A NEW YEAR THE TWIG A NEW MEREDITH Vol. V Meredith CoHege, Raleigh, N. C., JANUARY 15, 1926 No. 10 NEW MEREDITH AT LAST A REALITY FIRST DATE NIGHT AT NEW MEREDITH DAl'ES ARE PARKED ON CONCRETE BLKACIIEUS If Senator Borah had been privileged to peep into Meredith’s halls in the administration building last Saturday night, even he would have agreed with out argument that "all we want is so ciability.” He (and we) would have heartily echoed his recent campaign slogan, “Give me dates or give me death.’’ "Forward the light brigade Was there a man dismayed? * • * « • Theirs not to reason why Theirs but to go or lie.” as into Meredith's doors trudged the faithful (more or less) hundred. To the unlucky girls, who wistfully watched their room or suite mates de part "to receive their callers” and sur reptitiously courted the men from be hind curtains, etc., there seemed to be an infinite number of male-admirers —who came primarily to admire the architecture they said. But to the girls who saw their friends for the first time at Now Meredith tliere was only one date at Meredith—of which they were conscious. It seemed irony of fate for one of the necessary accoutrements ot (jiirlsi- mas, viz.: the snow, to be delayed in the holiday rush and arrive exactly two weeks late, but It certainly seemed cement-y of fate so to speak, and downright liard, that some dates should be compelled to sit on concrete steps—without pillows. And after we liad so graciously accepted Dr. Brew er’s dictum that we could not have callers until Saturday night, when the parlors would be properly furnished, and after we had so gracefully, though regretfully, asked our clamoring friends to defer their visits from Wednesday until Saturday night, too! But such Is life (said the poor fish who swallowed a corkscrew for a worm). We thought before we moved into tlie country that our location would be a sure test of our popularity, and many of us were viewing the dismal prospect with lengtliy faces, but after beholding the blockade in the halls Saturday night, even the most com placent of us were somewhat discon certed, and the more timid and retir ing greatly encouraged. The early birds got the seats and tho late ones the cement. In place of the parlors the luckiest ones man aged to get tho more comfortable chairs in the cozy nooks and corners. The next in order of luck (or oppor tunity) were able to iise the porch chairs, and those who’d lost their rab bit’s foot (or time) were obliged to set in the rotunda. I take this oppor tunity (being an opportunist myself) to explain that tho rotunda is the octagonal room surrounded by doors on .three sides, flanked by conci-ete bleachers, that may be discovered In the center of the first floor of tho ad ministration building. Tiiere! Take notice, unltiated State, AVake Forest, Carolina. Duke, and Davidson. This not a hint, but an invitation. {Continued on page four) A MESSAGE FROM THE GERMAN STUDENTS Editch. The Twin, Meredith College, Raleigh. N. C. Dicau Siu: In the period 1921-1923 the students of many nations and particularly of the United States contributed $400,000 tor tho relief of the students of Ger many. Without this gift. It is likely that the German universities in the period of impoverishment Immediately after the war would have been forced to close. I have come to this country as a representative of the German student body to give an accounting of the ex penditure of that gift. The students of Germany have asked me to say to the students of the United States that they have decided to consider the gift as a loan. Payment of the loan will be made in the form of annual student contributions to the International Stu dent Trust Fund, to be used to meet emergencies In education in all parts of the world. As a measure of self-protection after tlie war, the students of Germany had organized a federation, representing all the 00,000 undergraduates of the 48 universities. The financial aid from other lands made it possible for the iedtii'ULiuii Lu esuibllsli i.iii3 Gui'inan Students Cooperative Association to provide the ways and means whereby a student with scanty financial re sources could earn an education. The main function of the German Students Cobperative Association lias therefore, been Its employment serv ice. During the last four years it has provided jobs for more than 100,000 students tor an average period of from G to 12 months. These are not part time jobs done on tlie side; they are full tin>e jobs, undertaken during the summer or at night, or during a year’s Interval In the college career; they include jobs in mines. In factories, In manual labor of all kinds. Now, that may not seem so unusual to the American, accustomed to stu dent employment. But It Is a very extraordinary development in Ger many. Under tho old traditions of German student life, manual labor was never even considered. Now most of the students arp working to support themselves for at least part of their educational career. But that Is only one Item in the work of the German Stiidents Cooperative Association. By means ot student cafeterias and coaperatlve shops, it has rcduced the cost of living for the undergraduate nearly 50 per cent. Each student is given a medical exam ination, and a doctor’s supervision is provided where necessary. 