2 THE TWIG iVmlitv Norm Carolina Collcyiate Press Association, Official Organ of The Sliidcnt Body of Meredith Col lege. DouoTiiv McBiiayek Editor Lkoxk WAnuicK ... .Managing Editor MAiHiAKiiT OvEBTON . .Busincss Manager Bi-ANCiiE Stokes MahCiAUEt Eaoles POUTIA ALDlCltMAN SCDIE CltlCECII CiiYSTAT. Davis Ax.viE F. Haiiuis Ruth PncitCE Gl-ADVS Cox Mary Allison Nellie Daniels Asst. Bus. Managers Assistant Editors . .Circulation Mgr. Circulation Asst. Subscription price $2.50 editorial Thanksgiving next! ^ Hi 0 Who can i-ealize that the Fair has come and gone? Time is a speed king as well us the noted Barney. * >l i!^ Noting the strenuous basketball practice that is on foot these early mornings some great games seem inevitable. * * * If the supply of exciting events does not soon exhause, somebody is going to be in foul shape. He » “Quality rather than quantity” might be applied to the Wake Forest serenade on Saturday evening. * S: Make hay \viiile the sun shines— not only hay, but j’our monogram for walking before the ^veather change's. « » S: Some people are easily “moon- sti'uck’’ even in the day time. Put all dn.'tuiis to good use. The student optimist says, “At new iFL-rf'diili the girls can make pin muni'y l>y plucking the beauti ful cotton of iiear-hy fields.” ■jj as 5 Xc'ptuno’s d:iught(;rs at iLercdith i-njoy fh(‘ wo(-kly swim in the Y. M. 0. A. pool every .Monday and are ]jrepariiig to he (imilified for the hopetl-for pool at the hoped-for college. * * =3 The first week of tests is over. There’s always something to be thankful for. « i> The column of Tjijo Twig M'hich is devoted to student opinions is meant to represent just what it sig- iiifi(‘K. Lt is an open forum, so to speak, and the students are ui'ged to put those o|iinions into writing and see that they are put into tliis column. The idea is to put indi vidual opinions before the entire stUilcnt hoIy and to get responses. 'I’he (roliimn eau be made interest ing and helpful in the foranation of the correct opinions ami ideas. >K >K ■! 'J’here’s something funny about the manner of whisperings arouud the eauipus lately.. Can it be that something unusual is going to hap- jion? !Xo! It’s class pride which will effervesce in a few weeks in the usual way. * Hi i Xow that the budget is paid may- he .some purses can regain conscious ness after such u serious operatiou. of extraction. « * « AVlien things start happening so rapidly one is likely to forget that the same class schedule is followed as when things are hum-drum. The Fair covered many desires hut only Thursday’s classes Avere not held in the regular form and order. >: >l> 4: Fron\ all reports the Baptist Student Conference at Greensboro was a largo stride in the work of Baptist students. Greensboro is the setting for some important affairs this year. The next meeting there is the convention of the N. C. C. P. A.,, which •will convene October 30. *!)>!• Tlie question before the house is: Who tied the Astro goat on the Slyatt front porch and 'why? >!> The formation of a new club is interesting. The twenty-seven girls at Meredith with brothers at Wake Forest have organized and are plan ning great things. Three chcers for the Baptist families. « H: H: The advertisers in The Twio are interested in the students at Mere dith and they are anxious to serve by selling the best quality at reason able prices to Meredith girls. If they patronize Meredith why not patronize them; in this way show ing appreciation for their interest and at the same time seeviring the best goods. Then, Meredith stud ents should patronize the advertiz- ers ih the publications. 0 >!■ >1 'I'lie second month has begun, '.riiere may be some exetises for fail ure to stand up to the notch in the fij'st month because of “newness” or “too-mueh-summei',” but with the .■‘(‘(•iind month should begin real ef- t'cji'ts and honest work to last ’hroughont the year.. Everybody shtjuld he well situated by this time and all nuichinery in order for the ae('(>m])lishment of great things. !l! ■(> * 'i’h(; annual barbecue on the Jfew Meredith site was a success as a bar- bwiie and also a successs as an iiispifation to all lovers of [Meredith. The student body, the faculty and trnste(‘.s had one grand and glori ous get-together in the form of the liiirheoue wliero food and pep were liiiniitifiil and where inspiration -was cfeatc'd by tlie bright anticipations for the new college. The jiageatit of “Mother Meredith and her shoe” brought the realiza- ^ocial Calendar Saturday Oct. IS—Societies meet. Sunday Oct. 19, 6:00—Y. W, C. A, Wednesday Oct. 22, G:45—B. Y. P, U. .Regular meeting places, FIRST MEETING OF