2 THE TWIG T( Member North Caj'olina Collegiate Press Association, Official Organ oj The Student Body of Me^'cdlth Col lege. DuiioTii Y McBuayeii Editor Lkonr Waurick ....Managing Editor Makoakkt Overton . .Business Manager Bi.ANCiiB Stokes . Asst. Bus. Managers Assistant Editors Mahoakkt Eagles Portia Alderman SUDtE CUKKCII CuYSTAi. Davis Anniic F. Haruis ....Circulation Mgr. RuTii Pierce Gi.adys Cox I Mauy Af.i.isoM > Circtilation A,st. Nellie Daniels f Subscription price J2.50 (Eiiitorial Every girl is u citizcn of the I'liiU’d States uiul will iit sometime have somotliiiig to do with the innk- ing and enforcing of tlio laws of the United States. TIjc liquor-trufHc question is one of great importance as was broiiglit to the view of the students by the recent speaker in eliai)el. This is a question wliieh will vitally affect every woman in some manner and it is a question iit which every woman can have a marked influence. Lend your influence to the right side of a good cause. I ^ Some Freshmen look awfully re lieved. Tlianksgiving is over—"Which means tlie Chi'istmas Holidays are drawing nearer. The turk(‘y was all that turkey could ever Ijc and witli accessories to match, ilaybe it is a very good thing Tliaidvsgiving comes but once a year. 'I'urkcy was not the only coiiside'.'- ation on the holiday—classes wore not lield. 'I'hanksgiviiig day liad its thrills in llie fijotliali line also. 'J'he “[jackage list*’ increased in Irngiii lliis wci’k t’oi' suine utdnown I'casun. Simii' pccijde arc always lucky. J-'i'icmls iiri' a great asset I'spccially on a hiiliihiy. Sitii'c .Siitui'day night, ^’o'l'iiih'r 1'-, mcjsi girU hiivc decided tliat tlici-e arc enough nirn left In tlie worki, even nuw, julging liy lln; nunibci' in ilic collcge lliat niglit. (’niigratuhitifins to Wake Forest! 'I'lie fuothiill game with State was a go(jd ganii' even llinugh llic .spcc- tators wc'i'i' diviih'd in inlercsi. Wake Fui'esr ih'scrves congi'atula- tions fur the winning of tlie fliai'i- jKun.shi]) wliich was dccidcd i'l lli‘ game with Stale Ijciwecn Wake Forest and Carolinii. Tiiere is a temlcncy aniung most people to lie a l)it tui materialistic toward 'J'lianksgiving day. J^ess anl less do people consider the senti- nient of tiu; day .set aside in wliicli to pi’aise God in thankfulness. Jt is H great and gloi'ious day and should be one in whiclj every indi vidual can “count his many blc'ss- ing's” and thank Uod fcr tiicm. Thanksgiving (hiy sliould he more or loss every day. J.f you sIidw your appreciation to people for lit tle tilings, how niucli more im portant to allow appi'eciatiou to the one Wlio has given th^ great things. Every week iii Tino Twio will appear a list of subjects for stu dents. to think upon and to make clear and decisive opinions concern ing. Students do not think deeply enough and do not express what tliey do think. The object of these subjects is to attempt (o create an interest in the aft'airs of the collcgo, the State, the United States and the world and to attempt to create a desire to present the individual opinions and ideas on these .subjects to the other students of Meredith and of other colleges tlirough the eolumns devoted to student opinions or discussions iii Tiiic Twm. Please respond heartily! All material will l)e gladly accepted. 'i’lie iEeredith J3. Y. P. U’s. in en tertaining the B. Y. P. U’s. of Wake Forest found an excellent op portunity for social adjustment and for exchanging ideas along lines per taining to B., Y. P. U’s. Entertain ments of this nature add greatly to the interest of members in ]>. Y. P. U. work and also add variety to tlie activities of tliis organization. The Xow wliieh is a pa- |)er ])ul)lislied l>y students in 2^ew Vufk City is planning a series of inr'rcoilegiate ccdumus of wit, satire and humor either in ver.sc or prose. Tliey are planning to run a whole (■(ilumn contribution of each college of the I'nited States. The students must send in tlieir contributions to their I'cspective editors of the col- h'ge ]iaper. 