDVP. Pciiir !):iilli('sI f.i ::c ^ Aluiig ivilh Llfr w'l- truly feol like yelling: -Kali! liaii! «ali I Ami tlirec mun- rails ! For tliai yiilr-’i|c ra>eal Santa (,’liMis: Chimney swooper, (Jaritl u'licjc)|iri-. Sanr;i ('I;in I .“^a tii ;i ('hm*! Hall! Kah: Kali I" K’ «: (I fri'l liilit rlh eiillfgc I,- In III' ')ti”;riituliiii‘ii iijpiiii ii- i'iii|icrai 1'in au'l sneccs- ill I'el'cn-i ici iln' I lircai'-ncit iin;i-|,- i'|jiilciiiii-. Wiili • inly twii casr's in :|||. 1 i,!inn;ii'y i|n> >ii';ii' hi-ir;in iPii'l. -II t’ar vriili mily Iwi) C-;||' i> ir I'lniil!;-, (| i,- Ulil'il'- tniiali- itul.i’i ill,’If i] i,v;iv ii,'i-i'-..;ir\- U) makf II I'l V- L'ii'l' 'iiiiji'fi rn i-l.isi’ |Ua I'iMlf 1II'- ''M |I jij ||ii\i‘ iieen ;ili'iilit r itir n|' ilii)-i iiu-vi- ra!il' Iiii'j.iiii'■■ wiiii'li ;l!\^:n••i cjiiisc' II li'" 111 'illli i |i.|- ihi- 2Mcw| III' ih'' wln'1''. I I ll'i '! '-N|'. [i )• ;|)..| ;| 1;||'! n f eoojM I'jil lull inT?i ilic [ir--v;i; !i iiij IIII j- llhli' il' II ■..lliilr V,r (||'c;ni t'l rllillk of llicilin- |.i)'silii[Ii ii-.-, A,' nmiIit.-. ,staiiil. Iii>\',ever. ',\i' iii'i- ^'hiil iliiit “Marion ;in| I'ily" ni'c i'a|,!.||y r- eii|icrafinjr. ami ihiir i,ni' mi'a-ly fcai's vvei’o [ji'arlii'aMy uii!"iiiiikil, fit ^ V 'TIk' iniiiiia] 'liri.'i iiiii- |.urly ai>l cak(( wnlk \vlii-li nlw.-iy-; mi'iir' lln' last Satnrdiiy ni^lu |)r'''rlinM' iln' Clii'istmus ln»liiiay>, is iHi'ithci' if Morodith’s eiLstrmis wliii-li is mri-i, interesting ami I'litcriainiii;,;', 8nn- flry forms, apparil ions, visions of lovfliiieai?, nml roalitic.'S. sjul or ,i?la(!. all according' to flic* intiiviilual clmr- ai'ici'istii-s of tljo rcsspoctive owimr (^r rli(.‘ [lai'fieiilar oostunio, gutlicr in ilii‘ (lining mom and ar(! (lio cuusc^s of jolly criniiK'lition for tlio cosUnno jii'izc. Till' cxcitoitieiit of a sure t'n«ingli, Iiniu'si-io-goOilmwrf i;akc walk, liowi'ver, is rlje foafiirii of the cvo- iiing ':-|ii'eially h* cln.i.so who have lieen Ml nnfi)rtnnat‘ as to nevcM’ liii\e liren a iviini'ss lo .sueh u .similar siK-i-incIi' ljcl'i>rc. 'J'oo it’s nwu' the apiiroaching holiday Uid with the u'ala .sjiirir running high, aiiolhcr iiK'iimraliic (‘veiling is tixpccted S.it- nrtlay. Ingrnion.' art* tlu; plans for mak ing tnony as cxiimples all the Avny tVom ihe almosl. impromptu Senior ('iijun an(pia r('cently lo tiio custom ary W. (’, A. l>i!zaar will illus- irali-. .\l a lime wIkmi every girl is nnU'nally hnsy with work, hotli un- i‘X]»ectc] and long postponed, and has liiilc lime For thoughts of Christ mas |>r's)'nls, ihe Iijizmir is a golden opporliinily for ihe imrchaso of 'llri;'tnla^i novtdlie.s and gifts. They only question arises frnni the inter- est taken in tin.' Bnzuar heforo ils iiclnal display. Some girls, ;i.s nsiijil, give gericrously, others not so i'iitliu.si;isiieiilly. and some, not at all. As ii memlier of the V. W. ir si'cm.s llnit 'very girl .should hear her pai-f in the res|)onsiifilily tn' ihe sneeess of ihis unlertaking. 