250 fellow ships have been established, Mutual Loan Societies grant annually to de serving students loans amounting to $475,000. The Association has made it possible for 20,000 students every year to secure an education, wlio other wise would be denied it. So you can see that an Important development has grown out of that act of generosity on the part of the stu dents of the world. The Association (.Continued on page four) A DREAM REALIZED NEW HOME GREETS ENTHUSIASTIC OIKLS A NEW YEAR, A NEW JIEUEDITII We begin to feel our importance as never before since we have come into possession of six beautiful permanent buildings and three temporary class room buildings in the midst of a spa cious campus covered with tail oak trees. From the Raleigh-Durham high way which skirts the campus the lofty dome of the Administration Building may be seen. The portico In front of this building has Corinthian cohmms of a modified Renaissance style, com bining grace and grandeur with an air of distinction. A long flight of steps leads up to this portico and the second floor entrance. On entering the build ing the visitor beholds a magnificent rotunda which has columns arranged In pairs, giving a view of the interior. On this same floor are the library and reading room. The society halls oc cupy the third floor, while the first floor is given over to the-olllces of the President, Secretary, Bursar, and the Post Office, beside the parlors. The rotunda construction is carried out on all three floors under the dome. The dining halls and kitchens are in a building on the side of the ciuard- rangle opposite the Aumunsnuiioii Building. The dining hall is large enough to allow for the growth that Is expected of Meredith in the near future as a result of the acquisition of her new property. Although it Is separate from the nelghboriiig dormi tories a covered passageway connects it with the first floors of these. The dormitories, for lack of better names, are at present called A, B, C. and D, Dormitory A seems to have been the most popular, since it con tains llfty-one Seniors, and they had first choice of the rooms. It is the first building to the right of the Ad ministration Building, Immediately behind it Is Dormitory B, which con tains the Inflrmary in addition to the regular quota of girls. On the oppo site side of the Quad are Dormitories C and D. Only members of the faculty are at present living in C. The offices of the Deans of Women are located on the llrst floor ot this building. D dor mitory seems to have been especially popular with the Sophomores. There Is little difference between the dor mitories, for they are all built exactly alike. The preference arises, perhaps, from Die locations and tho view. From the eastern rooms on the upper floors the whole city of Raleigh can be seen; the Fair Grounds and the campus of State College are very much In evi dence. The adjoining dormitories are con nected at each floor by passage ways, and there are passages from dor mitories A and C to the Administra tion Building. These have proved very useful during tho past week on account of the snow. rain, and mud. The auditorium Is a spacious tem porary building which adjoins Dor mitory A on one sido and the Science Building on the other. In the audi torium Is a stage large enough for the (Continued on page fotir) FIRST Y. W. VESPER IN RO TUNDA OF NEW LIBRARY WORLD FIIIENDSIIIP FUiND EXPLAINED “Student Friendship”—a term with or without meaning. “The scholar must always be of an in ternational mind. . . . The world is expecting broader visions from its young men than is the heritage of the past. Upon the student body of all lands falls the dlflicult and perilous responsibility of leadership in a new and better day.” So reads the opening paragraph from a message of the stu dents of Germany. It is most slgnifl- cant that the people, who such a short while ago, were considered deadly enomles, are now reaching out to us in the name of friendship. The purpose of the first Y. W. C. A. vesper service in the rotunda of the new library at Meredith, was to tell something of the meaning of the term “World Friend ship and