'J’heso contributions must bo marked “for the New Slii- ilciil, [ntercollegiate Column.” Up on reec'ipt of material, the editor will select what is in his or her opinion the best contribution and send it to to the Xcw Sluih'-nl Avhere it will be printed. This is an excellent o])- jKjrtunify for making ilcredith known. (,'lass spirit was in evidence on SuplKtmore “night olT,” the night of all nights, in the life of a Sopho- nmi'c. Friday, November 21st was the eventful evening and spirit ran high. The day began with the iiaisting of the owl, (he Sophomore iiiasc(]t, on the flag pole and endetl, much to the joy of fi'eshinen, with a huge bonfire on the campus, where Freshmen became implicated. Si|jlmmoi'e “iiiglit o(f” was carried on in Jin original fashion and in [lerfect (H-der and arrangement. A big event in Sojdiomore and Fresh man history has pas.sed. foetal Calendar Satarday G:45—Society. Sunday G;00—Y. W. C. A, JUNIORS ENTERTAIN LITTLE SISTERS FRIDAY JUMOltS GIVE I’yVRTY FOR FRESH- 3IEN JLST BEFOHK S01‘H NIGHT OFF It was with a great deal o£ pep and enthusiasm that the Freshmen and Juniors gathered in the “Y” room at five o'clock on Friday afternoon. There were many yells and songs exchanged between the two classes. Later in the evening ice cream conea were served. After all had been served each Junior took two Freshmen and a line was formed to make a grand march. This march led around the campus and back to the ‘‘Y’' room. Here after more yells and songs the Juniors bade their little sisters fond farewell and the best of luck in the coming ordeal! NOVELTY GROUP LEADS IN ASTRO SOCIETY VARIED AM> EM'ERTAIMXG FRO- GRAJr GIVEN BY ASTROS SATLRHAY NIGHT The novelty group entertained the Astrotekton Society on Saturday, the twenty-second, \vith a program, which to ciuote the chairman of the group wiis "novel in that it was not novel” (iC you know what I moan). Portia Alderman, the aforemention ed i;huirman gave a short introdaction in which slie informed the society that this was the first time the Novelty Group had given a program and that we couhl not cxpect us much of -a child as of u grown-up. The child, liowovcr, proved to be a rather lively infant for the lirst num ber on the ])rogram was a clog dance tjy Geneva Bcnthall. We wonder sometimes when we see how clever this young' lady is with hor feet, whether she will ever be able to settle down into a model biology teacher. This number was followed by a very amusing monologue by Portia Alder- nuin, Her sympathy for the '"ittle fty" was matched only by her decision as to his fate. The last part of the program— should we say "lasts” the best of all the game—well, it’s a matter of opinion. Anyway everyone enjoyed the graceful dancing of Vlrgie Har- vllle. It was a lovely and dainty end ing to an unique and delightful prog ram. We hope that the child will visit us again and we are sure It is going to prove to be an Interesting member of the family. Eeuiember to patronize your ad vertisers. The people who advertise in your college paper are the people to trade with. Interest ereatesi interest. Reporters for this issue : Margaret Wheeler, Crys Davis, Pago Leonard, Irene Edwards, Clarissa Poteat, Loui.se Willburn, Jlargaret Nash, Leone Warrick, Mary O’Kelly, Janet Sikes, Madelaine Moore, Edith Morgan, J. Mace, Mary Sea- well, Katie Dail. i THE NEXT TIME YOU VISIT OUR SODA PARLOR I ORDER I A “MEREDITH’S CHOICE” ITS DELICIOUS! I BAKER-WHITSETT I (Next lo Almo Theatre) I Sodas - Candy - Luncheon BEST CLOTHES AT MOST POPULAR PRICES Stop in and see our Display The Globe Clothing Company Wilmington Street 10% discount to all College Students I IBII M. ROSENTHALL & CO. Best Things to Eat Phone 52 - 597 - 598 DON’T FORGET! : TIME : : : PLACE LEVY’S BOOTERY Specializing in French Footwear CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE OUR SODA FOUNTAIN HAS BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 High Grade Candies Fancy Selected Fruits Pure Ice Cream VISIT OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR PROMPT. EFFICIENT SERVICE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE THE SUPERBA Features First National and Paramount Pictures ORCHESTRA—PIPE ORGAN Your Pleasure is Ours Show Begins II, I, 3, 5. 7, 9 o’clock The best attractions are always at THE SUPERBA