'I'he Bazimr has even greater possi- Ifiliries. :ind ii is nol amiss 1o sug- gesi ihesf* ideas as food for thought and fill- next riirisfmas. 1 : 'I’liere has hcen mueli di.seussion, holli secret inid open, eoneeriiing the appareiiily mysterious disapi>ear- ance ot line of the Iwo fair holichiys whicii wc- had Iwn or three yearns ayii. Kvrry rime holidays ha\e been agilaieil siiim.' i>nc has alwavs iu- i|iiireil 'tim-eriiing I he winjreii IkjuIs 1)1 iliis lu>i d;iy. ;nid siS no one lias : ver lieeii alile lo make a definite aiisivi'i'- ir fHii' salisfaeiory enough. ;ii leii>i. Ill calm the (unuilt of eom- nii'm.' am! relali\e (jueslions whitdi lia\c' iih^nys I'nilowcil—'I'iik Twio'.s priviile i|i-ree1 ivc Ii;is solved ihc pUZ- /liiiu' ipie.'tinii fur every >n‘. ,\l ensi. Ii'iutj nil aiirhoritative souri-e ''"I'les I he I nlldwiiijt; expUination ; I ilic (|;iys when two holiilavs were ii'i\eii lnrini; iIk* fair some yirls '!’ iiM'il ro limi ilnxi liunging heavy "n tli.’ii' liiuids. ill ihe interiai he- 'wecii iheii- -itiidii's, and in mvler (n iiviiid ilii- inlerniiilioii, llie students ',Inniari!y gnve up ilii' entire first "I lie- iv'.n li'ilidiiys wiili rlic iiinh'i'- '':i!iilim;- ilial niie ilay fair ]inlihiy ^'"nhl Ilf ipiiie suflieieiit, priivilel liii' -imly Imnr of the nighi jn'eecd- inu' ii he III ejillcfs. SiiKH' Ave had III! iih';i iliaf some tif llm sfudenls d;d nil' id.’ai'ly niidi'i'sliind this, we olh'r it It.- iiii iniilmi-iiative refer'iiop I''!' any liiniri' di.-i-ussions wliieli 'uav ;n'i-:e p.i'iaiiiliig to this |Ues- I inn. Social Caleitbav A,. Ueimrh r-i for ihis issue; I.e' \^■al'ril•k, Fnmoes Ifoward, Mil if- I'dkiii.-?. .Uigusta .\mlrow.s, I’lim-lir' h.iy, Uhiiielie. Strikes, Inez Ferrec. (ieneva nentha!], Edna Eai’le ■\\'alimi, Pearl Fiiulkuer, Vir ginia "Whlu'. I'llsie Elkins. Fririiiy, December 14. G:'15; German CIuIj meeting. « !{■ H ■Snturchiy, Docember lii, S:00: Y. liarLy ami cake walk. Sinuluy, Dofomhc’r IG, 4:30; Clii'lst- maa Cantata in Cbaiicl. Tucsdaj-, DoceinbGr IS, 5:00; Chcin- i.sLry Club, Hi * Wcdnesrtiiv, Deeeiiiber l!i. 5;0i): M(mio ICPDiioinicg Club; 0;-!3: Meeting of respcclivc D. Y. P. U's. • • Tluir.silay, nsconiber 20; Lecive Eor Ciiristuiaa holidays. Kl'GULAU MEETING OF CURIE CHMMISTRY CLUB IM{. WITIIKUS UK CIlKJIISTia' ])Ji- I’AKT.lIliM OF STA'IK i()llj;(jj: si'IiAks The Curie OlieniUtry club hold its regular meeting on Tuesday uCternoon in the Chemistry Iccture room, Tlie roll was called and the presi dent, DeatrlCQ Jlartiii, introduced Dr. Withers, head of the Clieinistry De partment at State Collepo, to the club. Dr. Withers chase sugars for the suhjcct for his lecture aiul commeuceil by discussing the ditt'ercnt classes of suifars and tlieii telling how tliey hrolte up into simpler augurs. He then discussed the asymetric car bon atom in sugars and parsed two u.odels aroaiid to the members