MUSIC RECITALS THE MUSIC RECITALS Vol. Ill FOUNDERS DAY EXERCrSES HELD AT MKKlvDlTlI ANiNUAi, foi:mh;hs day Ainmioss IIY !»]{, .SAMl!i:r ,T. I'Oll'l'KIJ OF J)L'1{HAM Oil Thursday Fol)vuary 7lh, More- ililh Collog'c eelebratod Founder’s Day wlilnli has boon an aimiial Dvcnt slnco the lioffhnimg of the collcKe. twenty- live years afto. In a hi'it'll introductory talk, Dr. Brower spoko of the peculiar pleasure alTordoil hy the ma.ny friends who had been prcsoaf. ivt eardi oi! the former similar occasiciiis. “Founders day may ho thought of as a time of aiiknowlednment of pant oblisationa," said Dr. Brewer, “There Imrc been enrolled in the regular couracs at Meredith, exctlufiivc oC S[)0rial sLudcnta, 3,’14r> students and there liave been D25 Kraduates. Meredith Colloffc got its charter in 1801. but it was not until Soiifombcr 7, isni) that the college opened. Thia wjis Kixty years after the dream of Thnniar. Meredith, Avho advocated the ostablisluuojit of a col- Icso for women duviuif the Baptiat Stiito Convention in the year 1830. The annual address was ffiven by Dr, Samuel J, Porter, pastor of the first liiiptist Church oC Durham. Dr. Tnrtrir is ii native Xorth Caroliniun, but lias fteoa altaonl. from his iialivo stnto diirintr tlie last few yciiir.s. Sinec liisi, return from the West Dr. T’orter has hocn as(ounkMi to lind that aiidi };rea.t inutcrial and spiritual proRTCSS lian liocn Lukin.!,' plauo in North Caro lina, and gave the credit for thi."; I,, ii^.j i.v'jnH'i! ri[ (l\o S(;i*e Spi'akiiiL'- on the subject of “Spirit ual UidiiiirnK’al;.” Ur. Porter said lie I'rlt iiH if h'l niiKhl l)o tryini' U> add iiin’l'nme Id a violet or .i;lR lu tiolil in H|ii iiiiir,,!.; un HU' h a subject at Jlere- ditti C(,lUw. •"riicro ii; f’n,i;:i'avoti in the heart of i\l>'ri'diih Culli';.;!' the Uiimo of Christ; v.ilh his id''i;li.^in and liis principles. V.’hi.’U v,i; ,u:ivi^ youns; women Iho con- t:n‘t; \ritli Uk'Sc, W(i huvc j-'ivt'a thum ilio iiobh>.-.i and swoeiesL tlilnj^H oV life l.iiM.t ciiii hi! unsi'i'red .ind passed on. II is lur siadi a.s this thnt educution and ridi.'iiciii iifi' (o lake sueh material a' i:: al liiiiul and lii't i!, np to hiyher i'Uri.slliiljt le.'v 'J'hc iMd.'il liiHpii'iiu; 1hoU!;ht tor our is lluiL ihi! womi'n in l.he iji' iu’tnaliiy art' talnn.i.' tlu' stuff r i oii! i/i.i> il oil /-•II/'' }> MM'ri'iiXi; oi-'Tiu >T\-.ys flKKi) I'RIDAY A'l' INTiJil'STENJ; niSdC.-^SlON' roi{ n{t:Ari:u .nmw JVliviillDi'lil U'e are always inl.crc’sied to htsar any ri'p(n'ls fruiii I ho iihitis and aellons ol! i!h! noniniUteDs wlio are rapidly making Now Morodilh a realify. The nu'eliai? held last Friday histed from two Lo six in the afternoon and then frnm seven Lo nlae that niRht. All of Llils lime was taken in discussing the rooms ami furniture [dacoment. It has boon ileciiled Lhat Inatead of one or twu big bath-rooms on each lloor, tlK're will be a bath for every two rooms between the two. Tiierc will ho two closets for each room, one for each girl. Tlio rooms will ho large and roomy, the dimensions, 1(5 feet hy 11 foot— No more crowded wardrobes aud cramped living coudltlous. Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., February 15, 1924 No. 14 Y. W. A. Sr.RVICE SUNDAY OF TjNUSTIAT., m'TEREST '‘'I'lli': OIRL AM» I[I:R GOLD—iN'O'i’ >n»r;Y” sciutCT oi’ y. a. SIIKVICR SUNDAY "The Girl and h(5V Ooid—Not Mrmey." was the unuaual subject of the service held under tho auspices ni: Die Y. W, A. an the evening oC Kniiday, February tho tenth, After the devotional led by Rfinnie I-Terrin, Pauline Patton sang a beauti- 1‘nl solo, “All for Jesus.” TTnw to spend leisure time on this .ijold tlmt is not money wa.q explained by NajH'y Woods. ]i!.vam])lc.s showing the eonse^uenees hanging on the use n[ leisure time shewed that Satan always finds mischief for idle hands, David, in battle was stroHir, hut fell into Bin during idle moments. Despite lliis danger every lifo to be four- srmare must have its share of fun and frolic. ChrIsLi;un young people in trying' to decide on worth-while leisure time tnirsuila ;ire best led hy ccrtain principles which when followed ac cording to (;>nviction will lead to the selection of wholesome pastimes. 1. Never patronize an euLertainment which brutalizes u man or siuimc.H a i\‘onuiti, 2. Avoid ivei'-annisenient. Do not; s|>end Sunday in curing t'lir !)0ilily pleasure at tlie expense of lIii! soul. •i. Never spend on pleasure money tlial: bolnngs to other iisiiocta of life. r>. Never lot rccmition servo as tlie '-n'! 0!’ ■>. Never inlulge in pleasure wliieli h'.'ives a sMng in It.s v.-ako nor |ik:;isnre " liii'ti ;s al th-' c-rin iise of Uie iiii|i)ii- ncs.s ot others. (IriM'O Nealiioriy Uion apokis o»i the 'a (I ital illation of moments, using I'aitl';] Uliisi.i'iiUim (d' iitno as; an art ii-le ill !h(! markco by way of illusl.ration. Ilniiiaiiil;’ I'iuiJ divided into two of l.rad-. rH, th- dviflors and tho dlli;.','. '!'(i ilk- lirsl life is nieaning'- b','M. ’I'lu y iii ;!'l. r.iiw ill Hu's diroctiou. iK-w in iiiai. Til tho diiigonl lift; assiiiuo^ n t'.vo-fald meaning, il is an WEDDING OE TNTl^REST TO MEREDITH STUDENTS -M!ss .Minnn'ii) s:\iiT![ vouMi-if S'tUIU'iM’ iVAlMllh'D AT OOU)SHOH) A marriage ef inlerost to Meredith was thut of Miss Mildred Smith of (Inldsboro, who was jl studnnt of Mere- rlitb College, and Mr. Hugh Gordan Maxwell. An actount oC tlio niarvlaKe follo'ws: One of (he loveliest wodilings of the Ki-iison took plaec at the homo of tho bride’s irdrents, !\li'. and Mrs, "VV. M. Smith la.=t "Wednesday night, when Iheir daughter, Mit=s Mildred Mnic, be- t'iimo the bride of Mr, Hugh Gordan Afaxwell, .Tr,, Rov. JCono Wall nfflclat- in.g. The musical niunbcr prcccding Hie cerenjony was “Tho ViKion,” art fully rendered hy I^Irs. 11. H. Mc- Miliaii. Mi.«s IMiirio Floniing Siin.d “O Prom ise i\Ie" ami “I Love You Truly," which was folUnved by ‘-Souvenir,” a vi'^^in solea!ou iiy ProC, ITiir,st. Tho ushers v/ere Mcksi'h. .Tuno and Cecil Smith M-ho preceded Miss Annie Grady, jtuiid of honor, who was .gownod in a peach beaded georgette I'^’.rrying [link killarney roac.s. Lilflo Louisie !SlcMillan, cousin of ihe Itrule, was ilower girl. She wore a d.