the purpose of the Student Friendship Fund.” This Fund is a chest for Interna tional Friendship and through it we help students iii other countries and foreign students In America. Surely such a program is stronger than treaties, and certainly we shotlld live Christ internationally as well as in- 01 viaiiaiiy. v't:, us Aiiiui icait.siludento have been accused of taking the least participation in national and Interna tional affairs, but there is all evidence that we are changing this, The study of the World Court was the first step of the C. C. A. in the field of World Education. “Five years ago the World Student Christian Federation challenged the students of the world to “come over Into Europe" and help in tlie greatest emergency which had ever befallen university students—certainly within the last century. The Americans re sponded with their Student Friend ship Fund.” Naturally this helped tliem to forget their bitterness and hatred and certainly fostered a spirit of good-will. The students of today will lead tho nations tomorrow. How far reaching this Student Friendship will be is not known, but certainly it is one way in which we can help to bring peace among nations. The three main channels of Inter national service outreach are The World Student Christian Federation, Tho International Student Service and Friendly Relu.tlons to Foreign Stu dents in America, The Student Friend ship Fund gives us the privilege to contribute to these, Tlie ciuestlon is; If emergency relief is over, why continuo the Friendship Fund? This conception is quite nat ural because in recent years the em phasis has been upon the relief work, but ever since 1922 and 1923 it has been more than a relief fund. This year one-Ilfth of the money raised will be for natural relief of foreign stu dents, one-flfth for student self-help enterprises, one-fifth for tho “Inter national Exchange” of ideas, aspira tions and present realities. Two fifths releases personality for service and leadership. (Continued on page four) XMAS SNOW ARRIVES TWO WEEKS LATE NORTHERN COASTING RIVALLED BY MEREDITH The best part of Xmas was saved to celebrate our arrival at New Mer edith- Jack Frost, playing Santa Claus, decided to begin his fun some time during study hour on Thursday night. The Old Man was discovered however before he had accomplished his mission, for the halls were soon echoelng with excited cries: “Say, It's snow'in'!” You don’t say!” “Well. I'll de clare if it ain’t! There goes one, see?” War dances followed, accompanied by high pitched squeals of glee, excite ment ran high, and noses grew cold from many hours pressing against window panes. We tucked ourselves in at last, hoping that the new day would bring us at least enough flakes for a saucer of cream and a few snow balls a piece. It did! Friday dawned cold, gray and white; with it came a medley of “Oh’s!” “Ah’s!” and “Did you ever's?” Friday was spent in scrunching, sliding, slopping, slipping, and falling. It was on that day that many of us mastered the art of falling gracefully and then rising 'cheerfully, with a “That-wassome-fun expression. Those who missed their lessons In graceful falling on Friday were re- .warded..tli^^ next day with an extra hard “kaboomp," since Jack Frost, not satisfied with his first job, had added an extra inch of skidding material. Those who were unable to fall grace fully sought similar recreation in coasting down the hills; on pillows if available, if not chairs, boxes, or even disb pans were used. “E’very dog has his day.” but the snow had three and now our only con solation is in what the next few whiter months will bring to us. Hurrah for Jack Frost! FRENCH PLAY PRESENTED BY STUDENTS SEMons IN I’lncNcn (IIVK “L'ANf;LAIS TEL Ql” OX LE PARLE On December 17, 1925. the Teacher Training Class of the French Depart ment gave a delightful French play for tho other classes ot the department in the Phi Hall of Old Meredith. Tho title of this play was L'Anglais Tcl QIC’ on Lc Parle, a well-known comedy by tho distinguished M. Tris tan Bernard. This is probably the most celebrated and cortainly one of the most laughable of the many comedies by this* author. It lends itself very favorably also to presentation by French clubs. On this occasion it was well acted and delighted the audience. The scene is laid in a Paris Hotel, and tho loading part, that of Eng&nc, the interpreter in tho hotel, was taken by Clarissa Poteat. Her interpretation of the Frenchman, who did not know a word of English was extremely com ical and brought forth great applause from the audlcnce. The part of Betty, the English girl who had run away with a young Frenchman, was taken by Kllzabcth Purnell who showed a (Conlinucd on page four)