of the club, that explained thib carbon atom and showed tills atom better Ilian the models we had seen. ACter Di'. Withers liad concludO[l. hi.s speecli Dr. Winston and the president thnniec( liim in behalC or the club. Dr. Wiii.ston also told him that it was very iutnresting to the Chemistry II class especially becausc they have juat been stuilyiug it. Delicious refresh mouts were served wUii-h consisted of siigar soluthjii.s In the form of ice cream and calces, W'c wiah to thank Dr. Withers again and hope wu may all have llie urlvilege of hearing him again. INTERESTIING SERVTCE OF Y. W. A. SUNDAY E’lM'l'l'rV rUK.SMN'rjlD BY .Mi;.iri{i;ns of y. \v. a. F.toth illiimiiKiting and interesLing wa.s the program given umicr the aiis- tiires of the Y^, W, A. on Sunday evening, Doceinl)cr 0. After tlic oiien- iiig devotion, leil liy ailmtie I-ferrin, president of the Y’. W, A., PauUnc I'ulcoj) sang Jli.t ICi/f i,x oJt ihc Upor- i'liir, A SiaLo Mission Pagonnt wa,s then rendered witli the following emit of charactei;j: Hess Elaie JClkins ^fary Uriiee Noatherly Spirit of State Missions, Winnie RiclCGi. lOniistiuent Dcpiirtmont Representative lOdith IGzel!. Evaiigolisin Departmetil Koproiionta- tive Mlnuie IJell. Humlay School Depaitinent Ropresen- tative Mabel James, K. Y. P. U, Dopartnient RcproscntativG Katie Dali. M. IJ, Dopartnient Rciirosent.ativu Katherine Cooke. Church Bulldiiig Deimrtmeiit Repre sentative Flora Cavunmiuyh. Scewanlaliiii Dopartnient Representa tive Mary Tatum. Boole Department ItepreBeutative Norma Montgomery, (Uonlinwd on h) BE SURE and See i:aplor’g NEW STORE 2d and ;Jrd Flnni's 12;; FA’^'K'rniVii.i.E ST. '^The Show Place of the Carolinas afid The Cheapest Place to get what you want in Raleigh ^aplor’s Distinctively Engraved and Decorated Christmas and Nezv Year GREETING CARDS are ready for your selection An early visit will enable j-ou to choose Irom our larRO imcl varied assortment AVOID THE CHRISTMAS RUSH Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. •>i« CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE | OUR SODA FOUNTAIN HAS \ BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 | High Grade Candies Fancy Selected Fruits | Pure Ice Cream ! I VISIT OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR j PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE | CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE i GILMER’S, INCORPORATED IN THE HEART OF RALEJGH NORTI'I CAllOLINA'.S ClRISATlOS'l' Dl'’P.-\RTiMl‘3XT STOUIil READY-TO-WEAR. PIECE GOODS. HOUSE FURMShMNGS BEDDING, SHOES, MEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING, INFANTS* DEPARTMENT, JEWELRY, TOILET GOODS BAKERY GROCERY, TOYS. DAf-iiKr. When dowi town make GILMER’S your hoadquavtcrfi REST llOOM CHECK ROOxM MAIL OFFICE Sample Shoe Store Shoes and Hosiery 218 S. WILMINGTON ST. Shoes of Today with a touch of Tomorrow

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