-ilnty dress of white ehiffun crei^o and carried a silver basket of pink and wiiite liwcet peas. rjitde Fletcher IMann, Jj-., conain ol the bride, was ring-bearer, wem'ing n .-i-Ui'v •.'.i-rj icijj tho rin^; i>n a silver tray. Tlie tiri'ik'j^rooni wan iittended by his lie:if iiirin, jVir. .inhii ila:wr^||. Tlin bride was oximisitoly gijv.'iied in whiU' duc iieus satin court train and tulle veil. Tior only ornamerii v.'ii.-: a plutinuiii pin, a gift of the gro”!!!. Slu> was given in marriiigo by her i'allii'r. She carried a shower [•I'uqu.'l o( bride’s roses aud valley lilii-s. 'I’hi! bride, after cnmpioLin^' tho iiiurs" ill (:.)lrls:>oi‘i l!i,i;li ScIhidI, at- ioin)?fl !\r«'ri'diih Cdllegv. Tlie grtiom CflAFI-L FOR STUDEN'rS ON \\ h:i)]\ES[JAY ]\IORNING srriMiM cnifisTiA.v uokk is i:.>rriiAsizi;i> in vkuv at- TRAITIVI'; 3rA.\M':u Oji Wednesday nmrnins in chapel tiur minda wore brought lo think on things connected with sludont work far Cod. After OJa (Sibbs sang n song, Minnie Herring road "Study to show thyself approved unto (loti, a workman that ne'deth not bo ashamed, rightly di viding Llie w(n-d of truth," She made a fuw remarks on the .study courses lhat we are soon Lo have hero al Meredith, snying lhat she was sure Umt tliose who took one oL the courscs wtiiiJd be I'nlly repaid and have their linio well-speuL. At tho eonelusioa of her comnieiits, Minnie ItMid ns in prayer, Tiien Mabel West told us something liliDUt the Sluilent Fellowship for t'lirisliait yerviee. She set before ns in a Lt.-w coueise words the iniportauce ol! the Christian work at home, givin;^ tlio impoi'tiiuce of the Y. A., W. M, .S., i;, A„ K. A., W. M, IT., iinrl othi.r (.'lirisihiu orgiinizailons in the Home {•’iolil. As she uaid, Lhe SLadotiL ]^ellow- ship for Christian Service la cotnposoil of siudents of onr colleges who are in terested in the work hero in onr own i-»>iii;lry, .N.'-Vl, Uliwiy,-; t;ti'iikland licguu her :.uh v.ilh Ihc statemonc "wifhoiiL h: ;iiu njis.-i'His. Inririg.'i iiiiojiuas c::n- liiit oxisl, but \.itlic>ui ii)rci|;ii nii'siui;d li'.tiio nii.’-'vi‘*iiJ' a^e iujI. elicoLiS'c.' Tho SiLivli'iil Vi;l;n;lii'i' Hand i.s i.umpi>M:d 111' liu; stud'-'iuii uf iJtir lolb-gi:; platiulng Id i!ii fiiri'i'oi v.'oii'.. Tht'e‘ ehavacior- isll'- 'ivia'd,; if ill'.' iJaliil a!';: ilrrl.irr. and Aftir tho t-tuil' .'Ilf/ !i::v.- t;:lc:.'n ili!s iraitiin;; wliil’' ii'i ihi'y aro iiiin li nmro litfi'd for ilu-ir lil't'S servieo. ANNO UNCEMENT Contest 11 Prize!! GET RICH QUICK! To the Entcrprisinj^*-, Ener^^etic and ()ri>inal:— The Comniiftee on Bonds for New Meredith offer a Prize of value and of future revelation, to the Meredith girl who writes the best “human interest” story by February 20. This story may vary in length from 500 words, but must be of sucli plan and purpose as could be most effective in the sale of bonds for New Meredith. Miss Julia Harris is the authority to whom these stories are to be handed, and from her may be secured any