GRANDDAUGHTERS CLUB Ol’FICKKS OF (JHAM)DAUGltTEKS CLUB liLECTE!) The Granddaiigliters Club Iiekl Its first meeting in 1924-25 Monday even ing October, tlilrteentli at six forty-live o'clock in the Education class rooni. Tlie most Important business was the election of officers. The following were elected: President, Alice Graves Hun- sucker; Secretary and Treasurer, Ruth Janett Sykes; Reporter, Cath erine Baines. We were Indeed glad to welcome Jlerediths two new Granddaughters, Estelle Pittman and Martha McCulIen. The Granddaughters decided to be more sociable than they have in years past, and each member will have tlie opportunity o£ entertaining the club during tlie year, Here’s to Meredith’s daughters’ daughters. Phis were properly installed. De lightful receptions broiight up a no ble rear to both cercmonics.. In the manner of the ancient Greeks re- fi'eslnnents must have a part in the ceremonies—so in the .society ma neuvers. Xow all students are full- fiedged members and each should en deavor to be 80 in efforts, as well !KS in name. Reporters for this issue are: Odessa Arnette, Louise Alderman, fevelyn Morgan, Bruce Cates, Julia Prince, Augusta Andrews, Inez Holloway. Grace Blalock, Rutli Truosdell, Edith Ezell, Jane Beavers, Ruth Shnw Brit ton, Ivy Grace Doughton, Nannie Mae Jackson, Crys Davis, Nancy Woods, Catherine Baines, Clara Mae Smith, Carolyn Bostick. Augusta A.: “Did English for today?” Mary H.i "Betcha. hard.” you do your English ain’t Ruth Best: “I don’t think a girl should love before twenty.” Julia Cooke: “No, that’s too big an audience.” Fresh: “What’s that awful noise outside?” Soph; “Why, that’s an owl.” Fresh; "I know it’s an ’owl. ’oo’s ’owling?” Di'y Ooods Economist. But Lena Winberry: “I’ve got a splin ter of wood under my finger nail.” Carolyn Bostic; “What have you been doing, scratching your head?” Silence is golden, when in chapel. Be a gold mine Prof. Canady: "How many right angles are there on the same side of a straight line?” Fresh: “One.” Prof. Canady (pointing to angle on right side of perpendicular): “If this is the right angle what is the angle on the opposite side?” Fresh: "Left angle.” STUDENT CONFERENCE MEETS AT GREENSBORO EIGHTKEX DELEGATES FR05I MEKEIHTH ATXEiVD STUDENT CONFERENCE Friday afternoon a great crowd gathered In front of Main Building to see the eighteen delegates off for the student conference at Greensboro. The Meredith spirit was very much in evidence on the special bus that took us to the conference and also at the two dinners served us at N. C. C. W. Some of the best men of our Bap tist denomination were on the program to help us with our problems. Some of them being.. Dr. Chas. E. Maddry of Raleigh, Dr. Chas. W. Daniel of At lanta, Ga., Mr. Frank H. Leavell of Memphis Tenn. These men had studied our campus problems and were ready and willing to pass that knowledge on to us. Not only did these men help us, but great benefit ^vas gotten from the speeches of our own Meredith girls. In the open discussions great ques tions were discussed regarding tlie campus life of the different Institutions. Always we were brought back to the one tact, that to make Christ, campus commander was to raise our campus standard. May we who heard all these good things put at least a part of them to work on our campus, and "make )ur campus different,” tioii of wluit the new college will mean in equipment, while the talk of Mr. W. IN'. Jones brought tlie actual building closer to mind by accurate statistics concerning build ing plans and finaiicial afliairs. To say that the barbecue was a howl ing success ill every way would be putting iji mildly. I|l !il The society initiatious were, as annually, the sourec of enthusiastic cooperation on the part of new members. The societies through the additional membership can grow eflieient and can equal any other oi'ganization for helpful results. The invitations were clever and in teresting following the usual cus toms. The new Astros eneouutered a thorough initiation while the new M. ROSENTHALL & CO Best Things to Eat Phone 52 - 597 - 598 ■a DON’T FORGET! TIME PLACE LEVY’S BOOTERY Specializing in French Footwear CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE \ OUR SODA FOUNTAIN HAS BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 High Grade Candies Fancy Selected Fruits Ptire Ice Cream VISIT OUR ICECREAM PARLOR PROMPT. EFFICIENT SERVICE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE THE SUPERBA Features First National and Paramount Pictures ORCHESTRA—PIPE ORGAN Your Pleasure is Ours Show Begins 11, 1, 3. 5, 7, 9 o’clock The best attractions are always at THE SUPERBA