additional information as to the details of the contest. Enter the contest today and make your story the best. It is a chance to do your best for the cherished “New Meredith”! MERE.Drni GLEE CET R GIVES ANNEAL G(INCERT j)j';i,if.nTh'irr, rox-rirr unduk l)lUi:('TIO>' im. IHNfiLKY nitonv On Saturday eviminu, in the 'Mcre- dilh andiloriuni, lh’ Jlercdith filer- (,'Uib. eonsistiiiir of Lw'nly young ladii's. .iravo ila annual contert. This organizatInn has ah'-iyi’. dnne .good work hut this year it was belter llian I'Vor. hci)i.g amon.Lr tho best of its kind ever hoard in Haleigh. Tlio voices hnvo been solneted with nnn'h di>'i'retion and have been admir- idily Iniinod hy Dr. Dingley Browu, tiin rosnit hoing a siili'iuUd i>alance o£ piirt«, lino attack and the light and shiidinjT from lb(‘ very soft lo a flood n[ tone that Koomcd ineroiiible from ;i Miiall b'ldy of idngors. They would roduce Lheir volnine to a veri table whi.siK'r and in it all every word siimd oitl 'li'itini'tly, Tho program w.'.s varied and it v.'iiiild bo difliiuU lo say which scleo- I iuu win) lhe best—il it was all of the best, lb',' oncores being niiineroiis, 'i'lio prnrrrani wa ' a:-; Collnwii: (LI hen Eveiiin.i'; IJ a s t k Ifcv Sh.idows Tlound——The Clllb. t:ii rr.' m.--. riir on the Stairs— .’•■'j/ Froiii'CK WhiU\ f::i A Motliov-s Cr.tiUi' Kon.g—a?;. }>rrlr-l[i}l; I’l iian''!''—iri'-r,'—The Club. f4) .Inst SonU'ihin;.;—V.'a>iii-Ziicca— llnby J[nr\ille, (•;i 'i'ni-i .U:'i' Xor——L''raiicey ’,Vh:'': ^i:i:! IViv.liii" I’ati-.r. ii;,i ill j!').,’ n-'M',- Mi^;l|ly ^'l;‘ it —.V r,i —,T;;'I !. ll"l.'n!aii, ::.',l!iy ll: rul).’, Jll ^ir Fir-ix/n Tiiol- fu:i ii'lrc:V',i;(iil. .'iii.ii': Clailys i'a'i'wii, (7l .rM;-'?. ’I'.'! 11 ^'I'l'iHb'V iv.; A!1 Day Lull;'-—Ccnuiii:— '’a I'lino 1‘;n Ion. i;:-. I Vii!-;'.' ,v, .s_ Tho ('Ini'. tin C'Mij. 'i'i'.i','i!'■• — 'i/.'i.'ittia— .1 1}l)l 11'.. 1 1 >0 l.ik'^ j':‘ii’,‘,' IUii'i'c-i'.-. — ' 'V t-.! . „ .' • i ' .111 — ,-;/ii',',’'i/—l.ovo is'. • a l''i.• , !■.-I'lu- Club, lH) l>' id.! .'ii a Mn\uriii'—O'l/ioJi i''i':i.n'U!iiii‘. ! I;: I 0.1 ill" il-i:r; 1.1 MmiiI llay— .V",';,.'.'I'!,,' i'h:i,. !''Acr!.TV of F(i5 If \v (hi FiiMiHlor:;' i'ay l'v in 'duv until !lVo-l !iiriy o'olt'i'lc tiii' incinhors ol tho f;:!'iihy wrri' ;i;. hi'iv..' lo th. il' rrionils, I':', .ii'ii '.Ur-:. I’viiv.'n grcoli'd the :'ii'’Mi. Ill the (i'.)H' ami :;ii.iv.>'d Ihi'in to 111!' rrioii v.ii'lnr, v.'ji'ro h,lnoi| the ro* i'i'i\inn' Mil', i’.nii]iii.-,-'d lif I’rcsEdent and Mrs, .Hruwor. no:;u and 'Mrs. I’liiuuhiair, ^ir. ami Mr>i, W. X, ,1oneR, and Mi;:>i /'jal'iiskii-. This rm'iii was ill i'\)i'iit>'d with ii:;skots of pink rosos and ,-.naiidrir.",i;jis. The other members of the faenlly grootod th(> Riiests in- tiirmally in Lho halls and other par lors. wore ilocorati'd with palms, .sniiliix, and crinit^on cyehuncns, .‘'doinbers of tiie Senior ClasiJ served Jliissian lea, sandwiches, salted almonds and minis to the (hreo hun dred or more guesla -who called during Iho aflornoon.

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